
  1. 生活与效率的平衡&城市支路网的完善与空间重塑

    Balance between Life and Efficiency - Completion and Space Rebuilding of Urban Branch Road Network

  2. 由于历史的原因以及在路网规划中不重视支路网的规划,导致许多城市支路网密度低下,并影响城市居民的居住生活和制约城市经济发展。

    Due to historical reasons and lack of attention on local road network planning , the density of the local road network in many cites is low , which affects the living quality .

  3. 以此,摒弃传统的宏观研究角度,从微观层面论证城市支路与城市用地功能的作用关系,认识支路对城市用地功能适应性(弹性)作用。

    Thus , to abandon the traditional perspective study , interaction between land function from microcosmic level demonstration city branch and the city land use function , understanding branch ( elastic ) effect on city adaptation .

  4. 并对棚户区改造中支路重建工程进行了分类,研究了城市交通微循环支路网的设计方法。

    Classify branch of rebuilding in the modification of shanty towns , research the urban traffic micro-circulation network design method .

  5. 目前我国城市道路交通中,一些城市次干路和支路中存在着机动车和自行车混行现象,这种混合交通影响了道路交通秩序,增加了交通事故隐患,降低了道路通行能力。

    At present , it exists motor vehicles and bicycle mixed traffic in some urban roads and the slip roads in the urban road traffic system . This phenomenon influences the road traffic network , increases traffic accident hidden trouble , and decreases capacity in traffic network .

  6. 城市电网的最大供电能力是指在城市电网任意支路(线路、变压器)无过负荷条件下所能供应的最大负荷。

    The load supplying capability ( LSC ) of urban distribution network is the maximum load which can be supplied by the network without any branch ( line and transformer included ) exceeding its capacity .

  7. 支路对城市交通和市民生活具有重大作用,然而我国城市普遍缺乏支路系统。

    Local street system are important to everyday urban life but they are increasingly missing in our cities .