
  • 网络In a foreign land;Away from home;In exile
  1. 在他乡留学。也会很思念家乡的亲人。

    Studying abroad , you will miss the relatives in homeland .

  2. 她在他乡遇故知。

    She ran into an old friend in a distant land .

  3. 身在他乡思念你祖国和家乡的时候多吗?

    Are you sick for your country when you stay in another country ?

  4. 真心地谢谢你,敏你在他乡也好吗?

    Many sincere thanks to you , dear Min.

  5. 身在他乡为异客,估计会是一种惶惑,甚至需要摸索的生活体验。

    Moving to a new country can be a confusing , even trying , experience .

  6. 如果老板身在他乡,这样的做法永远也不会有什么好的效果。

    If the boss is far away , that is never going to work out well .

  7. “在他乡”的这几年,学到了许多也亲身感受到了许多。

    " in another region " these years , learned many by oneself has also felt many .

  8. 独自一人在他乡,就是外来之客,每当遇到佳节总会更加思念家乡和亲人。

    All alone in a foreign land , I am an outside visitor . I am twice as homesick on the festivals .

  9. 回到这个曾经让我常常但愿身在他乡的城市后,我无意中在本地民俗中心得到了一个职位。

    Back in the city that had been so conducive to wishing I was someplace else in , I stumbled into a job at a local folklore center .

  10. 也许,秋的寂寞便来自那红颜,那异客,身在他乡而无意秋色饱满的深情。

    Perhaps the fall will come from the roots of loneliness , that stranger , living in foreign land and do not intend to Autumn full of deep feeling .

  11. 大会主席蔡成华代表侨界致辞表示,海外华侨身在他乡,但永远情牵母国,心系故土,与中国荣辱与共,同舟共济。

    The chairman CaiChengHua represent speech , overseas Chinese nation said the body in the country , but always feeling brought his homeland , the heart , and China 's weal and woe , are in the same boat .

  12. 如果不去想父母为了我们的生活更幸福远赴他乡含辛茹苦打工挣钱,他们可能在他乡忍辱负重、尝遍辛苦;

    If parents do not want our lives to the well-being put up with all kinds work to earn money to go home , they may bear with the situation in the home , a taste of hard work ;

  13. 想在异国他乡落地生根可不是件容易的事。

    It 's difficult to settle down in a foreign land .

  14. 想不到我和儿时好友竟在异国他乡相逢。

    I never thought I would meet my childhood friend in a foreign land .

  15. 它使用英语对白,有各种口音,夹杂着约翰·福斯克(JohnFusco)生硬的台词,让人觉得好像是一出发生在异国他乡的老式好莱坞情节剧。

    It 's an English-language production , and the variety of accents coupled with John Fusco 's stilted dialogue call to mind an old Hollywood melodrama set in exotic lands .

  16. 我在异国他乡,寻找着自己的方向

    I 'm looking for my own way in the alien land

  17. 在异国他乡,我觉得很孤独。

    I felt I was all alone in a strange country .

  18. 我在异国他乡遇到故知。

    I ran into an old friend in the alien land .

  19. 表面上看起来,作家尤其更容易在异地他乡取得盛名。

    Writers in particular seemed to thrive in exile , real or self-imposed .

  20. 他们在异国他乡面临着以高失业率为主要特征的生存危机。

    The immigrants have to face living crisis characterized by high unemployment ratio .

  21. 她完全孤零零的在异国他乡。

    She 's all alone in a foreign land .

  22. 他把她遗弃在异国他乡,身无分文,处於困境。

    He left her high and dry in a strange country without any money .

  23. 在异国他乡的洗衣店里,我从未感到如此地愉快过。

    I wanted to explain that doing laundry abroad had never been quite so much fun .

  24. 在异国他乡,难免孤独和想家在异国他乡。

    In a foreign country , some people can 't help being homesick and feeling lonely .

  25. 在异国他乡用当地的语言与当地人交流思想,真是太好了。

    It 's really nice to exchange ideas with people in their language on their land .

  26. 饭后,他详尽地描述了他在异国他乡看到地奇怪的风俗。

    He depicted at length the strange customs after dinner he had found in that exotic land .

  27. 叶大姐,在异国他乡见到我的北京老朋友是多么开心和感动的事情啊!

    Sister Ye , how happy and touching to see my old Beijing friend in foreign land !

  28. 一方面,在异国他乡我没有太多的亲戚朋友;

    For one thing , I don 't have many friends or any relatives in a foreign country .

  29. 很显然,文化冲击是一种生活在异国他乡的人们无法避免的东西。

    Para . 8 Evidently , culture shock is something you cannot avoid when living in a foreign country .

  30. 生活在异国他乡,你需要面对亲人的异地分离,你想家的时候会怎么办?

    Live alone in foreign , far away for family , what would do when you miss family members ?