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yòu zǐ
  • the youngest son
幼子 [yòu zǐ]
  • [the youngest son] 幼小的儿子

  • 弱妻幼子

幼子[yòu zǐ]
  1. 马萨诸塞州萨默维尔的一位母亲布莱亚·邓纳姆在她的一年级孩子和幼子一起洗澡时,看到了兄弟情谊,感到十分兴奋,于是就拍了几张照片。

    Bria Dunham , a mother in Somerville , Massachusetts , was so excited to watch a moment of brotherly bonding while her first-grader and baby took a bath together that she snapped a few photos .

  2. 他们在SandyHook惨案中痛失了他们的7岁幼子Ben。

    They lost their 7 year old son , Ben in the Sandy Hook tragedy .

  3. parturition生产幼子的动作或过程;生产。

    The act or process of bearing young ;

  4. 有很多报道称,他的幼子金正云(kimjong-woon)正被培养为接班人,但朝鲜政权迄今未向外界公布这一安排。

    His youngest son , Kim Jong-woon , has widely been reported as being groomed as heir but the regime has made no announcement to the outside world .

  5. 海豚研究中心的项目合作者凯利·贾科拉(KellyJaakkola)表示,“这种情况可能并不像人们想象的那样罕见,在很多野生动物物种中,都有雌性夺走他人幼子的情况发生。”

    It may not be as rare as one might think , says co-author Kelly Jaakkola of the Dolphin Research Center . " A femaletaking another 's infant has been seen in many wild animal species . "

  6. 所以这就是一些动物会有吃掉幼子的行为。

    Okay , this is why some species eat their young .

  7. 班纳森在皇后区长大,是3个孩子中的幼子。

    Benenson grew up in Queens , the youngest of three kids .

  8. 一位母亲,她的幼子住院了。

    A mother whose young son has gone into hospital .

  9. 2个幼子最近被马戏团收养。

    Two of the teen boys were recently adopted by the national circus .

  10. 雌性的肚子上有个袋子用来装幼子。

    The female has a pouch on its stomach for carrying its young .

  11. 独居黄蜂,为其幼子建造泥土或粘土巢穴。

    Solitary wasp that constructs nests of hardened mud or clay for the young .

  12. 《圣经》里,参拜幼子基督的博士有三个;

    In the Bible , the baby Jesus was visited by the three Magi ;

  13. 北美西南部和古巴的隐密并夜间活动的小蜥蜴;生下活的幼子。

    Small secretive nocturnal lizard of southwestern North America and cuba ; bear live young .

  14. 各种独居的黄蜂,它们为其幼子建造硬泥巢穴。

    Any of various solitary wasps that construct nests of hardened mud for their young .

  15. 幼子出生率5.2%。

    The birthrate was 5.2 % .

  16. 在那一集的剧情中,有一家人发现他们的大儿子杀害了家中的幼子。

    In this episode a family discovers that their older son has murdered their youngest son .

  17. 南美洲蛙;在其背部皮肤的凹坑里培育其幼子。

    South American toad ; incubates its young in pits in the skin of its back .

  18. 第6章幼子夭折

    Chapter 6 Death in the family

  19. 胎基本结构与成年动物相似的胎生脊椎动物未出生的幼子。

    The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal .

  20. 最后,汉朝在幼子孺子婴继承皇位后灭亡了。

    Ultimately , the Western Han Dynasty fell after the infant Emperor Ruzi Ying succeeded to the throne .

  21. 在土壤中挖巢的独居蜜蜂,为其幼子储存被之麻痹瘫痪的昆虫。

    Solitary wasp that digs nests in the soil and stocks them with paralyzed insects for the larvae .

  22. 群居昆虫部落中不能生育的成员,负责寻觅食物和照管幼子。

    Sterile member of a colony of social insects that forages for food and cares for the larvae .

  23. 乔,你要耐心和蔼地对待她,丧失幼子是件很难受的事实。

    Be patient and kind with her , Joe loss of a young child is very hard to take .

  24. 金正日不太可能在将其幼子送上政治舞台后,让其孤立无援。

    It is unlikely that Kim Jong-il would send his youngest son into the political arena to fend for himself .

  25. 而布谷鸟的幼子长大后,却可以在没有父母的指引下,飞回它们祖先栖息的土地。

    When the young ones grow up , they make their way to their ancestral lands without any help whatsoever .

  26. 同时,母鼠对于垃圾食品喜爱与习惯将遗传给自己的幼子。

    This suggests that their mothers'excessive consumption of junk food during pregnancy and breastfeeding could have got them hooked too .

  27. 德哈斯-范阿耳芬振动阿斯提阿那克斯:赫克托耳与安德洛玛克的幼子,希腊人攻占特洛伊时被杀。

    De Hass-Van Alphen oscillation The young son of Hector and Andromache who was killed when the Greeks conquered Troy .

  28. 她给那些应该记忆下来以备将来使用的,最好别对幼子孩童的父母说的事宜开立了核查清单。

    Her checklist of things best not said to the parent of a newborn baby should be memorised for future use .

  29. 当他按照当时的风尚把悼念的花圈放在幼子的尸体上时,他放声痛哭起来。

    When , after the fashion of the time , he put the funeral garlands on the boy , he wept aloud .

  30. 海南省卫Ⅸ项目妇幼子项目健康教育工作和核心信息传播效果督导评估报告

    Effectiveness of Health Education and Key Information Communication in Maternity and Child Health Care Subprogram of Health ⅸ Program in Hainan Province