
hù lǐ bù
  • nursing department
  1. 护理部在ICU专科护士临床培训中的作用

    Role of nursing department played in clinical training of ICU specialty nurses

  2. 我院护理部实施ISO9000族标准的做法

    Putting forward method of ISO9000 standard by nursing department of our hospital

  3. 护理部在医院建立ISO9000质量管理体系中的职能作用

    The function of nursing department in the establishing ISO9000 system of quality control

  4. 护理部在实施ISO9000质量管理标准中的做法与体会

    The practice and experience of nursing department in implementing ISO9000 quality control standards

  5. 将贯彻ISO9000质量管理标准作为医院管理改革的一项重要任务,护理部按照医院的统一部署,认真贯彻,组织落实,取得一定成效。实施办法:组织全体护士进行分层次培训,要求人人掌握标准;

    We applied ISO9000 quality control standards in hospital management as one of important tasks in the reform of hospital management .

  6. 方法按照PDCA循环步骤进行临床教学质量控制,护理部-护士长-带教老师三级质量控制链对教学效果评价的结果与2001年加以比较,并作为下一轮循环的依据。

    Methods The PDCA circulation procedure was applied in the quality control of clinical nursing teaching . The evaluation results of the three-class quality control chain of nursing department-head nurse-clinical teachers were compared with year 2001 , and were taken as the standards of next circulation .

  7. 发挥护理部职能整合护理人力资源

    Performing function of nursing department to utilize nursing human resource better

  8. 护理部在医院成本核算管理中的作用

    The function of nursing department in hospital 's cost-accounting management

  9. 竞聘护理部主任的体会

    Experience of competitive employment to the director of nursing department

  10. 护理部在医院计算机网络建设中的作用

    The role of nursing department in developing hospital computer network

  11. 单位:一所大学医院的护理部和血液透析中心。

    SETTING : Nursing department and dialysis center in a university hospital .

  12. 护理部实施目标与成本核算管理的体会

    Experience on carrying out targets and cost accounting management in nursing department

  13. 护理部主任感知的上级社会支持与工作倦怠的相关性

    Relationship Between Perceived Supervisory Social Support and Job Burnout of Nursing Directors

  14. 护理部工作日程表的设计和应用

    Designation and Application of Schedule of Department of Nursing Management

  15. 护理部在推进护理学科建设中的实践

    A practice to advance the construction of nursing discipline by nursing department

  16. 护理部在医院评审中的作用

    The function of nursing department in the hospital accreditation

  17. 护理部护理管理方法探讨

    An exploration on nursing management methods of nursing department

  18. 护理部加强住院患者费用管理的实践与思考

    The practice of inpatient costs administration by nursing department

  19. 发挥护理部管理职能提高聘用护士整体素质

    Exerting Management Function of Nursing Department and Improving Whole Diathesis of Employed Nurses

  20. 结论护理部在医院感染管理中起到顺利推进两个规范落实的作用。

    CONCLUSIONS Nursing care department plays a positive role in carrying out the regulation .

  21. 护理部在医疗资产经营委托管理制中的职能与作用

    The Function and Role of Nursing Administrative Department in Trusteeship System of Medical Assets

  22. 护理部助理员应具备的5种意识

    Discussion on the five kinds of senses of the assistant manager in nursing department

  23. 三甲医院护理部主任岗位培训需求调查分析

    An survey on post training needs of nursing department directors of grade 3A hospital

  24. 本研究中三位护理部副主任对各自的干预对象进行为期六个月的教导对谈,对对照组护士长仍用传统管理方法。

    Then , the superintendent of nursing department coaching the head-nurses for six months .

  25. 我院护理部在社区护理管理工作中的实践与效果

    The practice and effect of community nursing management

  26. 医院信息化建设中的知识管理医院信息化建设中护理部的作用

    The Role of Nursing Department in Constructing the Managing Information Network of the Hospital

  27. 护理部在医院管理中的职能作用

    The function of department nursing in hospital administration

  28. 我院护理部对护工监管的实践与效果

    The practice and effect of supervision and management for assistant nursing personnel in nursing department

  29. 浅谈护理部对护理质量的控制

    Control of Nursing Quality by Nursing Department

  30. 而对照组病人未接受过护理部的管理干预。

    However , patients in control group had not accepted systematic intervention of nursing department .