
  • 网络The Journal of Finance
  1. Ritter(1991)发表在《金融杂志》上的《IPO股票的长期表现》一文拉开了IPO股票长期弱势研究的序幕。

    The paper The long-run performance of initial public offerings by Ritter ( 1991 ) published on Journal of Finance served as the prelude of study on it .

  2. 资产投资与金融杂志。

    Journal of Property Investment & Finance .

  3. 中国银监会主席尚福林近期在《中国金融》杂志上发表的文章上表示,我国将推进金融市场退出机制的常态化和,规范化,建立适合我国国情的法律体系。

    China will promote normalization1 and standardization2 of the financial market exit mechanism3 and the upcoming legal system will be in line with China 's conditions , Shang Fulin , chairman of the China Banking4 Regulatory Commission , said in a recent article to the fortnightly China Finance .

  4. 我们请来了《金融时报》杂志的东欧部主编,史蒂芬•瓦格斯泰,让他就此次会谈进行深入剖析。

    We 're joined by Stefan Wagstyl ----- he 's East European Editor of the Financial Times for a closer look at this .

  5. 虽然我在金融报纸和杂志上阅读过关于收费型综合业务的业务重点和演变的文章,但您向我讲述的全都是第一手的资料和经历,并且还有您透彻深刻的评论。

    Although I have read in the financial newspapers and magazine on the emphasis and evolvement of the fee based business , you have provided me a first-hand knowledge and insightful observation .

  6. 史蒂芬•瓦格斯泰,《金融时报》杂志东欧部主编我想他们有一个确定的议程,就像我们刚才听说的,其中包括伊朗问题和伊拉克问题。

    STEFAN WAGSTYL , EAST EUROPEAN EDITOR OF THE FINANCIAL TIMES I think there 's an agenda . Iran is on the agenda , as we 've just been hearing . Iraq is on the agenda .