
  • 网络monoculture;monocultural;MONO Culture;plural monocultural
  1. 消费时代的单一文化令他心生厌倦,早在写作《忧郁的热带》之时,他就对“文明”社会表现出了失望感。

    The consumer filth and monoculture of the " civilised " world had depressed him ever since the writing of " Tristes Tropiques . "

  2. 相对于硅谷的“单一文化”,纽约可能洋溢着更多性吸引力,然而,尽管纽约科技界近年来取得了一些进步,但在打造源源不断的本地成功案例方面,硅谷的专注似乎仍胜过纽约的多样性。

    New York may have more sex appeal than the " monoculture " of Silicon Valley , but despite the recent progress of its tech community , Silicon Valley 's focus still seems to trump New York 's diversity when it comes to creating a sustained stream of local successes .

  3. 相反,如果她的监护人阻止她这样做(这种事时常发生),就很难算作多元文化行为,因为这是想以(姑且称作)复数的单一文化(pluralmonocultural)形式使各种文化保持分离。

    In contrast , the attempt by her guardians to stop her doing this ( a common enough occurrence ) is hardly a multicultural move , since it wants to keep the cultures separate in ( what can be called ) a plural monocultural form .

  4. 狭隘、单一文化的管理使我们陷入了灾难?

    Has narrow , monocultural management led us all to disaster ?

  5. 网络文化不是单一文化,它具有跨文化性。

    The network culture is not the single culture , it is cross-cultural .

  6. 媒介技术的发展使得全球的国际传播活动步入了一个新的领域,然而新的问题也随之出现:种种原因都可能导致世界范围内的单一文化样式。

    International communication activities of the globe have stepped into a new stage with the development of media technologies .

  7. 然而许多民族学校文化中却是单一文化一统天下,具体表现在课堂、课程和校园文化层面。

    However , ethnic school culture is dominated by a single culture which is reflected in classrooms , courses and on campus .

  8. 在以前单一文化主导的社会中,人们的信仰是比较稳定、单一的。

    In the previous time which was dominated by a single culture , human belief in China was always stable and single as well .

  9. 但在现实生活中,多元文化地区师生交往的模式几乎等同于单一文化地区师生交往模式。

    But in real life , the pattern of building up teacher-student relationship in multicultural area is the same as that of other non-multicultural area .

  10. 影响之一就是使跨国文化界表现为向单一文化主要是向美国文化靠拢;

    The first influence is that they make the transnational culture world show a tendency to be much closer to a single culture , which mainly refers to American culture .

  11. 他们认为,移民政策是外交政策的一个分支,并且,1920年代政策中的单一文化目标,已经不再适于一个谋求在全球发挥领导作用的国家。

    They argue that immigration policy is a subset of foreign policy and that the monocultural goals of policies laid down in the1920s were inappropriate for a nation seeking global leadership .

  12. 作为一把高科技双刃剑,网络在促进全球资讯流通的同时,也可以被用作传播某种单一文化价值观念的工具。

    As a two blade high tech sword , the Internet can promote the moving of the global communication , as well as a tool to transmit a single cultural concept of value .

  13. 我们要求联合国发挥更强有力的作用,以对话和协商的方式协调文化关系,抵剖任何企图以施加政治压力的手段来建立一个单一文化世界的行为。

    We call for stronger efforts by the United Nations to harmonize cultures through dialogues and consultation , as well as to resist any attempt to build a mono-cultural world by means of political pressure and coercion .

  14. 对旅游影响的研究案例多集中在城市、少数民族聚落、景区等单一文化背景的区域,而对居住在城市中心的少数民族集聚区的研究案例较为匮乏。

    In recent years , the study case is more concentrated in single cultural background region such as the city , minority settlement , scenic spots , but less concentrated in the minority areas which live in the center of the city .

  15. 即便有些对电视相亲节目中的女性语言的语言学研究,但其发现主要集中于话语权利以及会话艺术方面,并在某种程度上极大地受到了本国单一文化的影响与制约。

    Although there are some linguistic studies on the female language in TV dating shows , the findings mainly center on the turn-taking power and talking arts and greatly influenced and limited by the sole culture of the native country to a degree .

  16. 首先,学习和生活在不同的文化之中可以让学生拥有全新的视野,掌握更多的知识,无可否认,学生会处于下风,特别是当学生受到单一文化的限制时;

    First , the experience of living and studying in a different culture can give students a new perspective toreach a more informed judgment , It is undeniable that students are at a disadvantage when their mind is restrained by one single particular culture ;

  17. 要打破传统和西方任何一个单一性文化视域的局限;

    We must break the limitation of whichever single cultural horizon .

  18. 全球化并没有使东方文化或西方文化成为单一的文化。

    Globalization did not mesh eastern and western culture into one .

  19. 火把节也由一种单一的文化现象,逐渐演变成为了一定地域的共同文化节日,这正是各民族长期相融、相互影响的结果。

    It also evolved from a single cultural phenomenon to a common cultural festival of a certain area .

  20. 倘若所处境地需要改变方向,大众公司领导层的单一性文化可能会反应迟钝。

    If circumstances require a change of direction , the monoculture at the top of VW may react slowly .

  21. 没有哪个单一的文化因素会导致社会中滋生腐败,而经济因素则起着更大的作用。

    There is no single cultural factor that inclines a society towards corruption , but economic factors play a big part .

  22. 中国《喜福会》研究虽然成果很多,但多集中于冲突和身份等问题,呈现较为单一的文化政治批评。

    The reading of The Joy Luck Club in China , although fruitful , is quite simplex , centering on cultural conflict and identity mainly .

  23. 少数民族师生和汉族师生由以往相对单一的文化校园环境进入了一个多元文化并存的校园环境。

    Minority students and teachers work with Han students and teachers in the same school , in whose campus the social culture transformed from single to double or multi .

  24. 这样的结果使系统文化呈现出一种不断稳定、不断单一的文化发展趋势,以致产生文化差的完全消失,达到文化的完全均衡。

    As a result , systematic culture has the tendency of the constant and single culture development , which gets rid of culture difference and comes to the total balance of the culture .

  25. 该形象改变了传统文化中单一的文化内涵,呈现出多元化发展的态势:从残忍、贪婪、狡诈的代名词到人类内在精神依托的艺术文化符号;

    The wolf image has changed the cultural denotation in traditional culture , showing the tendency of multi-development : from cruelty , greed , cunning to some artistic cultural code on which human beings depend spiritually ;

  26. 首先分析了目前在体育教师中存在的自身素质缺陷,即教学观念滞后,教学行为陈旧;知识结构单一,文化素养贫乏;

    At first , analyzes the shortages existing in PE teachers , namely , teaching idea is behindhand , teaching action is dated , knowledge structure is single , culture quality is indigent , innovation awareness is weak , research level is low .

  27. 从单一的文化建设向文化事业与文化产业并举的转变反映了新时期理论界、文化界对社会主义文化建设理论的大胆探索和积极实践。

    The shift from a uni - dimensional focus on cultural construction to the concepts of cultural endeavors and the cultural sector has reflected the bold explorations and positive experiences of the theoretical and cultural communities in developing a theory of socialist cultural construction .

  28. 单一民族服饰文化与多元服饰文化的兼容&以旗袍为例

    Compatibility of Unitary and Multiple Costume Culture & Take Banner Gown as Example

  29. 两种文化渗透后的多样性和丰富性的内涵已远远地逾越单一的宗教文化和世俗文化的内涵。

    The variety and richness produced by mutual penetration of the two cultures greatly surpass the respective connotation of religious and worldly culture .

  30. 一个核心问题是,当我们谈论企业文化时,鲜有公司尤其是全球化公司只存在单一的企业文化。

    A central issue is that , while we talk about corporate culture , few companies , particularly global ones , have a single culture .