
  • 网络Online Advertisement;Online Advertising
  1. 浅论在线广告的发展历程及前景

    The History and Future of Online Advertisement

  2. 在线广告发展态势与特性分析

    Developing tendency and characteristics of online advertisement

  3. 尽管在在线广告领域,谷歌显然面临着新的竞争,但同时谷歌也正面临着来自联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission)和美国司法部(DepartmentofJustice)的双重反垄断调查。

    Google is facing antitrust investigations from both the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of justice .

  4. 在线广告继续增长,但真正的市场将在内容或其它模式,尤其对移动Web而言。

    Online ad sales are growing , but virtual goods , premium content and other models are big business , especially for the mobile web .

  5. 在线广告费率是按照CPM来定价的。

    Ad rates online are priced by CPMs ( cost per thousand impressions ) .

  6. 他在14岁时成立了CheersandTears,后来又投身在线广告业和软件开发。

    He founded Cheers and Tears by 14 , then Cameron moved on to online advertising and software development .

  7. 随着信息技术在全球的发展,Internet的出现及其广泛应用,在线广告应运而生,并成为当今世界最热门的广告形态。

    With the advancement of information technology in the world , and the emergence of the Internet and its wide application , online ads come into being and become the hottest form of advertising .

  8. 他在14岁时成立了“CheersandTears”,后来又投身在线广告业和软件开发。

    He founded " Cheers and Tears " by 14 , then Cameron moved on to online advertising and software development .

  9. 届时,公司的市值将达到1040亿美元,是其最大的在线广告竞争对手谷歌公司(Google)当前市值的一半左右。

    That would value the company at around $ 104 billion – roughly half the current value of its biggest rival in the online ad space , Google .

  10. 在美国,社交媒体的成长促进了在线广告的发展,例如Facebook上的目标广告。

    In the US , the growth of social media has contributed to the development of online advertising , such as targeted ads on Facebook .

  11. 与此同时,Facebook的扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)则开创了一种在线广告的新模式,能够根据用户的兴趣和关系有针对性的投放广告。

    Facebook 's Mark Zuckerberg , meanwhile , has pioneered a new form of online ads targeting users based on their interests and relationships .

  12. 这家刚刚起步的在线广告公司成立于2011年,创始人包括麻省理工斯隆商学院MBA勒内•赖恩斯贝格和马克•帕特以及一些工程领域的专业人士。

    This online advertising startup was formed in 2011 by MIT Sloan MBAs Rene Reinsberg and Marc Piette and a couple of engineering savvy co-founders .

  13. 目前日产就正在利用Curse战队知名玩家的社交网络影响来推广它的一些在线广告。

    Nissan is using the huge social networking reach of Team Curse pro gamers to raise awareness of some of its online campaigns .

  14. 互联网公司谷歌(Google)的高管周四表示,他们已看到在线广告市场重新企稳。该公司当日公布的业绩好于华尔街预期。

    Google executives on Thursday said that they had seen a return to stability in the online advertising market as the internet company reported quarterly earnings ahead of Wall Street forecasts .

  15. 在最大的在线广告销售商谷歌公司(Google),销售和投放搜索广告的工作,有很大一部分是由软件完成的,这意味着对销售人员的需求会大大减少。

    And at Google , the biggest seller of online ads , software does much of the selling and placing of search ads , meaning there is much less need for salespeople .

  16. 谷歌在中国有一个活跃的在线广告业务,在桌面端和移动端应用平台上分销广告;中国的智能手机制造商也使用谷歌的Android移动设备操作系统。

    It has an active business distributing online ads for desktop computers and mobile applications , and Chinese makers of smartphones use its Android mobile device software .

  17. 这家公司还帮助企业管理在线广告宣传,不仅涉及谷歌,还包括雅虎(Yahoo)、Facebook和其他网站。

    The company also helps manage companies ' online advertising campaigns , not just on Google but Yahoo ( yhoo ) , Facebook ( FB ) and others .

  18. 一项最新研究表明,相对于谷歌(Google)和雅虎(Yahoo)等互联网行业的竞争对手,传统美国传媒企业在迅速增长的在线广告领域的份额正在上升。

    Traditional US media companies are increasing their share of the fast-growing online advertising sector relative to internet rivals such as Google and Yahoo , according to a new study .

  19. 这些研究如Jones自己所言趋向于推测性,而非描述性,其重点也一样没有放在在线广告本身的互动性上。

    These studies , as Jones said , have tended to be predictive rather than descriptive , and they placed little emphasis on analyzing the interactivity of online ads.

  20. 同时,Google也直面了人们关于它以31亿美元的价格收购在线广告公司DoubleClick将可能引发在线隐私受到侵蚀的问题。

    Google has also faced concerns that its proposed $ 3.1bn acquisition of DoubleClick will lead to an erosion of online privacy .

  21. 此外,Hulu还能使苹果顺利跻身另一个它表现不佳的领域:在线广告。

    Hulu would also enable apple to put itself squarely into another where it has faltered : online advertising .

  22. 新闻集团上周同意以3500万美元的白菜价,将MySpace卖给一家由私募基金投资的在线广告网络SpecificMedia。

    Fast forward to this past week , and News Corp. ( NWS ) agreed to sell MySpace to a pe-backed online ad network called specific media for a paltry $ 35 million .

  23. 次年,谷歌又花31亿美元抢购了在线广告网络doubleclick。

    The following year it snapped up doubleclick , an online-advertising network , for $ 3.1 billion .

  24. 这一延误使得谷歌等竞争对手在在线广告领域大大抢占了先机,而这个领域几乎是aol在20世纪90年代后期创建的。

    The delay gave rivals such as Google a big head start in online advertising , an area AOL practically invented in the late 1990s .

  25. 谷歌(Google)、亚马逊(Amazon)、微软(Microsoft)和Taboola悄悄地付给世界最热门在线广告屏蔽软件AdblockPlus背后的德国初创企业一笔钱,换取后者不再屏幕它们网站上的广告。

    Google , Amazon , Microsoft and Taboola have quietly paid the German start-up behind Adblock Plus , the world 's most popular software for blocking online advertising , to stop blocking ads on their sites .

  26. Facebook称其大部分资金来自在线广告,但同时还表示,希望从虚拟商品销售中收取费用,包括社交游戏中使用的电子产品,而不是实物产品。

    Facebook says most of its money comes from online advertising . But the company also says it expects to earn money from fees charged on the sales of goods . These are digital products used in social games , not physical goods .

  27. IBM宣称,这些专利涵盖网络和电子商务的一些基本操作,其中包括使用超文本链接为用户提供建议、显示和连接在线广告的方法,以及用于更快传递在线内容的网络架构。

    The patents cover what it claimed are a number of fundamental practices in networking and e-commerce , including the use of hypertext links to make recommendations to a customer , methods of presenting and linking to online adverts , and networking architecture for delivering online content faster .

  28. 依靠这一点,谷歌赚到了足够多的钱,然后开始收购主要的在线广告公司,例如DoubleClick等。

    And thanks to that , Google has been able to build up enough cash and equity to acquire major online ad companies , like doubleclick .

  29. 例如,博雅去年代表软件供应商微软(microsoft)进行幕后游说活动,以反对互联网巨头谷歌(google)拟收购在线广告公司doubleclick的计划。

    For example , Burson has recently been conducting a behind-the-scenes campaign on behalf of Microsoft , the software provider , to generate opposition to the proposed takeover of doubleclick , the online advertising company , by Google , the Internet giant .

  30. 分众传媒将保留其在线广告代理业务好耶广告网络(allyes)、一些传统广告牌以及影院广告业务。

    Focus media will keep Allyes , its online advertising agency business , some traditional billboards and its cinema advertising business .