
  • 网络health-seeking behavior;health seeking behavior;Health care seeking behavior
  1. 单因素logistic回归分析,影响求医行为的因素是户主疟疾知识、户主对疟疾流行程度的认识、户主对看病的方便性的认识。

    Health-seeking behavior of the factors affecting : Univariate logistic regression analysis influencing factors as follows : Head of household knowledge of malaria , Head of household awareness of the prevalence of malaria , Awareness of the convenience of medical care .

  2. 第四章纳卡村老年人的疾病认知与求医行为。

    Chapter 4 Cognition about disease and health-seeking behavior of the old in Naka village .

  3. 目的了解某三级甲等医院皮肤性病科门诊性传播疾病(STD)患者求医行为特征及其主要影响因素。

    Objective To explore the characteristics of health seeking behavior and its related factors of sexually transmitted diseases ( STD ) outpatients .

  4. 目的了解艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者和艾滋病(AIDS)病人的生存状况、求医行为和医疗需求,为制定相关的救治救助政策提供可靠的依据。

    Objective To understand quality of life and medical care needs of people living with HIV / AIDS ( PLWHA ) and provide scientific evidence for developing relevant health care and assistance policies .

  5. 结论社会人口学特征有相互作用,其中受教育程度、性别、某些特殊职业因素是影响STDs患者初诊求医行为的重要因素。

    Conclusion social-demographic characteristics have interaction on the first visiting-doctor behaviors of STD patients , among which educational level , sex , marriage status and some special occupations are important influencing factors .

  6. 影响性病患者求医行为的因素研究

    A study on influencing health seeking behaviour among sexually transmitted disease patients

  7. 如何培养目标人群正确的求医行为?

    How can we successfully develop health seeking behavior among target populations ?

  8. 求医行为,尤其是遵医嘱行为较差。

    Seeking behaviors , especially drug compliant behaviors were poor .

  9. 性病门诊患者的感染源和求医行为特征分析

    Analysis of Infection Sources and Care seeking Behaviour among STD Clinic Clients

  10. 求医行为人际心理治疗

    Behavior of Seeking Doctor 's Help A Brief Introduction to Interpersonal Psychotherapy

  11. 144例精神病患者家属求医行为的调查分析

    Analysis behaviours of seeing a doctor for 144 patient 's family with psychosis

  12. 各类性病门诊中患者求医行为的因素研究

    Research into Health Care Seeking Behaviors in STD Clinics

  13. 潮汕地区精神分裂症患者求医行为及影响因素

    The study of help-seeking behavior before seeing psychiatrist and its related factors in schizophrenics

  14. 性病患者初诊求医行为与社会人口学特征关系的研究

    A study on relationship between first visiting-doctor behavior and social-demographic characteristics of STD patients

  15. 目的评价性病患者的社会人口学特征与其初诊求医行为的关系。

    Objective To evaluate relationship between the first visiting-doctor behaviors and social-demographic characteristics of STD patients .

  16. 性病防治所和综合医院皮肤性病科性病患者求医行为研究

    A study on health seeking behavior of STD patients in specialized STD clinicas and general hospital

  17. 台湾惊恐症及其求医行为的社会文化因素研究

    The Social Cultural Factor Study of Phobic Anxiety Disorder and Its Medical Consultation Behavior in Taiwan

  18. 糖尿病的诊断求医行为

    Behavior of Seeking Doctor 's Help

  19. 北京市丰台区流动已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染、相关知识及求医行为调查

    Investigation on reproductive tract infection among floating married women of childbearing age in Fengtai district in Beijing

  20. 农村生殖道感染妇女求医行为及影响因素研究

    Study on the Hospitalize Behavior and Its Influential Factors of Rural Reproductive Tract Infections ( RTIs ) Women

  21. 性病患者求医行为影响因素定量及定性研究

    Quantitative and Qualitative Study about the Influencing Factors of Health Care Seeking Behavior of Patients with STDs in Beijing and Jinan

  22. 如何培养目标人群正确的求医行为?一群不守规矩的人的公众暴力行为。

    How can we successfully develop health seeking behavior among target populations ? a public act of violence by an unruly mob .

  23. 目的了解上海市长宁区学生和成人的口腔保健知识知晓率、口腔卫生保健行为和求医行为。

    Objective To gather information about the dental knowledge and behavior of160 families in Changning District in order to prevent dental diseases .

  24. 儿童牙病患者家长的心理行为因素对求医行为的影响及对策

    The Effect of Psychological and Behavioral Factors of Family Membe of Pediatric Dental Patients on Seeing a Dentist and the Strategy towards them

  25. 结论佤族中的患疟求医行为不当,障碍为经济,地理,知识和技术上的不可及性;

    Conclusion Malaria treatment seeking behavior is inappropriate in Wa ethnic . The barrier is inaccessibility in economic , geography , knowledge and technical .

  26. 对求医行为的指导,除了做更为深入和个性化的宣教外,还应配合改善性病服务等措施才能取得更好的效果。

    Besides in-depth and personalized education , guidance for health care seeking behaviors should be done in combination with provision of accessible STI medical service .

  27. 目的了解性病患者求医行为与特征、预防性病、艾滋病的意识与需求。

    Objectives To learn about the characteristics of health seeking behaviors and the awareness of needs for STD and HIV / AIDS prevention in STD Patients .

  28. 结论育龄女性抑郁症患者具有明显的异常患病行为,可能通过影响求医行为而最终影响康复水平。

    Conclusion Women depressive patients of reproductive age showed specific illness behavior , which may influence their health seeking behavior and finally interfere their rehabilitation from depression .

  29. 目的了解主动监测发现性病患者的求医行为及基本流向,为制定相关政策及干预提供依据。

    Objective To investigate health seeking behavior of STD cases detected by active surveillance and their determinants , and to provide scientific evidence for formulating strategies of intervention .

  30. 云南省元阳县高疟山区居民生产文化习俗、求医行为、乡村医生专业知识及卫生服务调查

    An investigation on the custom , seeking behaviour , knowledge and health care service in the hyperendemic malaria area in Mountainous District of Yuanyang county , Yunnan Province