
  1. 随机对102名健康待产妇行护理心理调查(20个条目)和中国心理健康问卷(PHI)测查,发现孕妇待产中的主要心理行为问题是:①对分娩过程认识不足,心理准备不足;

    Pregnant women in labor room were tested with the Chinese personality healthy investigation ( PHI ) and performed a psychology counseling at twenty items . The main findings were that lack of knowledge and psychological preparation for delivery ;

  2. 护理心理干预改善癌症化疗患者心理状况的临床研究

    A clinical study on psychological nursing intervention to improve psychological status of patients with advanced cancer undergoing chemotherapy

  3. 射频热疗联合腹腔内化疗治疗癌性腹水的临床观察与护理心理护理对肿瘤热疗患者体温上升的影响

    Clinical observation and nursing care of patients with cancerous ascites treated by radio frequency thermotherapy combined with intraabdominal chemotherapy Influence of mental nursing on the uprise of temperature during thermotherapy

  4. 结论提出管理层重视、提高护理心理调控能力、合理调整科室人员配置、加强继续教育、社会支持等对策可减轻门诊输液室护士的压力程度。

    Conclusion The pressure can be reduced by hospital administrators attaching importance , raising adjusting ability mentally , reasonably adjusting the assignment of personal , strengthening continuing education and social support .

  5. B组:抢救及护理+心理护理+饮食护理;

    Group B was rescue and nursing + attendance of food and drink + mental nursing ;

  6. 应加强使用BIPAP呼吸机治疗的慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的生活护理及心理支持,以减轻呼吸机治疗对其心身的不良影响。

    Nursing life and physiological support in the patients ventilated by BIPAP should be reinforced so as to relieve physiopsychic bad effects of therapy with breathing machine .

  7. 护患纠纷对护理人员心理影响分析及对策

    Psychological analysis of nursing staff after nurse-patient dispute and its countermeasures

  8. 国内护理本科生心理健康的研究进展

    Research progress on psychological health of college nursing students in China

  9. 护理人员心理契约与工作满意度的相关性研究

    The relationship between psychological contract and job satisfaction among nursing staff

  10. 影响护理本科生心理健康相关因素调查

    A survey of related factors influencing psychological health of nursing undergraduates

  11. 精神病医院护理人员心理状况调查

    Psychological Investigation in Nursing Staff Working in Hospitals for Mental Diseases

  12. 某军队医院护理人员心理健康调查分析

    Investigation on Mental Health Status of Nurses in Military Hospital

  13. 临床护理教师心理应激反应及应对的调查研究

    Investigation of Response to Psychology Stress of Clinical Nursing Teachers

  14. 综合医院各级护理人员心理卫生测评结果分析

    Analysis of Evaluation Result of Mentel Health of Nursing staff in General Hospital

  15. 精神科与其他临床科室护理人员心理状况对照调查分析

    Investigation of mental states of nursing staff in psychiatric and other clinical departments

  16. 术前护理包括心理护理及健康教育,呼吸道护理;

    Preoperative nursing included psychological nursing , health education , respiratory tract nursing ;

  17. 参战护理人员心理选拔成分的构建

    A study on the elements of psychological selection for the nurses in war

  18. 目的确定参战护理人员心理选拔的成分。

    Objective To confirm the elements of psychological selection for the nurses in war .

  19. 在儿科整体护理中心理护理的作用

    Mental Nursing Effect on Whole Nursing of Pediatrics

  20. 护理本科生心理健康状况及自我效能感的相关性分析

    Analysis on relativity between psychological health status and self-efficacy feeling of college nursing students

  21. 护理人员心理压力大;

    Big psychological pressure of nursing staff .

  22. 护理人员心理健康状况分析

    Status of mental health among nursing workers

  23. 高职护理新生心理适应能力现状及优化对策

    The Status Quo of Mental Adaptability of Nursing Freshmen in Hygiene School and the Countermeasures

  24. 目的确定应急条件下军队护理人员心理选拔的项目。

    Objective To confirm the elements of psychological selection for army nurses under emergency situation .

  25. 目的探讨眼眶肿瘤外侧开眶术围手术期护理及心理护理的方法。

    Objective To investigate the nursing method for patients of orbital tumor around lateral orbitotomy .

  26. 护理人员心理健康水平及与医院情境因素的相关分析

    The Correlation Analysis Between Mental Health Level of Nurses and the Environmental Factors in the Hospital

  27. 精神科及综合医院护理人员心理健康状况及人格特征调查

    A Study on Mental Health Status and Personality Characteristics of Nurses in Mental and General Hospitals

  28. 团体心理训练对军医大学护理新生心理健康的影响

    Effect of team mental training on mental health of nursing freshmen in a military medical university

  29. 护理人员心理压力源及应对方式的调查研究

    A Survey of Psychological Pressure Source of Nursing Staff and the Ways to Deal With It

  30. 急性心肌梗死病人介入治疗术后早期康复护理对心理状况的影响

    Influence of early rehabilitation nursing on psychological state of acute myocardial infarction patients after interventional treatment