
dān bīng zhuāng bèi
  • individual equipment
单兵装备[dān bīng zhuāng bèi]
  1. 现代战争中,作战方式趋于网络化集团化,单兵装备和军用车辆构成了网络的大量节点。

    In modern battles , a communication network is always composed of lots of nodes , such as individual equipment and vehicles .

  2. 结合VC++和Matlab快速开发的单兵装备效能评估专家系统

    Development of ES by the Combine of VC + + and Matlab for Soldier Equipment Evaluation

  3. 单兵装备效能评估系统中虚拟现实平台的设计

    Design of VR Platform in Individual Soldier Equipment Evaluation System

  4. 基于模糊神经网络的单兵装备效能评估专家系统

    An Expert System Based on Fuzzy Artificial Neural Network for Soldier Equipment Evaluation

  5. 单兵装备系统人机工效仿真评价技术初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Ergonomics Imitation and Evaluation Technique for the Single Soldier Equipment System

  6. 该系统营造出逼真的战场环境,为单兵装备综合效能评估提供了新的实验手段。

    This system provides a reality battlefield , gives a new method to evaluate the efficiency of soldier equipment .

  7. 该作战仿真系统营造了战术对抗的战场环境,提供灵活多样的人机交互接口,为单兵装备综合效能评估提供了新的实验手段。

    The system reappearance an intense combat field , provides flexible interactive equipment , gives a new way to the study of soldier system .

  8. 本文系统研究了利用生理及生物力学监测技术对单兵装备系统进行效能评估的方法,并开发了一套专家系统软件以实现数据的重现、分析以及客观评估携行士兵身体机能状态等目的。

    In this paper , evaluating the individual equipments by physiological and biomechanical status monitoring technology is studied carefully , and a software of expert system is developed to recall 、 analyze the data obtained in the experiment and estimate the status of soldiers during treadmill walking with load carriage .

  9. 高强高模PVA纤维在单兵防护装备中的应用

    The application of high strength high modulus PVA fiber in protective equipment of single soldier

  10. 特种纤维制品与单兵防护装备

    Specialty Fiber Products & Individual Soldier Protective Equipment

  11. 随着单兵武器装备的不断升级,质量问题成为单兵作战灵活性与生存力的一个障碍。

    Along with the continuous upgrade of weapon equipments for individual soldier , the weight problem has becoming an obstacle on the flexibility and survivability for the individual soldier warfare .

  12. 美军、英军、法军等先后将该技术应用于单兵卫生装备、医疗档案管理和救生装备管理之中。

    Many foreign armies , such as that of USA , Britain , France , have applied RFID to individual medical equipment , medical archive management , and lifesaving equipment management .

  13. 将单兵数字助理装备于士兵能极大的提高战斗力。

    Equiping the single soldier numeric assistant for the soldier can enormously increase the battle efficiency .

  14. 描述了信息化时代单兵综合作战装备的发展。

    The development of sophisticated combat equipments for individual soldiers in the postindustrial era is described .