
  • 网络children english
  1. 本文为了证明TPR教学法适合幼儿英语教学。

    TPR teaching method is regarded as one of the popular children English teaching common methods .

  2. 自毕业开始至今,一直从事幼儿英语教育研究。

    After graduating , I 'm a researcher on children English training .

  3. 两种英语教育模式下的幼儿英语pro-drop参数建立的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Children 's Pro-drop Parameter Setting between Two English-language Educational Models

  4. 充分运用教育媒体,促进幼儿英语教学

    Make Full Use of Educational Media Promote English Teaching for Children

  5. 从社会文化学视角透视家长对幼儿英语学习的期望

    Exploring Parental Expectations on Children 's English Learning : A Social-cultural Perspective

  6. YOU&ME阶梯幼儿英语学前聋儿康复实践中全纳性教育策略的研究

    Preschool English Research on inclusive education for preschool deaf children rehabilitation teaching strategies

  7. 幼儿英语语音意识的内隐学习研究

    A Study on the Implicit Learning of the Infants ' English Phonological Awareness

  8. 双语制、双方言与幼儿英语教育研究双方的帐目符合了。

    Bilingualism , Bidialectism and Children 's English Education The two accounts tallied .

  9. 幼儿英语学习是一种启蒙教育。

    Young children ′ s learning of English is a kind of early education .

  10. 在幼儿英语教学中运用礼貌策略实施素质教育

    Application of Politeness Strategies in Preschool Character Education

  11. 语音训练对幼儿英语语音意识和字母知识的促进

    Phonological Instruction Promotes the Phonological Awareness and Knowledge of Letters of Children in Kindergarten

  12. 教师在幼儿英语浸入式情境化教学中的作用至关重要。

    Teachers play an important role in situational teaching of Children English Immersion . 4 .

  13. 幼儿英语浸入式情境化教学丰富了对情境化教学的传统认识。

    Situational teaching of Children English Immersion enriches our traditional understanding about situational teaching . 3 .

  14. 我主修幼儿英语教育专业。

    I majored kids English education .

  15. 然而,在我国,幼儿英语学习的条件还不够好。

    However , the condition is not good enough for infants to learn English within our country .

  16. 论幼儿英语教育

    On English Education of Infants

  17. 幼儿英语教育在我国刚刚起步,各种教学法的应用都处在起步阶段。

    The pre-school English education has just begun in our country and various teaching methods are employed in this early experimental stage .

  18. 另外,本文还针对当前的幼儿英语教学设计了一系列可行性教学措施。

    Besides , a set of feasible teaching measures and relevant skills of English teaching are designed for the current child English teaching in China .

  19. 研究还发现,幼师专业英语教师在教学中有关非语言交际的训练方法是可行的。这有助于发展幼师专业学生的交际能力并培养相关的幼儿英语教学技能。

    The experiment also indicates the training methods on NVC are practical and helpful to develop students ' communicative competence and relevant kindergarten teaching ability .

  20. 以以保证质量为前提,实现数量与速度的协调发展为指导思想,提出了幼儿英语专业师资培训工作的具体实施方案。

    The plan of training professional English teachers is put forward as a guiding ideology about the unity of large quantity , rapid speed and high quality .

  21. 摘要幼儿英语教学法已经成为学前教育新兴的一门专业课程,幼儿英语教学法课程改革是一项具有创新意义的课题。

    English language teaching in kindergartens is a new course of pre-school education offered in the college , and its curriculum reform is an issue of originality .

  22. 家长方面,家长逐渐认识到培养对幼儿英语学习的兴趣的重要性以及重视语言的功能性作用。

    Third parents recognize that it is important to cultivate chirdren ' interest in learning English . They also pay attention to the role of functional languages .

  23. 其对教学流程的细致分析,对探索适合中国国情的幼儿英语教学法,幼儿英语教师问题的解决,也有一定的参考价值。

    The detailed analysis of English-teaching procedures can also be basis for exploration of the suitable method for teaching children English in China and the solution to the lack of preschool English teaching staff .

  24. 西班牙幼儿英语教材中的活动设计具有一般幼儿教育活动设计的共同要素,也有作为活动设计的个案所具有的特殊参与要素。

    The activity design in the preschool English textbooks in Spain involves the common elements of the general preschool educational activity design , as well as including the special participation elements as the activity design case .

  25. 主要采用问卷调查、访谈、观察等研究方法调查了南昌市幼儿园英语教育中的现状,包括:对幼儿英语教育的认识、幼儿英语教育工作的实施内容和途径、家园合作以及幼儿英语教师的情况。

    The main methods in the study are questionnaire , interview and observation . The main contents included in the study are as follows : understanding of English education ; contents and ways of English education ;

  26. 本文介绍了自1997年在我国开展的幼儿英语浸入式教学研究项目、幼儿园英语浸入式实施方案、幼儿园英语浸入式整合课程及幼儿园英语浸入式教学的初步效果。

    This paper introduces the development of English immersion for young children in China , the characteristics of early English immersion project and the integrated curriculum , and the effects of early English immersion in kindergartens .

  27. 不同于其他国家作为事实课程、缺乏行政法律赋权及保障的状况,幼儿英语教育在西班牙是作为法定课程而设置。

    Unlike the situation in other countries as a fact course and the lack of the empowerment and protection of the administrative law , the preschool English education in Spain is put in the place of statutory curriculum .

  28. 随着经济活动的日益全球化,英语的巨大作用日益凸显,英语教育的低龄化使幼儿园英语教育成为教育界的一个热点话题,我国的幼儿英语教育也正逐步广泛开设。

    With the increasing globalization of economic activities , the tremendous role of the English language has become increasingly prominent . English education at a younger age has made kindergarten English language education become a hot topic in the field of education .

  29. 当然,多媒体技术本身并不是解决一切英语教学问题的万能药,其有效性会受到一定因素的制约,本文分析了影响幼儿英语教学的因素,并对教师提出了要求。

    Multimedia technology can not solve all the foreign language teaching problems , its effectiveness will be subject to certain factors . At last , this paper analyzes the factors affecting the teaching of English children and puts forward requirements for teachers .

  30. 随着中国学前教育的创新发展,创办享有良好社会声誉的特色幼儿园已成为众多家长的首选,开设幼儿英语课已经成为幼儿园的特色必修课。

    With the innovational evolvement of the preschool education in China , the best choice for the parents is to select a kindergarten with good reputation for their children . English is also getting to be a compulsory course in the kindergartens .