
  • 网络dominant firm;leading firm
  1. 当其它企业也仿效主导企业依次从进入贸易活动到进入生产性活动后,一个地区的产业集群就可能由依托专业市场而发展起来。

    After the other firms imitate the dominant firm and turn from the trade to the manufacturing business , a regional industrial cluster could come into being by depending on the specialized markets .

  2. 在社会高速发展的今天,区域经济的快速发展在很大程度上取决于地方企业的稳定和进步,而其中主导企业更是发挥着领头羊的作用。

    With rapid development in the community today , the rapid development of the regional economy depends largely on the stability and progress of local enterprises , which play a dominant firm is a leader role .

  3. 第三、四和五章采用案例分析方法,对PC产业中的英特尔公司、微软公司和戴尔公司三家主导企业的商务模式模块化创新和演化进行研究分析。

    Chapter 3 , 4 and 5 make case studies to the business model innovations and evolutions of the main corporations in PC industry , such as Intel , Microsoft and Dell .

  4. 作为一家创新企业,谷歌(google)用自己的免费搜索技术为消费者带来了诸多好处,它也由此成长为一家利润丰厚的市场主导企业。

    Google is an innovative company that has produced many benefits for consumers with its free search technology . In turn , it has become a highly profitable enterprise with a strong market share .

  5. 从全球范围来看,RAPP是数据带动营销及分析的主导企业。

    Globally , RAPP is the leader in data-driven marketing and analytics .

  6. 长丰汽车公司作为国内SUV市场上的主导企业,如何应对竞争环境的变化,通过制定科学合理的品牌营销战略来确保企业的持续稳定发展是一个亟待解决的问题。

    Facing the changeable environment desiderates an how to insure the stable and sustainable development through formulating the reasonable scientific strategy of brand names marketing .

  7. 从缺少女性CEO到男性主导企业董事会,公开发言中缺少女性的现象(特别是在科技、工程、投资和金融服务等行业)反映出了更广泛的问题。

    The dearth of women in public speaking reflects broader issues , from the lack of female chief executives to the predominance of men on corporate boards , particularly in industries such as technology , engineering , investing and financial services .

  8. 通过柯达公司(Kodak)的案例分析,剖析了成长过程中的策略行为,并提出了政府对主导企业的行为应采取的措施。

    By case study of Kodak , we analyze how Kodak uses these strategies to gain and hold his dominance . We also present the reasonable government policy to the behavior of the dominant firms .

  9. 尽管目前预测ext5将会是什么样子还为时过早,但有一点是很明确的,它将主导企业级Liunx系统。

    Although it 's too early to know what 's coming for ext5 , it 's clear that it will lead the way for enterprise-ready Linux systems .

  10. 主导企业不同的治理模式对供应商的影响不尽相同。

    The effect of governance to suppliers differs with governance patterns .

  11. 一种面向混合供应链中主导企业的销售预测模型

    A Sales Forecasting Model for Manufacturer in Hybrid Supply Chain

  12. 主导企业的横向边界变动并不明显。

    Leading companies ' horizontal boundaries will not change obviously .

  13. 虚拟主导企业如何保持其知识优势

    How the Virtual Dominant Enterprise Maintains its Knowledge Advantage

  14. 主导企业适应突破性创新的组织方法选择研究

    The study of incumbent firms ' choice of organizational approach to adapting to radical innovation

  15. 具体的研究对象上选择了一个产业中的在位主导企业和引入激进型技术创新的进入者。

    Incumbents and entrant in the competition of industrial leadership is a good object to analyze .

  16. 制定地方主导企业体发展规划时需要了解其自主创新能力。

    The development plan of Leading Enterprise needs to be aware of their capacity of independent innovation .

  17. 主导企业的发展给一些中小创业者施加了压力。

    Pressure applied to a number of small and medium entrepreneurs in the development of leading enterprises .

  18. 加快促进企业集群中主导企业及核心企业的形成,要把它们推向竞争激烈的国际市场。

    Speed up the birth of dominant type enterprises and put them into the highly competitive international market .

  19. 随着绿色消费在全球的兴起,绿色企业将成为未来的新型主导企业。

    Along with green consumption spring up in global , green enterprise will turn into new pattern and dominant enterprise .

  20. 在提升创新能力方面,地方主导企业要明确方向,就必须进行自主创新能力的绩效评价。

    If local enterprises want to enhance the innovative capacity , it must clear direction , evaluate capability of independent innovation .

  21. 突破性技术变革的频率正在不断加快,而主导企业在技术范式的转换过程中却经常绩效下滑甚至被新进入企业替代。

    The frequency of radical technological changes is increasing , but dominant firms often fail drastically and are displaced by new entrants .

  22. 这对中国铁路建设行业是一个非常好的消息。该行业的主导企业只有3家大型国有企业。

    That is very good news for China 's railway construction industry , which is dominated by just three large state-owned companies .

  23. 目前已建成和发展了一批各具特色的农业主导企业,包括农产品批发市场、加工厂、零售企业。

    At present Hebei province has founded agricultural leadership enterprise , including the agricultural product wholesale market , the processing factory and the retail sales enterprise .

  24. 超市作为生鲜农产品供应链上的主导企业,能够带动供应链主体的规范化、标准化发展,对供应链资源整合,供应链整体运作效率的提高,具有积极的促进作用。

    As the leading enterprise on supply chain of fresh agricultural products , supermarket will promote normalization and standardization of other main bodies on supply chain .

  25. 如果新技术只破坏了主导企业的技术能力而没有破坏互补性资产的价值,那么主导企业的绩效将会改进;

    If new technology only destruct dominant firms ' technical capabilities but not the value of complementary assets , then established firms ' performance will improve ;

  26. 再加上网络效应对消费者的锁定,以及间接网络外部性对互补产品生产商的影响,使得这些主导企业搜刮了行业的大部分利润。

    Dominant company makes the most profit from two ways : Dominant Design standard locks up consumers and indirect Network Externalities have influences to Supplementary product supplier .

  27. 当突破性创新发生时,产业中原有的主导企业由于受在位者惰性的影响,通常不能继续保持领先地位,被产业的新进入者超越。

    When breakthrough innovations happened , once dominant enterprises in some industries often lost the leading position and were outdone by new entrants owing to incumbent inertia .

  28. 现实中,随着零售业的变革,下游零售商很可能在产业链中成为主导企业,从而导致零售商要求生产商交纳通道费的现象十分普遍。

    With the reform of retailing industry , retailers are becoming the dominant firms in industry chain , as a result of the prevailing phenomena of slotting allowance .

  29. 研究分析了擅长于渐进性创新的主导企业如何经由特定的组织方法对突破性创新的挑战做出回应,并构建出了相应的组织方法选择模型。

    This study examines how incumbent firms who are good at incremental innovation can simultaneously respond to the challenges of radical innovation and builds a corresponding model of choice of organizational approach .

  30. 本文根据交易费用理论分析了主导企业对治理模式的选择问题,并指出了对发展中国家可能产生的影响。再次,分析了价值链上的增值和升级的影响因素。

    This article analyses the choice of governance patterns by lead firms , and point out possible influence on developing countries . Thirdly , factors in getting profit and upgrading are analyzed .