
  1. 多媒体与传统教学对幼儿健康教育效果影响研究

    Influence of multimedia teaching and traditional teaching on health education for infants

  2. 幼儿健康教育方法及效果评价

    Methods and Effectiveness of Health Education for Preschool Children

  3. 关于幼儿健康之家庭的调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of Child Health in Family

  4. 幼儿健康教育的目标与对策

    Reflections on tactics of children 's health education

  5. 社会环境亦从多方面影响幼儿健康饮食行为之培养。

    Society also affects the development of preschool children 's healthy dietary behavior in numerous aspects .

  6. 低浓度混苯业女工及其幼儿健康的调查

    The investigation on health of the woman workers exposed to low concentration benzene mixture and their infants

  7. 在培养幼儿健康饮食行为的过程中,饮食文化的影响不容忽视。

    In the development of healthy dietary behavior for preschool children , culture of eating is an important factor .

  8. 为培养幼儿健康饮食行为,必须完善相关法律法规,严格执法,加强道德建设,为幼儿健康饮食行为营造健康的社会环境。

    To promote the development of healthy dietary behavior for children , related laws and regulations should be improved and better implemented .

  9. 目的了解西宁市儿童蛲虫感染情况,更好地控制和减少蛲虫感染,保障幼儿健康成长。

    Objective To investigate the threadworm infection situation of children in out city and provide basis for the control of threadworm infection .

  10. 幼儿健康饮食行为具有个体价值、社会价值、教育价值等诸多价值。

    The thesis demonstrates the individual value , the social value and the educational value of the healthy dietary behavior of preschool children .

  11. 中西饮食文化的冲突与融合构成当代我国幼儿健康饮食行为培养的文化背景,只有对文化背景作详尽解读,才能在文化冲突与融合进程中作出理性抉择。

    Rational choice of healthy standards could not be made unless the culture background is thoroughly understood during the process of cultural conflict and integration .

  12. 幼儿健康教育在一定意义上属于耗散结构,故用其理论来指导工作,有着十分重要的现实意义。

    Infants health education belongs to dissipation structure , so it can be guided by the theory , and it is meaningful in the practice .

  13. 本文从有关幼儿健康教育的内涵与目标、内容与重心、借鉴与对策等方面进行了广泛探讨。

    This article does some extensive inquiry about the intension and the goal , the content and the heart , the reference and the countermeasure of the infant 's health education .

  14. 在幼儿健康饮食行为社会性凸显的今日,社会失范对幼儿健康饮食行为培养产生诸多负面影响。

    Nowadays , as the social value of the healthy dietary behavior for children increases , negative effects are brought about by some unbeneficial conventions on the development of healthy dietary behavior for children .

  15. 如何通过音乐教育塑造幼儿健康活泼的个性,发扬优势智能,带动幼儿多元智能全面和谐的发展?这些都是本人在研究中要解决的问题。

    How to use music education to figure infant health lovely personality , and develop superiority skill to drive infant multiple intelligences development roundly and harmoniously , all of these are the questions that I will research and settle .

  16. 幼儿健康饮食行为是指幼儿为平衡而科学地摄取各类营养素,维持生命活动,促进身心健康而采取的各种行为或行为取向。

    The healthy dietary behavior of preschool children refers to the behavior or intention of behavior of preschool children taking all kinds of nutrition balanced and scientific to maintain activities of life and to promote physical and mental health .

  17. 评价是幼儿园管理工作的重要组成部分,是了解教育的适宜性、有效性,调整和改进工作,提高教育质量,促进幼儿健康发展的必要手段。

    The education evaluation is an importance parts of management works in the kindergarten and the necessary means to understand the educational appropriateness , usefulness , to improve the work , promote the quality of the education in kindergarten , and to foster children development .

  18. 幼儿园和家庭是幼儿健康成长过程中密不可分的两个教育者,幼儿园和家庭的通力合作,关系着幼儿园的教育教学质量,高水平的家园合作是确保幼儿全面和谐发展的前提。

    Kindergartens and families are two inseparable " Educators " in the course of the healthy growth of children . Kindergartens and the families cooperation relates to the quality of kindergarten education , A high level of cooperation between Kindergartens and families is a prerequisite for the harmonious development .

  19. 来看看NHS体系下鲍德斯医院的另一个例子。一名死婴错误地被医院登记为活着,孩子一岁生辰时,微笑幼儿口腔健康机构还给它的父母寄去了一张周岁生日卡片。

    In another NHS Borders case , a stillborn baby was wrongly recorded as being alive and the parents sent a first birthday card a year later by the Child Smile oral health initiative .

  20. 幼儿心理健康评估现状和思考

    The Assessment of Infant Mental Health : Its Reality and Revelation

  21. 关于幼儿心理健康教育课程的目标及原则

    Aim and Principle of Educational Courses for Infants ' Psychological Health

  22. 要解决这些问题,需要采取诸如:提高幼儿心理健康教育工作者的专业水平、创设良好的环境等一系列的对策。

    Several countermeasures should be taken to solve these problems .

  23. 中大班幼儿亚健康状况的调查报告

    A Report on Children 's Sub - health in Kindergarten

  24. 多数非传统宠物对幼儿的健康存在威胁。

    Most non-traditional pets pose a risk to the health of young children .

  25. 紧张状态&幼儿身心健康发展的障碍

    Nervousness & an Obstacle Hindering the Healthy Growing of Infants 's Body and Mentality

  26. 影响幼儿心理健康的因素及对策

    Countermeasures and Factors of Children 's Psychology Health

  27. 论幼儿心理健康教育六大发展趋势

    Trends of Development in Infant Mental Health Education

  28. 上海市幼儿心理健康量表适用于对幼儿心理健康状况进行初级评估和筛查。

    This scale could be used as a screening instrument of infant mental health .

  29. 论幼儿心理健康教育直面的六大问题

    Six Problems in Children 's Psychological Education

  30. 树立正确的健康观念,在重视幼儿身体健康的同时,要高度重视幼儿的心理健康。

    Correct health concepts should be established .