
  • 网络classic;classique;Adidas Originals;Classic Series
  1. 作者J.K.罗琳,从第一本开始就是经典系列。

    By J.K.Rowling . A classic series , from book one .

  2. 为了实现这个目标,保时捷设计将会开拓一系列的新的产品,比如Cargon系列的行李箱或者我们新理念下的法式经典系列。

    To support this growth , Porsche Design will come up with many new product highlights , for example the Cargon luggage series or our new concept for the French Classic series .

  3. 索尼影业(SonyPictures)根据经典系列漫画改编的影片《超凡蜘蛛侠》(TheAmazingSpider-Man)已经在票房收入方面彰显出巨大威力。

    The Amazing Spider-Man , Sony Pictures ' reboot of the comic book franchise , is already showing some superpower at the box office .

  4. 经典系列和钛系列目前不会出头领战士。

    Any plans for classic or titanium headmaster ? - No plans .

  5. 经典系列的737飞机也沿用了当时尚属新机型的757飞机的时髦内饰。

    The Classics also inherited the then-new 757 's funky new interior .

  6. 下周,我将赶赴巴西,举行企鹅新版经典系列图书的发布会。

    Next week I shall be in Brazil to launch a new range of classic publications .

  7. 以螺丝为标志的经典系列是卡地亚在全球最畅销的作品。

    To screw the classic series is marked by Cartier in the world 's most popular works .

  8. 奥运经典系列以往届奥运会产品为主,奥运品牌系列则以年轻人为目标用户,将主要提供体育用品和玩具。

    The Olympic Heritage Collection features products from previous Olympic Games , while the Olympic Collection targets young people and will mainly offer sports equipment and toys .

  9. 奥林匹克天猫店提供3类奥运官方核心特许商品系列--奥运赛事系列,奥运经典系列和奥运品牌系列。

    The Olympic store on Tmall offers official products of three Olympic core licensing collections -- the Olympic Games Collection , the Olympic Heritage Collection and the Olympic Collection .

  10. 在1980年代初期,波音公司完成了对于喷气飞机的第一次大整合并且发布了三种新型号的飞机,这些型号的飞机如今被称为经典系列。

    In the early 1980s , Boeing completed its first major overhaul of the jet , with the release of three new models in what is now called the Classic series .

  11. 经典系列的737飞机长度增加到了36.5米,比737-200飞机增加了20%,航程为4200公里,燃油效率提高了25%。

    The 737 Classics were up to 36.5 meters long , 20 percent longer than the popular 737-200 , and had a range of 4,200 kilometers or more with 25 percent better fuel efficiency .

  12. 经典系列时代在1980年代初期,波音公司完成了对于喷气飞机的第一次大整合并且发布了三种新型号的飞机,这些型号的飞机如今被称为“经典”系列。

    The classic era In the early 1980s , Boeing completed its first major overhaul of the jet , with the release of three new models in what is now called the " Classic " series .

  13. 《世界华人名人经典画册系列》是一个系统的出版工程。

    " The Classical Picture Album Series of World Chinese Celebrities " is the systematic project of publication .

  14. 2017年《好莱坞记者报》的一篇报道称,华纳兄弟考虑当年曾考虑重启这部经典电影系列,但遭遇了很多障碍,最后未能成功。

    According to an article from the Hollywood Reporter in 2017 , Warner Brothers was considering rebooting the iconic film franchise that same year but encountered a lot of hurdles before they could do so .

  15. 《包拯传奇》经典漫画系列在版权输出方面带来不小的惊喜,其版权已经销售给法国、意大利、德国、西班牙等多个国家。

    " Bao Zheng Legends " classic cartoon series in the output of copyright bring no small surprise , its copyright has been sold to France , Italy , Germany , Spain and other countries .

  16. 2005年艾丽素为了满足高端消费者需求,又隆重推出超顶级品类的“皇家世界经典”系列,从而完成了艾丽素品牌顺利进入二十一世纪国际护肤潮流的快速发展轨道。

    In2005 , to meet the increasing needs of its high level clients , Waliy launched its top level products , Waliy Royal Century Elite Series , bringing Waliy to the forefront for21st century skin care .

  17. 几乎是所有出口版本的S-300/400系列都可以装载在经典的Maz系列运输发射车上或者是拖车上。

    Pretty much all export versions of the S-300 / 400 series can be mounted on either the classic Maz truck TEL , or a towed trailer .

  18. 方便面巨头康师傅从11月1日起也将其“经典袋面系列”涨价10%。

    The biggest instant noodle group , Masterkong , raised the price of its classic instant noodles by10 percent from Nov1 .

  19. 不适用于经典自主理财保险系列。

    Not applicable to Classic Active Insurance Series .

  20. 经典:顾名思义,经典系列得名于它的品质。

    Classic : As the name suggests , Classic series is famous for its quality .