
bá shè
  • trek;trudge;wade;toil
跋涉 [bá shè]
  • [trudge;trek] 同爬山涉水。形容旅途艰苦

  • 在人烟稀少的地方长途跋涉

跋涉[bá shè]
  1. 大部分时候都是沿着被人踩得坑坑洼洼的小路跋涉。

    Most of the trek is along worn paths .

  2. 虽然还要忙着准备学校的考试,塔姆辛还是完成了从利物浦出发的漫长而艰辛的跋涉。

    Despite being in the throes of school exams , Tamsin made the long trek from Liverpool .

  3. 我们冒雨艰难地跋涉。

    We plodded on through the rain .

  4. 我在齐膝深的水中跋涉。

    I waded in knee-deep .

  5. 这对夫妇在黑黝黝的山坡上艰难跋涉。

    The couple trudged up the dark mountainside .

  6. 士兵们已在森林里跋涉了一整天。

    The soldiers have tramped through the forest all day .

  7. 他们花了5天时间才跋涉到山脚。

    It took them 5 days to trek to the foot of the mountain .

  8. 约翰继续艰难跋涉。

    John kept plodding on .

  9. 人们通常会采取一种军国主义般的“强硬”态度来对待复原力和决心,就像一个海军陆战队战士在泥地里跋涉前行、一个拳击手再战一回合或者是一个足球运动员从地上爬起来再踢一场比赛。

    We often take a militaristic , " tough " approach to resilience and determination like a Marine pulling himself through the mud , a boxer going one more round , or a football player picking himself up off the ground for one more play .

  10. 如今,食物常常要千里跋涉才能到达消费者手中。

    Nowadays , food often travels thousands of miles to get to the consumer .

  11. 她吃力地跋涉,schlepps、trains、drags、trascines重荷

    She trudges , schlepps , trains , drags , trascines her load .

  12. 我们整个夏天都在喜马拉雅山的山麓艰难跋涉

    We spent the summer trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas .

  13. 什么是“食品荒漠”?“食品荒漠”指某社区居民必须“跋涉”至少一英里的路程才能买到新鲜的肉类、奶制品和蔬菜。

    What is a " food desert " ? A community in which residents must travel at least a mile to buy fresh meat , dairy products , and vegetables .

  14. 上个月,89岁的宋章肃(SongChang-sook,音)与他的护理员跋涉200英里,从釜山来到首尔接受DNA检测。

    Last month , Song Chang-sook , 89 , traveled200 miles from Pusan with his caregiver to take a DNA test in Seoul .

  15. PaulBarker在崎岖的北部的HebdenBridge附近艰难跋涉。

    Paul Barker trudges round Hebden Bridge in the hard north .

  16. 试想一下,开一辆二手的现代伊兰特与开一辆崭新的美洲豹XJ之间的差别,肯定没有开车与徒步跋涉烂泥滩之间的差别明显。

    And the distance between driving a used Hyundai Elantra and a new Jaguar XJ is well nigh undetectable compared with the difference between motoring and hiking through the muck .

  17. 更不用说列宁(Lenin)、菲利克斯·捷尔任斯基(FelixDzerzhinsky)、托洛茨基(Trotsky)这些主角,还有那些年轻的布尔什维克热心分子们,他们在沙皇俄国与战争的废墟中跋涉,缔造出一个革命的国家,但最终却落入斯大林之手。

    Trotsky and the other young Bolshevik zealots who somehow navigated through the rubble of czarism and war to create a revolutionary state , only to hand it in the end to Stalin .

  18. 其坦克曾跋涉很远的路程,大部分已不堪使用。

    Its tanks had travelled far and were largely used up .

  19. 就让我们在新年里奋力开拓、顽强跋涉吧!

    Let us at New Year develops furiously , tenacious distances !

  20. 马儿确实十分小心翼翼地开始了夜间跋涉。

    And it certainly began their night journey with great caution .

  21. 我们看到有儿童在经过多日跋涉后死去。

    We watched children die after walking for days and days .

  22. 它讲述的是在亚马孙地区一个危险角落的艰苦跋涉。

    It concerns a trek into a dangerous corner of Amazonia .

  23. 间或有他人脚步伴随,有时我们独自跋涉

    At times the sound of other steps sometimes we walk alone

  24. 跋涉沉重吃力地行走。

    To walk in a laborious , heavy-footed way ; plod .

  25. 制作团队在稀薄的空气中缓慢跋涉

    and the team trek there slowly in the thin air .

  26. 都要为了在鄱阳湖过寒假而跋涉9000公里的往返旅行

    make a 9000km round trip to spend the winter at Poyang

  27. 长途艰辛跋涉使我困顿不堪。

    I was beaten out by the long and difficult journey .

  28. 黄昏到了,天不久就黑了下来,可他还拼命向前跋涉。

    Dusk came , then darkness , and still he pressed on .

  29. 艰难地跋涉于山岭之间横山水库水源地水质现状及保护对策

    Current Status and Protection Measures in Water Source Area of Hengshan Reservoir

  30. 我们在雨中跋涉了几小时。

    We plodded on through the rain for several hours .
