
  • 网络PMT;Premenstrual tension;pms
  1. 其结果:月经紊乱、痛经、经前紧张症的发生率有随每周作业时间的延长而增加的趋势。

    The results showed as follows : The incidences of menstrual disorder , dysmenorrhea and premenstrual tension in the exposed group were obviously higher than those of the control group .

  2. 其中月经周期紊乱、痛经、经前紧张症、恶阻、自然流产率随工龄增长而增加,并有统计学意义(P<005)。

    The prevalence rates of irregular menstruation , painful menstruation , nervous before the menses , pernicious vomiting , natural abortion increased with the working age ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 由于本病的精神、情绪障碍更为突出,以往曾命名为“经前紧张症”、“经前期紧张综合征”。

    Because obstacle of this ill spirit , mood is more outstanding , ever named before for " the catatonia before classics "," insecurity of classics early days is asked for integratedly " .