
shā mò zuò zhàn
  • desert operation
  1. 他们花了16年时间与沙漠作战。

    They have spent 16 years fighting against the desert .

  2. 军队正在进行沙漠作战演习。

    The army is on manoeuvres in the desert .

  3. 军队正在进行沙漠作战演习.(陆海空军的)联合作战[演习]

    The army is on manoeuvres in the desert . combined operations [ exercises ]

  4. 洗劫比勒拜斯后,十字军和埃及联军与谢尔库赫部队将在吉萨西部尼罗河畔的沙漠作战。

    After the sacking of Bilbais , the Crusader-Egyptian force and Shirkuh 's army were to engage in a battle on the desert border of the Nile River , just west of Giza .

  5. 这首德国歌曲也吸引了在沙漠中与隆梅尔作战的英国军人。

    The German song was " captured " by the British fighting Rommel in the desert .