
  • 网络kindergarten teaching
  1. 教学语言是幼儿园教学活动的核心。

    Teaching language is the core of kindergarten teaching activities .

  2. 教师教学语言是幼儿园教学活动构成的关键要素之一。

    Teacher 's teaching language is one of key factors of kindergarten teaching activity constitution .

  3. 我觉得我们长久以来,把车开往了错误的方向,在幼儿园教学长达15年的卡洛琳·皮洛(CarolynPillow)说。

    I feel like we have been driving the car in the wrong direction for a long time , said Carolyn Pillow , who has taught kindergarten for 15 years and attended a training session here on the new curriculum last month .

  4. 幼儿园教学中学科特点流失的原因与对策

    Reasons and Countermeasures of Discipline Characteristic 's Running off in Preschool Education

  5. 教学过程观下幼儿园教学准备性之检视

    Review of Teaching and Learning 's Preparation Based on The Concept of Process

  6. 另一方面,幼儿园教学非语言艺术在教学过程中也有着极其重要的作用。

    On the other hand , non-language art of kindergarten teaching is most important in teaching .

  7. 论幼儿园教学的非语言艺术

    Non-language Art Teaching of Kindergarten

  8. 因此,在考察和评定幼儿园教学活动的有效性时,教学目标是重中之重。

    Therefore , instructional objectives are the most important in reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of kindergarten teaching .

  9. 幼儿教师的压力大,主要来自幼儿园教学评估、幼儿、家长及课改。

    The pressures of preschool teachers mainly come from kindergarten teaching evaluation , management of child care , parents and curriculum reform . 4 .

  10. 第三部分:结合幼儿园教学案例,具体阐述了集体授课模式和单机学习模式下的教师角色。

    Part three : Through the teaching cases in the kindergarten , the author clarified the teachers ' role in simply teaching mode and collective teaching mode .

  11. 在幼儿园教学中,音乐教学游戏化是教师普遍向往和追求的一个理想,但却发现教师在实践操作中是比较困难的或不易落实的现象。

    In kindergarten teaching , to teach the music in playing is an ideal for most teachers to desire and pursue . But it is found that in the practical operation it is difficult to implement .

  12. 第二条路径:赋予幼儿园教学以游戏精神,要求教学目标的制定遵循游戏精神,教学过程的实施发挥游戏精神,教学评价的展开借鉴游戏精神。

    The second path is giving kindergarten teaching play spirit . It requires setting teaching goals according to play spirit , the implementation of teaching process playing play spirit and teaching evaluations drawing lessons from play spirit .

  13. 园本研究是提高幼儿园教学质量、促进幼儿教师发展、推动幼儿园教育改革的重要手段,被誉为幼儿教师自己的研究。园本研究以解决幼儿园具体问题为研究宗旨;

    Kindergarten-based Research , known as a kind of research by kindergarten teachers , is an important approach to improve kindergartens ' teaching quality and teachers ' professional development , whose aim is to solve kindergartens ' problems mainly by themselves .

  14. 本文就如何提高幼儿教师音乐素质问题,及在幼儿园教学中如何合理的使用音乐教育,促使学前幼儿获得健全的知识认知、健康的审美感动、正常的人际交往和快乐的自我实现。

    This paper discusses how to improve the teachers ' music accomplishment , and talks about how to teach the music reasonably in kindergarten education so that the children can gain comprehensive knowledge , healthy aesthetic feeling , reasonable social skills and happy self realization .

  15. 幼儿教师的问题反思意识是幼儿教师专业化发展的重要途径,在幼儿园教学、游戏、师生关系、教室环境布置、幼儿生活管理等方面都有很多重要的意义。

    The kindergarten teacher 's consciousness of question reconsideration is an important way to develop his specialization . It has much vital significance in the kindergarten teaching , the play , the relationship between teachers and students , the classroom environment arrangement , the children 's lives management .

  16. 教学非语言艺术是幼儿园教学艺术的灵魂,有效运用教学非语言艺术才能更好地完成教学任务,建立良好的师生关系,形成独特的教学风格,提高幼儿园教师的教学艺术和教学质量。

    Non-language art of teaching is the spirit of kindergarten teaching art , Only effectively using the non-language art of teaching can finish teaching task better 、 establish favorable relation between teacher and children 、 form the inimitable teaching style 、 improve kindergartener 's teaching art and quality .

  17. 在教法课程的教学实践中,提倡单科教法服务于全局、服务于幼儿园教学需要理念并对学生实施五大领域模拟教学综合考核。

    In the teaching practice of courses on teaching methods , it is advocated to make the teaching methods for a single subject serve the whole teaching program and meet the needs of the kindergarten , and implement comprehensive examination of simulated teaching in " five major fields " .

  18. 生命化教育视角下的幼儿园集体教学活动研究

    A Research on Collective Teaching Activities in Kindergarten from Life-emphasized Education Perspectives

  19. 教学行为是幼儿园集体教学得以实施的关键与核心。

    Teaching behavior is the key of the collective teaching in kindergarten .

  20. 论幼儿园游戏教学的实践策略

    An Analysis of Practical Strategy of Play Instruction in Kindergarten

  21. 弗兰德斯互动分析系统在幼儿园集体教学中的应用

    Application of Flanders Interaction Analysis System in Kindergarten Teaching

  22. 论教学的游戏品格幼儿园游戏教学研究

    The Research of Play Instruction in Kindergarten THE GAME

  23. 幼儿园故事教学初探

    On the Story - teaching in the kindergarten

  24. 她们被分配到城市最好的幼儿园从事教学。

    They will be assigned to teach at the best kindergartens in the city .

  25. 幼儿园游戏教学研究

    The Research of Play Instruction in Kindergarten

  26. 新课程下幼儿园多媒体教学应用案例研究

    The Case Study of the Multimedia Assisted Teaching in Kindergarten in the Context of New Curriculum

  27. 幼儿园英语教学的问题分析与对策探讨

    A Study of the Analysis of the Status Quo and Strategy of the Kindergarten English Teaching

  28. 但它对于幼儿园音乐教学来说并不是十全十美的教学方法,仍存有很多规限。

    But it is not perfect for the kindergarten music teaching method , there are many restrictions .

  29. 因此,研究者尝试提供给幼儿园音乐教学几点建议,以供参考。

    Therefore , the paper try to provide some recommendations to the kindergarten music teaching , just for reference .

  30. 第三节是幼儿园艺术教学内容的分析:列举了几个班级亲子开放日的活动流程。

    The third section is the kindergarten art teaching content analysis , listed a few class parents open day activities .