
  1. 在此大背景下,高校行政人员作为建设高水平高校的必然参与者,其工作的态度和能力将直接影响高校建设的步伐。

    As the participants of building higher-level University , the work attitude and the ability of Administrative Staff directly affect the pace of college construction .

  2. 努力造就一支高素质、高水平的高校教师队伍,是全面完成人才战略任务的必然要求。

    High quality and high level faculty are a must to fulfill the task of talent strategy .

  3. 第二层次重点建设一支具有国内先进水平,保持有学科优势的学术带头人和高水平的高校教师队伍;

    The second is to focus on the construction of leading role academic and technological teachers with internal most advanced level and have superiority in branches of learning .

  4. 针对调查结果,提出相应的对策和建议,为培养和造就一支适应素质教育的高水平的高校体育师资队伍提供参考。

    On the basis of the findings , this paper proposes the countermeasures with an aim of establishing and perfecting the further education system for PE teachers in universities .

  5. 建设高水平大学,高校党组织必须加强执政能力建设,不断提高执政能力,即不断提高领导学校科学发展的能力;

    To construct high-level universities , the Party organization in Universities must strengthen the construction of administrative ability , and continuously improve administrative ability . Namely , continuously improve the ability to lead scientific development of universities ;

  6. 高校高水平运动作为高校培养的新型人才,如果缺乏扎实专业知识、技能,紧靠自身得运动专技能,毕业后是难以在社会中长久、稳定的发展。

    College athletes as high level of universities is a new talent , if the lack of solid professional knowledge , skills , only the movement on its own special skill , and after graduation , is hard for a long time in society , and stable development .

  7. 高水平大学背景下高校后勤管理的创新

    On innovating Universities'Rear service management under the background of constructing high level universities

  8. 以全国36所重点办高水平排球队的高校为研究对象。

    The objects of this study are 36 institutions of higher learning , which are the keystone to form high level volleyball teams .

  9. 从1998年高校开始扩招以来,在校生的规模达到了一个很高的水平,导致高校的过程教学管理水平的高低就为了影响了人才的培养质量主要因素。

    From 1998 the universities begin to recruit , the scale of the students is up to a high level . So the level of the process teaching management becomes the main factor in the personnel training quality .