
  • 网络employees
  1. 在职职工、退休职工及司机HBsAg和HBV阳性率均高于其它4类人群(Р均<0·01)。

    Positive rate of HBsAg and HBV in employees , retirees and truckers were higher than that in the other populations ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 本文利用离散Leslie控制模型对江西未来人口进行预测,并以此为基础得到参保的在职职工和参保的退休职工人数,进而对社会统筹帐户基金结余进行了预测;

    In this dissertation , on the basis of forecasting population of Jiangxi by the discrete Leslie model , it get employees in active service and retired employees in pension insurance system , and forecast the balance of society pooling account .

  3. 我们一般不给在职职工送礼。

    We don 't usually give presents to people at work .

  4. 昆明市退休职工与在职职工医疗保险费用对比分析

    Expenditure Comparison of Medical Insurance Between Retirees and Employees in Kunming

  5. 单位及其在职职工缴纳的失业保险费;

    Unemployment insurance premium paid by the unit and the employees ;

  6. 132名机关在职职工体检结果分析

    Analysis on the 132 staff result of the healthy physical examination

  7. 在单基数缴费是全体在职职工分担的。

    All on-the-job worker partakes be expended in pay of single cardinal number .

  8. 我说不上这会对我们在职职工的士气有多大影响。

    I 'm not sure at what cost to the morale of our existing staff .

  9. 哦,我知道了。顺便问一下,现在贵厂有多少在职职工?

    I see . By the way , how many people are working in your factory now ?

  10. 利用2002&2004年昆明市参保人员的医疗消费数据,对退休职工与在职职工的参保情况进行比较分析。

    The article compares and analyzes the present situation by 2002 & 2004 Kunming 's medical expenditure data .

  11. 结论在职职工血脂、血糖异常发生率随着年龄的增长而增高;

    Conclusion The blood fat and blood sugar abnormal relevance ratio of the incumbency staff increases with the age .

  12. 增加了机关事业单位在职职工工资和离退休人员的离退休费;

    The salary of people in the government and other institutions and the pension for the retired was increased ;

  13. 这次军队保障性企业移交的有297个,在职职工20.9万,离退休人员8.8万人;

    The number of enterprises transferred to local government is 297 , with 209 thousand employees and 88 thousand retiring workers .

  14. 通过对上海市职工保障互助会会员生命数据的分析,作出对上海市在职职工的死亡率的估计。

    Based on the data provided by the Shanghai Workers Mutual Association , it is estimated the mortality rates of the active workers in Shanghai .

  15. 凡属本办法规定范围内的单位,均应当向社会保险经办机构办理单位和在职职工失业保险登记手续。

    All the units that fall within These Procedures shall register unemployment insurance for the units and their employees in the social insurance administrative center .

  16. 目前公司已建立完善的在职职工培训体系,为企业的长足进步凝聚了实力。

    At present , the Company has established a complete staff training system so as to accumulate sufficient strength for the long-term development of the Company .

  17. 目的通过健康体检了解在职职工的身体健康状况,增强自我保健意识,保障在职职工的身体健康。

    Objective Through undergoing the healthy physical examination to understands the staff health condition , in order to strengthen the self-health care consciousness , safeguard the staff health .

  18. 这种源于制度设计上的不公平,引起了企业在职职工和退休人员的不满,各种社会矛盾日趋显现,矛盾日趋激化。

    This unfairly devised system brings about the unsatisfaction of both the on-the-job and the retired faculties of enterprises , therefore it initiates and intensifies various social contradictions day by day .

  19. 替代率水平是指养老金收入与退休前工资收入的比率,用来表示已退休职工的养老金收入替代在职职工的工资收入水平的高低。

    The level of substitutional rate refers to the ratio of pension income and wages income before retired , which is used to express the ratio of the retired staffs pension income substituting staffs wages .

  20. 第二十条失业人员在领取失业保险金期间死亡的,参照当地对在职职工的规定,对其家属一次性发给丧葬补助金和抚恤金。

    Article 20 If the unemployed die during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation , their family dependents are to be paid one-off funeral allowance and pension with reference to local regulations on employed staff and workers .

  21. 他们要求立即发放他们积累的住房公积金,这是中国法律规定由雇主及其在职职工缴存的长期住房储金,雇主缴纳的金额相当于工人月收入的5%至20%。

    They demanded the immediate release of money they have accrued under a housing fund & allowances required under Chinese law , which can range from 5 per cent to 20 per cent of workers ' monthly incomes .

  22. 影响乡级医疗机构不合理费用发生的直接因素是:医生数;初级职称医生占医生总数的比例;是否实行新型合作医疗;医生的平均年龄;在职职工总数;实际开放床位数。

    Direct factors affecting unnecessary cost of township facilities are : the number of doctors , ratio of lower professionals , NCMS or not , average age of doctor , total working staff , and the actual opening bed .

  23. 通过对在职职工人均医疗费用增长率、年平均工资增长率、人口负担比、基金投资率等参数做出假定,分别推断出了基金不平衡的年度及整个基金入不敷出的年度。

    By assuming the average medical expenditure increasing rate , average wage increasing rate , population bring-up rate and fund 's investment rate , we deduce the year of fund 's imbalance and the year of fund 's appearing risk .

  24. 他们要求立即发放他们积累的“住房公积金”,这是中国法律规定由雇主及其在职职工缴存的长期住房储金,雇主缴纳的金额相当于工人月收入的5%至20%。

    They demanded the immediate release of money they have accrued under a " housing fund " - allowances required under Chinese law , which can range from 5 per cent to 20 per cent of workers " monthly incomes .

  25. 江汉石油管理局机械制造业的7个机厂,拥有13亿固定资产,在职职工12000人,资产和产值占石油系统专业机厂的四分之一,是石油机械制造业的一支重要力量。

    The seven plants run by Jianghan Petroleum Administration own fixed assets of 1 3 billion Yuan RMB and have 12 thousand employees , their assets and output value occupy one quarter of that of all oilfield equipment manufacturing plants in China .

  26. 纺织城占地面积约5.3平方公里,集中分布了7家国有大型企业,企业职工总数5.1万人,其中在职职工2.8万人,离退休职工2.2万人。

    Seven large state-owned enterprises were concentrated in the textile city , with a total area of about 5.3 square kilometers , and there were a total of 51,000 employees here , of which 28,000 employees are now working and 22,000 employees retired .

  27. 住房公积金指国家机关、事业单位、国有及城镇集体企业及其它城镇企业、私营企业、外商投资企业为在职职工缴存的长期住房储备金,用于职工住房的基本需求。

    Housing Fund refers to the reserve funds for long-term housing which is paid by the state organs , institutions , state-owned and urban collective enterprises and other urban enterprises , private enterprises , foreign invested enterprises for serving workers ' basic needs for employee housing .

  28. 应用B超技术对武汉科技大学校本部1076名在职职工进行腹部检查,主要检查肝、胆、脾、肾以及膀胱、前列腺、子宫、附件。

    B ultrasonic technology was employed to examine the abdomen of 1076 staff members of Wuhan University of Science and Technology ( Central Campus ), with liver , gallbladder , spleen , kidney , urinary bladder , prostata , uterus and adnexa being the focus of examination .

  29. 通过对上述技术的研究和对社保中医疗保险业务的了解,详细设计了面向医保单病种主题和在职职工医疗基金征收主题的数据仓库,包括设计的目标,总体设计的描述和整体的技术架构。

    By researching on the technology and understanding of the medical insurance business of social security , this paper designs data warehouse oriented medical single disease subject and active staff medical fund levy subject . It includes design objective , description of overall design and the overall technical architecture .

  30. 十堰市在职女职工自测健康状况的研究

    Investigation on the healthy staus of female employees by self-test Shiyan City