
  • 网络Tower of Experience;The Cone of Experience
  1. 经验之塔理论在高职《数据结构》教学中的应用

    Application of the " Cone of Experience " in the " Data Structure " Teaching at High Vocational College

  2. 文章开始部分介绍了计算机辅助语言学习的理论基础&建构主义理论和戴尔经验之塔视听理论。

    This paper begins with a description of learning theories & Constructivism theory and Edgar Dale 's Cone of Experience .

  3. 历史就是雄伟的经验之塔,是时间在过去时代的无边原野中构筑起来的。

    History is the mighty Tower of Experience , which Time has built amidst the endless fields of bygone ages .

  4. 以知识地图、戴尔经验之塔、自主学习理论为指导,借助知识地图的特点,更好的组织学习内容,实现多媒体教材的学习指导功能,更好的服务于自主学习。

    Knowledge map , Dell tower experience , independent learning theory as a guide , with the characteristics of knowledge map , better organizational learning content , multimedia learning materials guiding function , and better serve the independent study .