
  • 网络liver protection
  1. 拉米夫定01g口服,qd,1年以上。同时服用复方益肝灵、齐墩果酸、维生素C等基础护肝药。

    In the meanwhile we adopted lamivudine , 0 1 po per day for more than one year , along with basic liver protection drugs , such as oleanolic Acid Tablete and vitamins .

  2. 所有研究对象在继续行护肝及支持治疗的基础上。

    Liver protection and supportive treatment were given for the two groups .

  3. 护肝片对纤维化肝组织NF-κB表达的抑制作用

    Effect of Liver-aid tablets on nf - κ b expression in rat hepatic fibrosis

  4. 结论前列腺素E1既有良好的护肝作用,又有抗肝纤维化作用。

    Conclusion Prostaglandin E1 could improve liver function and had anti-hepatic fibrosis effect .

  5. 方法治疗组22例,对照组15例,2组病例均在内科护肝综合治疗的基础上加用血浆置换(PE)治疗。

    Methods 22 cases served as treatment group and 15 cases as control group . Both groups were given similar basic medical treatment and plasma exchange .

  6. 解酒护肝饮对酒精性肝损伤大鼠血清和肝组织MDA、GSH的影响

    The Effect of Anti-Alcohol & Liver-Protection Drink on Blood Serum and Liver Tissue MDA and GSH of Rat with Alcoholic Liver Injury

  7. HBVdna阴转率联合组60%,乙肝疫苗组20%,护肝组5%,(P<0.01)。

    HBV-DNA negative rate in combining group was 60 % , in hepatitis B vaccine group 20 % , in live protecting group 5 % ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 计算肝脏指数。结果:高、中、低剂量护肝颗粒均能显著降低急性肝损伤模型小鼠血清中ALT、AST活性,提高其SOD活性,降低其MDA含量及肝脏指数。

    The activities of ALT , AST and SOD and the content of MDA in the liver tissues were determined and the liver indexes were calculated .

  9. 为证实该药的可靠性,作者进行了动物实验研究,证明软坚护肝片具有抗HBV及护肝作用。

    Animal experiments were carried out to confirm the reliability of RJHGP , and the results showed that this chinese medicine possessed anti-HBV effect and can also enhanced liver functions .

  10. 目的:探讨护肝片对中、晚期纤维化肝组织转化生长因子β1(TGFβ1)蛋白及mRNA表达的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of Liver aid Tablet on protein and mRNA expression of transforming growth factor beta 1 ( TGF β 1 ) in rat hepatic fibrosis .

  11. 方法:56例慢性活动性肝炎(CAH)患者分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组患者接受干扰素抗病毒治疗,对照组仅做一般护肝治疗,然后测定Pre-S1相对滴度和HBVDN含量进行分析。

    Methods : 56 chronic active hepatitis patients divide to therapy group and control group .

  12. 提示该方可能具有促进肝细胞RNA合成,维持肝细胞正常结构和功能的护肝作用。

    These results suggest that DCQD may play a role in liver-protection , which may promote RNA synthesis in liver cells , and maintain the normal structure and functions of liver cells .

  13. 结论:QL对BCG加LPS致小鼠免疫性肝损伤有保护作用。其护肝作用与抗脂质过氧化等因素有关。

    Conclusion : QLG has protective effect on immunologic liver injury induced by BCG plus LPS , which might be related with anti-lipid peroxidation .

  14. 灵芝发酵液浓缩固形物生物活性研究此外,在护肝作用研究中,明显降低肝脏中毒小鼠的GPT活力,GOT亦有降低趋势。

    Moreover , a research for hepatoprotective activity proved that the concentrated solids in Li Zhi Gl 2 strain fermentation liquid obviously decreased GPT activity in liver intoxicated mice and GOT as well .

  15. 经3个月常规护肝治疗后,患者丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)、HA、PⅢNP改善程度与血清TGFβ1呈负相关。

    After 3 months of regular project for CHB , the serum level of TGF - β 1 correlated with the ameliorative level of alanine aminotransferase ( ALT ), HA , P ⅲ NP negatively .

  16. 结论:护肝片可减轻肝组织的损伤及其纤维化程度,它可能在蛋白及mRNA双重水平上抑制TGFβ1的表达,从而发挥抗肝纤维化作用。

    Conclusion : Liver aid Tablet have anti fibrosis effects on CCl 4 induced rat liver fibrosis , which might be through the pathway of inhibiting the expression of TGF β 1 at both protein and mRNA levels .

  17. 结论抑制HSC的活化与增殖和TGF-β1及TβRⅠ的表达可能是护肝片抗肝纤维化作用的靶点之一。

    Conclusion Liver-aid tablets have anti-fibrosis effects on CCl4-induced rat liver fibrosis , which might be performed through the pathway of inhibiting the activation and proliferation of HSCs and the expression of TGF - β 1 and T β R ⅰ .

  18. 方法采用卡介苗加脂多糖(BCG+LPS)诱导小鼠免疫性肝损伤模型,通过检测血清谷丙转氨酶(ALT)的活性,计算脾脏等脏器指数并检查肝组织的病理损伤程度,研究黄芩苷的护肝作用。

    METHOD Using BCG plus LPS to induce immune hepatic injury in mice , by test blood serum ALT levels and organs index and pathological damage degree in liver constitution , to observe the protective effect of baicalin .

  19. 通过高脂小鼠模型和四氯化碳(CCl4)急性肝损伤小鼠模型,初步观察软胶囊降脂、护肝作用。

    On the basis of two animal models , which include high cholesterol and CCl_4 acute hepatic injury mice of model , the antilipemic and hepatic-protection functions of soft-gelatin capsules were primarily observed .

  20. 舒肝宁注射液对AVH具有快速缓解临床症状、护肝降酶及退黄的临床作用。

    Shuganning injection has a good effect on AVH in improvement of clinical symptom and recovery of liver function .

  21. 结论用体积分数为50%的乙醇一次灌胃染毒小鼠,并禁食12h可成功造成肝损伤模型,并成功应用于护肝保健食品的筛选与评价研究。

    Conclusion Mice acute liver injury model can be developed by given one dose of 50 % v alcohol and fasted for 12 hours and can be applied in evaluating the liver protection of health care foods .

  22. 护肝片显著抑制8、13周纤维化肝组织NF-κBp65蛋白的表达(P<0·01)。

    Liver-aid tablets inhibited the protein expression of NF - κ B in the fibrotic liver tissues of rats in 8 and 13 weeks ( P < 0.01 ) .

  23. 门静脉区域性中西护肝药物灌注治疗后门静脉压力下降(12±3.5)cmH2O,肝功能显著改善。

    Pressure of portal vein declined ( 12 ± 3.5 ) cmH_2O and liver function improved significantly after directly portal vein medicines infusion therapy .

  24. 实验性急性肝损伤IL-18和NO的动态检测意义及PHGF的护肝机制研究

    The Dynamical Detections and Their Significances of Interleukin-18 ( IL-18 ) and NO ( Nitric Oxide ) during Experimental Mice Acute Hepatic Injury Induced with Concanavalin-A and the Exploration of Mechanism of PHGF 's Protection Liver

  25. 方法选择肝硬化大量腹水84例,分为两组,治疗组42例,用lipoPGE1联合综合护肝+利尿剂治疗;

    Methods 84 patients with mass ascites were randomly divided into two groups . 42 patients in the treatment group were treated with Lipo-PGE 1 and diuretic treatment and procedures to improve liver function .

  26. 方法:对红丝线草的乙醇提取物进行萃取分离,分成4个极性部位,用大鼠D-氨基半乳糖(D-GlaN)急性肝损伤模型确定红丝线草保肝护肝的活性部位。

    METHODS Rat acute liver injury model was induced by D-galactosamine ( D-GlaN ), effective fractions were identified by experiments on the whole extraction and four fractions .

  27. 对照组31例,仅给常规护肝药物、静脉滴注,共30d,检测治疗前后患者血清乙肝三系,HBV-DNA及肝功能变化情况。

    The control group ( 31 cases ) were given only liver protecting drugs , ivgtt , total 30 days . Before and after treatment , patients ' blood was examined for serum HBV markers , HBV-DNA and liver function changes .

  28. 免疫细胞化学法测ICAM-1表达,丫啶橙荧光染色法和流式细胞仪测肝细胞凋亡率,评价Grz护肝作用。

    Aminoguanidine was used to confirm the target of Grz action . Expression of intercellular adhesion molecular-1 ( ICAM-1 ) was determined by immunocytochemistry . Percentage of apoptosis was detected with fluorescence microscope and flow cytometer .

  29. MODSE模型的生理生化学及组织形态学研究结论SIRS患者血浆PAB、HA水平变化可作为判断病情和监测MODS发生的敏感指标,并提示在治疗疾病过程中护肝治疗是重要一环。

    Conclusions The changes of both serum PAB and HA levels in patients with SIRS could be considered as sensitive indexes to predict the risk of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( MODS ) . It suggested that it should be important to protect liver in treatment .

  30. 目的:探讨大鼠原代培养肝细胞免疫性损伤模型病理特征,评价甘利欣(Grz)护肝作用。

    AIM : To explore the pathologic characteristics of immunologic injury in primary cultured rat hepatocytes , and to evaluate the protective effect of glycyrrhizin ( Grz ) in vitro .