
  • 网络nurse practitioner;Live-In Caregiver;registered nurse
  1. 你们认为,一位心脏外科医生,或一位职业护理师,一位骨科外科医生,

    What do you think a batting average for a cardiac surgeon or a nurse practitioner or an orthopedic surgeon ,

  2. 护理师--平均年薪:10.16美元

    Nurse practitioner -- Median annual salary : $ 101600

  3. 培训部由具有认证资格的美容师,理疗师,护理师和顾问组成,他们的认证资格包括,MLVK证书,CIBTAC和CIDESCO。

    The Training Department is shaped by certified beauticians , therapists , nutritionists and consultants with recognised certifications such as the MLVK Certificate , CIBTAC and CIDESCO .

  4. 发展我国临床专科护理师需要研究解决的问题

    Problems need to be solved in development of clinical nurse specialists in China

  5. 健康护理师会为你提供更有针对性的指导。

    Your healthcare provider will be able to provide you with more specific guidelines 。

  6. 我遇见他的时候他已经是拳击界最好的伤口护理师

    When I met him , he was already the best cut man in the business .

  7. 护理师有资格进行健康体检、处理常规外伤和疾病,并且能够开些处方药。

    Nurse practitioners are qualified to perform physical exams , treat common injuries and illness and prescribe some medications .

  8. 这家保健产品公司还帮助秘鲁分公司患乳癌的员工安排癌症专业护理师。

    The healthcare company also provides access to oncology nurses for those at its Peru facilities with breast cancer .

  9. 社区工作者,养老护理师,康复护理师,家政服务员,康乐服务员。

    Community workers , the old-age care division , the division of rehabilitation care , home attendants , recreation attendants .

  10. 且未婚比已婚、拥有护理师执照比只有护士执照,均较常使用补偿性的调适情绪。

    Furthermore , nurses who were single and had a professional registered nurse license tended to use compensatory coping more frequently than others .

  11. 如果八年的医学院生涯打消了你做医生的念头,那么不妨考虑做个护理师。

    If eight years of medical school deterred you from becoming a doctor , then you may want to look into becoming a nurse practitioner .

  12. 由于各种保健品都有可能产生副作用或药物反应,所以你应该在一个权威的医疗护理师的建议下服用。

    Because supplements may have side effects or interact with medications , you should take them only under the supervision of a knowledgeable health care provider .

  13. 通过培训获取这个领域的资格证或是学位证书的可以成为护理师,临床护士,长期护理师或是看护员。

    A certificate or degree in this field can be part of your training as a nurse practitioner , clinical nurse , long-term care administrator , or nursing administrator .

  14. 罗腾专业护理师为您进行详细诊断和咨询,充分理解您的需求,为您设计最有效的护理课程。

    You will be attended to by our fully-qualified therapists , who will carefully exam and analyze your skin and offer you the most effective long term skin care plan .

  15. 这种方法请来了世界上最小的足部护理师,他们叫做医生鱼或亲亲鱼。记者德瑞克·麦金提取得了第一手信息,或者该说是第一脚信息。

    It involves the world 's smallest pedicurists , and they 're called doctor fish or nibble fish , as reporter Derek McGinty found out firsthand , or first foot .

  16. 无论是经济衰退前、经济衰退中还是经济衰退后,有一类人员一直比较走俏——他们从事着辅助他人的生活或是照料他人生活的工作,包括快餐店员工、家庭保健护理师和美甲师等。

    Before , during and after the recession , demand for one sort of worker has been persistently stronger : jobs that involve assisting or caring for other people - from fast-food workers to home-health aides to nail polishers .

  17. 彰化基督教医院居家照护团队主要由家庭医学科医师及居家护理师组成,另包括营养师、社工师、复健师、心理师、关怀师及各专科医师为咨询对象,提供跨团队的专业服务。

    Changhua Christian Hospital is the first medical organization that provides home care service in Taiwan since 1971.The members of home care team include physicians , home care nurses , social workers , dieticians , therapists , and other specialists .

  18. 维多利亚说:“在澳大利亚,梅兰妮格兰特给我做了最令人惊叹的面部护理”。护肤师格兰特推荐的产品包括Cosmedix净肤精华(PuritySolution)(57美元)和Cosmedix净肤洗面奶(PurityClean)(70美元)。

    Victoria said : ' In Australia I had the most AMAZING facial with Melanie Grant ' The products the facialist prescribed included the Cosmedix Purity Solution ( $ 57 ) and the Cosmedix Purity Clean ( $ 70 ) .

  19. 结果①名称:赞成用临床护理专家和高级专科护理师命名的分别为47%和43%。

    Results ① Title : 47 % agreed on clinical nursing experts as the title of CNS and 43 % agreed on Advanced Speciality Nurse .