
  • 网络young rabbit;immature rabbit
  1. TNF-α和IL-8在幼兔机械通气肺损伤炎症反应中的作用

    Role of TNF - α and IL-8 in the Inflammatory of Ventilator Induced Lung Injury in Young Rabbit Model

  2. 报道了近年来饲养断乳后家兔幼兔的一些初步研究成果,包括养殖场地的建设、日常饲养管理技术和疾病的防治等。

    The thesis reports the preliminary achievements of raising the young rabbit ( Oryctolagus cunielus ) after giving up milk , including construction , of the raising site raising management , prevention and cure of the disease , etc.

  3. SOD与尼莫地平对窒息幼兔脑组织的保护作用

    Protective effect of SOD and nimodipine on cerebral injury of asphyxial young rabbit

  4. 断奶腹泻幼兔肠致病性大肠杆菌LEE毒力岛的分子流行病学调查初报

    Molecular Epidemiological Investigation on LEE Pathogenicity Island of E.coli Strains Isolated from Diarrheic rabbits

  5. 小剂量红霉素对幼兔心电图QT间期的影响

    Influence of low-dosage erythromycin on young rabbits ′ electrocardiogram QT-interval

  6. 幼兔大肠杆菌LEE毒力岛的流行病学调查及兔腹泻病多重PCR诊断方法的建立

    Epidemiological Investigation on LEE Pathogenicity Island of E.coli Strains and a Multiplex PCR for Detection of Rabbit Diarrhea Disease

  7. 目的研究TNFα在幼兔胎粪吸入后BALF中的动态变化。

    To study the changes of TNF α in BALF of immature rabbits with meconium aspiration .

  8. 目的建立幼兔胃肠外营养(PN)相关肝损伤模型,探讨氧化损伤及凋亡在PN相关肝损伤机制中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the molecular mechanisms of parenteral nutrition ( PN ) - associated liver dysfunction .

  9. 目的:观察人血小板上清液(humanPlateletSupernatant,hPS)对体外培养幼兔生长板软骨细胞增殖与分化的影响。

    Aim : This study aimed at the biological effect of human platelet supernatant ( hPS ) on the rabbit growth-plate chondrocytes .

  10. 病理切片显示双歧杆菌组幼兔肝小叶完整,细胞形态基本正常,个别存在轻度炎症细胞浸润和纤维组织增生。而PN组则出现明显肝细胞变性(主要为脂肪变性)、胆管增生和胆汁淤积。

    Histologically , hepatic lobules were almost normal with occasionally low-grade inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrous tissue proliferation in PN + Bif group ;

  11. 方法20只健康新西兰幼兔(3~4周龄),利用Langendorff左室做功模型灌注其离体心脏,建立全心缺血/再灌注模型。

    METHODS The Langendorff perfused isolated working immature rabbit heart model was established .

  12. 冷血浆停搏液对离体幼兔心脏冠脉流出液CPK、LDH、ATP影响的研究

    Effects of cold plasma cardioplegia on lactate dehydrogenase , creatine phosphokinase , and adenosine triphosphate in coronary outflow of isolated immature rabbit heart

  13. 结果双歧杆菌组幼兔肝功能明显改善,血清总胆红素和胆汁酸含量较PN组显著下降(P<0.05)。

    Results Serum level of total bilirubin and bile acid in PN was higher than that in PN + Bif rabbits ( P < ( 0.05 )) .

  14. 目的研究小剂量(30mg/kg)红霉素对幼兔心电图QT间期的急慢性影响。

    Objective To learn the acute and chronic influence of low dosage erythromycin ( 30mg / kg ) on young rabbit ′ s QT intervals .

  15. 结论TNFα和IL8在幼兔机械通气肺损伤炎症反应中可能发挥重要作用。

    Conclusion TNF - α and IL-8 played an important role in the inflammatory young rabbit model of VILI .

  16. 方法:骨髓髓腔冲洗获得新西兰大白兔幼兔股骨骨髓,用全骨髓培养法进行体外培养获得BMSCs,胰酶消化传代,用条件培养基培养传代细胞。

    Method : Bone marrow was harvested from rabbit femur bone marrow with flushing method .. Adherent cells were selected as BMSCs after the whole marrow was cultured .

  17. 结论小剂量30mg/kg红霉素会引起幼兔QT间期延长,但慢性影响结果不足以进行红霉素蓄积作用的评估。

    Conclusion Low dosage of erythromycin could induce and prolong the QT intervals of young rabbits but the cumulative results of chronic influences of erythromycin could not be estimated at the moment .

  18. 目的:本实验通过建立幼兔离体心脏灌注模型,研究NF-κB抑制剂PDTC对幼兔心肌缺血再灌注损伤的影响。

    Objective : by establishing the neonatal rabbits myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury model ex vivo , the effect of NF - κ B inhibitor PDTC used to the myocardial ischemical-reperfusion injury of neonatal rabbits is studied .

  19. 卡巴多(Carbadox)对肉用幼兔生长发育的影响

    Effect of Carbadox on the Growth Traits of Rabbits

  20. 方法将动物分为轻度胎粪吸入组(16h,24h,48h,72h)、重度胎粪吸入组和对照组,通过气管内灌入胎粪0.6ml/kg和4ml/kg建立轻、重度幼兔胎粪吸入模型;

    Methods We established mild and severe immature rabbit models of meconium aspiration by endotracheal intubation imbuing meconium 0 . 6 ml / kg and 4 ml / kg .

  21. 目的了解幼兔胎粪吸入后肺组织中血栓素B2(TXB2)和6-酮前列环素1α(6&keto-PGF1α)的动态变化。

    Objective To study the changes of TXB2 and 6 - keto - PGF1 α in the , lung of immature rabbits with meconium aspiration .

  22. 研究方法:(1)分离新西兰幼兔骨髓基质细胞,在含有10%胎牛血清、维生素C、β&磷酸甘油和地塞米松的DMEM培养液中,体外培养及诱导形成成骨细胞。

    Methods : 1 , Bone marrow cells obtained from New Zealand rabbits , were cultured and differentiated into osteoblasts in medium ( DMEM ) supplemented with 10 % fetal bovine serum , ascorbic acid , beta-glycerophosphate , and dexamethasone .

  23. 目的:观察冷血浆停搏液对离体幼兔心脏冠脉流出液肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、三磷酸腺苷(ATP)的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of cold plasma cardioplegia on lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH ), creatine phosphokinase ( CPK ), and adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) in the coronary outflow of isolated immature rabbit heart .

  24. 无菌条件下将实验组幼兔左侧后肢坐骨神经和股神经切断并切除1cm。

    The sciatic nerve and femoral nerve of the left side of hind legs of young rabbit in experimental group were cut off .

  25. 方法酶消化法分离培养幼兔股骨成骨细胞,噻唑兰法(MTT)测量成骨细胞增殖率,用碱性磷酸酶试剂盒测定细胞内骨碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性。

    Methods Osteoblasts were isolated from infant rabbit thighbone by trypsin and collagenase digestion . The rate of osteoblast proliferation was measured by MTT . The activity of alkaline phosphatase ( ALP ) was measured by using ALP reagent box .

  26. 本研究针对断奶幼兔腹泻问题,根据微生态理论,采用微生物学的方法,对Hyla(伊拉)父母代断奶幼兔的肠道菌群进行研究。

    This research was carried out according to the diarrhoea question in the weaned young rabbits .

  27. 11,12-EET对长时间保存幼兔供心再灌注后心肌细胞凋亡及bcl-2mRNA基因表达的影响

    Effect of 11,12-EET on cardiomyocyte apoptosis and bcl-2 mRNA gene expression in donor hearts of immature rabbit underwent prolonged protection

  28. 方法:1.取3周龄新西兰幼兔的关节软骨制取软骨细胞,体外单层培养、扩增后种植于改良FG支架上,构建细胞改良FG支架复合物。

    Methods 1 . The chondrocytes from articular cartilage of 3 weeks old New Zealand rabbit were isolated and monolayer cultured . then the proliferation seed cells were seeded on the improved FG scaffold with BMP - 6 or not .

  29. 方法:取刚离乳的新西兰幼兔口腔粘膜组织小块,酶消化成单细胞悬液,接种后以L929细胞为饲细胞培养,定期换液、传代。

    Methods : The oral mucosa was taken from young New Zealand rabbits , and the mucosa was digested with enzyme and suspended in liquid to form cellular suspension .

  30. 方法:(1)分离3周龄幼兔关节软骨细胞并体外单层培养,将抑肽酶和氨甲环酸加入纤维蛋白胶(FG)中,构建标准FG细胞复合物和改良FG细胞复合物。

    Methods : The chondrocytes from articular cartilage of New Zealand rabbits 3 weeks old were isolated and monolayer cultured , then the cultured chondrocytes were seeded on the FG scaffold . Stabilized fibrin-chondrocyte compounds were made by adding aprotinin and tranexamic acid .