
  1. 将此系统的技术进一步结合GIS技术,推广到市政管理相关领域,必将大大推进城市数字化管理的进程。

    If the related technology of system integrate with the GIS technology and further promote to the field of the urban municipal management , it will greatly push forward the construction for the digital management of city .

  2. 青岛城市数字化工程研究

    Study on " Urban Digitalization Proiect " of Qingdao City

  3. 城市数字化与生态环境的关系浅析

    Discussion on the Relations between City Digitalize and Ecology Environment

  4. 中小城市数字化建设技术体系的研究

    Study on Technical Framework of Digital City Construction in Middle or Small City

  5. 城市数字化建设过程中核心技术的讨论

    Discussion on the Key Technology of Digital City Construction

  6. 城市数字化测图中图根支导线测站点设置问题的探讨

    On Distribution of Station Points for Open Traverse in City Large Scale Digital Mapping

  7. 城市数字化与建筑智能化

    E City The Future of Intelligent Building Technology

  8. 浅谈城市数字化煤气管线的测量方法

    Measuring Methods of Digital Urban Coal Gas Pipeline

  9. 城市数字化及新技术应用

    Urban Digitization and New Technology Application

  10. 城市数字化探讨

    Discussion on Urban Digitization

  11. 城市数字化所使用的技术方法随着现代IT技术和相关空间信息技术的发展而不断发展。

    The technologies applied in urban digitization have been updated along with the development of modern information and spatial information technologies .

  12. 而且项目应用的经验对我国城市数字化、信息化的建设,具有一定的理论意义和实际参考价值。

    And project experience in the application of digital cities in China , information building , has some theoretical and practical value .

  13. 智能化住宅小区是信息时代的必然产物,也是城市数字化发展的必然趋势。

    Intelligent community is an inevitable result of the information age , and is the inevitable trend of development of the Digital City .

  14. 本文结合中国的实际,针对实现绿色、科技、人文、可持续发展北京奥运目标,阐述了城市数字化和建筑智能化是历史发展的必然。

    The article is based on Chinese practice , mainly about Green , Technology , humanities and Continue development . The intelligent building and city digitalization are the necessity of history development .

  15. 近些年来随着城市数字化建设的兴起,以及交通、电力等地理网络的迅速发展,空间网络分析的重要性已越来越突出,对空间网络分析的研究也越来越深入。

    In recent years , with the construction of digital urban , geographical networks such as transportation , power and so on have been fast developed , which have made the spatial network analysis more and more important .

  16. 随着城市数字化、信息化的发展,城市道路交通数据采集技术日益成熟,为评价城市道路交通运行状况、实现道路交通的智能化管理提供了丰富的数据基础。

    With the development of urban digitalization and information technology , the urban road traffic data collection techniques have become increasingly sophisticated , providing a rich foundation of data for the evaluation of urban road traffic operational conditions and the implementation of intelligent managements of road traffic .

  17. 城市规划数字化及其综合研究框架

    Summarization of frame work of comprehensive study of urban planning digitalization

  18. 城市部件数字化调查系统的研究与实现

    Design and Implementation on Digitization Investigation System of Municipal Component

  19. 城市规划数字化管理及集成应用模式探讨

    Discussion on the management of urban planning digitalization and mode of the integrating application

  20. 我国山地城市的数字化建设与研究

    Paying More Attention to the Construction & Research on Digital Mountainous City in China

  21. 北京城市社区数字化管理现状与发展研究

    Study on Digital Administration of Beijing Urban Community

  22. 城市供热数字化系统的研究

    Study on Municipal Digitization System for Heat-supply

  23. 美国加州一名电脑程序员埃里克·菲舍尔根据2000年美国人口普查数据,创作了几十个美国主要城市的数字化地图,结果在地图上显示出美国的“种族划分区域”。

    Eric Fischer , a California computer programmer used the2000 Census of America to create a series of digital maps of dozens of majors cities , which show continuing racial divides in the country .

  24. 目前,国家充分重视城市管理数字化、信息化发展方向,以集成现代信息技术,与城市管理相结合,实现管理理念的创新为目标。

    At present , enough attention is paid to urban management , information technology development , to integrate modern information technology , in order to combine with urban management , innovation management concepts to achieve the goal .

  25. 对长沙市以及其他城市解决数字化城市管理建设中各方面的问题,推进数字化城市管理进程,提供了一些可参考的途径,起到了抛砖引玉的作用。

    Some may refer to the way of changsha or other cities how to solve the various aspects of the problem in the construction of digital city management , promote digital urban management process , has played a valuable role .

  26. 随着信息处理技术和网络技术的快速发展,数字地图已逐步成为地理信息系统、智能交通运输系统、数字化城市和数字化国防建设等方面必需的保障资源。

    With the fast development of information processing technology and network techniques , digital vector map has becoming the necessary resource being widely used in GIS , intelligent transport system , digital city , digital national defense construction and so on .

  27. 以人为本的城市公共空间数字化导向系统设计

    Design of People-oriented Digital Guidance System for Urban Public Space

  28. 城市森林景观数字化及其关键技术研究

    Study on digitalized urban forest landscape and its key technology

  29. 浅谈城市排水管网数字化管理与分析系统

    Elementary Introduction to Digitizing Management and Analyzing System of Urban Drainage Pipeline Network

  30. 城市规划管理数字化技术探讨

    Study of digitalization technique for urban planning management