
fān bù bēi bāo
  • rucksack
  1. 她把帆布背包转到身后。

    She swung the rucksack ( up ) onto her back .

  2. 我把帆布背包放在车后座上行吗?

    Is it all right if I put my rucksack on the back seat ?

  3. 中华人民共和国成立后军用帆布背包开始流行起来。

    With the foundingof the People 's Republic of China , military rucksacksbecame popular .

  4. 买帆布背包时,重要的是要买的合适的。

    When buying a rucksack , it is important to get a good fit .

  5. 女孩子们开始收拾她们的曲棍球棒、帆布背包和别的随身用品。

    The girls began to gather their hockey sticks , satchels , and other paraphernalia .

  6. 每天早晨,你必须背着重重的帆布背包和步枪跑完5公里。

    You have to run five kilometers every morning , carrying a heavy rucksack and rifle .

  7. 帆布背包中的东西塞到爆?

    Rucksack packed to bursting point ?

  8. 妈妈从网上为我的侄子订购了一个上学用的匡威帆布背包,而这是我们收到的背包……

    My Mum Ordered My Nephew A Converse Rucksack For School Online And This Is What Came ...

  9. 他们三三两两地走开,消失在环绕着空地的洞穴中,又拿着绳索和帆布背包出来。

    They walked away in twos and threes , disap-peared into hidden holes that ringed the clearing , then reemerged with ropes and rucksacks .

  10. 威尔把食品包放下,莱拉也把她的帆布背包放下,四处根本没有一点阴森森的感觉,这里只有他们两个。

    Will put down the package of food ; Lyra put down her little rucksack . There was no sign of the daemon - shadows anywhere . They were completely alone .

  11. 他说的应该是玩笑话,但潜台词一清二楚:帆布背包是学生娃、而非衣冠楚楚成年男士的行头。

    He was - mostly - kidding but the subtext was clear : that rucksacks are for schoolchildren , not grown men in suits . He may have been on to something .

  12. 艾伦开始制造齿轮,他用帆布背包把原料运到工程系,而且拒绝了一位研究生的帮助。

    Alan made a start on doing the actual gear-cutting , humping the blanks along to the engineering department in a rucksack , and spurning an offer of help from a research student .

  13. 背着有意大利国籍标记的帆布背包,她在南美,中东以及越南的战火地区撰写新闻,“如果阵亡”那么她的尸体会被送往意大利大使馆。

    Reporting from war zones in South America , the Middle East and Vietnam , where a note on her rucksack instructed that her body should be sent to the Italian ambassador " if KIA " .

  14. 他单肩挎着一个绿色的帆布小背包。

    He had a small green rucksack slung over one shoulder .

  15. 他背了个帆布大背包,里面塞满了钞票。

    He 'd got a big rucksack , stuffed with notes , on his back .