
  • 网络primary responsibility
  1. 我们知道,企业是温室气体的主要责任者。

    As is known to all , enterprise is mainly responsible to greenhouse gas .

  2. 而企业作为环境问题的主要责任者,在这一过程中必须充分发挥主导作用。

    As the main responsible for environmental issues , the enterprises must fully play the leading role in this process .

  3. 材料工业既是人类文明的物质基础,又是环境恶化的主要责任者之一。

    Material industry is not only the material basis of the human civilization , but also one of the main courses of environmental pollution .

  4. 材料产业是资源(能源)消耗和污染排放的主要责任者之一,并由此产生了深刻的生态环境问题。

    Materials industry is an important responsible area of resource ( energy ) depletion and waste emission , which results in severe ecological and environmental problems .

  5. 3主要责任者是,机动车司机(占56.09%)、行人(14.21%)和道口工(13.20%)。

    2.3 The main responsible people were motor drivers ( 56.09 % ), trespassers ( 14.21 % ) and track maintenance workers ( 13.20 % ) .

  6. 政府是薄弱学校改造的主要责任者,各级政府应积极有为:1.强化改薄意识,办好每一所学校;

    The government is responsible for the reformation and should do its duty well : First , strengthen the ideal of reformation and found every school well .

  7. 外在研究视角则集中在误解的辨认、误解的主要责任者、误解的修复及有意误解方面。

    The former refers to the nature and source of miscommunication , and the latter denotes recognition , main responsibility , repair attempts , of misunderstandings and deliberate misunderstandings .

  8. 以乙方作业队为主要责任者的乙方承包责任项目管理,首先是对乙方作业队的选择,包括对乙方承包队伍的资信验证和对施工作业队伍的优选;

    The project management of Party B contracting responsibility with work team from Party B as principal responsible person is to select a work team for Party B , which includes financial standing check and selection for contracting body ;

  9. 而发展中国家坚持认为发达国家是气候问题的主要责任者,基于公平原则,他们应该率先减排,并向发展中国家提供资金和技术上的支持。

    The developing countries insist that developed countries should be primarily responsible for climate issues . Based on the principle of fairness , they should take the lead in emission reduction , and provide developing countries with financial and technical supports .

  10. 进行赔偿的人是主要责任承担者,与他交易的人能对他进行起诉。

    The person make an indemnity is primarily liable and can is sued by the person with whom he make the transaction .

  11. 直接的个人、家庭、政府先后成为满足社会成员养老需求的主要责任承担者,20世纪70年代末以来世界范围内养老保险的市场化改革,又将个人责任推向了主体地位。

    Individual , family , government have successively become the undertaker of the aged welfare . And , the individual responsibility have been pushed to the subjective position by market-based reform of the aged pension system in the whole world since the end of 1970s .

  12. 与此同时,境外投资的出资公司作为国有资本境外投资风险控制的第一责任人和主要责任的承担者,应成为风险控制的核心和实践主体。

    At the same time , as the first responsible person , the funding company of overseas investment should become the core and the subject of risk control .