
  1. 城市水务设施特许经营理论分析BOT项目特许协议的风险研究

    Study the scope of urban water engineering facilities concession Risk Analysis of BOT Projects Concession Contract

  2. 对发行股票、合资、发行市政债券、BOT等各种水务融资模式进行了比较分析,认为BOT模式仍不失为目前城市水务投融资的较优融资方式。

    After making comparative analysis on all financing modes such as stock issuance , joint ventures , municipal bonds issuance , and BOT , it is believed that the BOT mode is preferable one in the investment and financing of municipal water affairs .

  3. 中国城市水务融资模式探析

    Probe to the Financing Mode for Municipal Water Affairs in China

  4. 第九章是促进城市水务产业健康发展的对策建议。

    Suggestions on promoting the healthy development of municipal water industry .

  5. 城市水务系统投资结构优化研究

    Research on investment structure optimization of the city water affair system

  6. 城市水务现代化评价研究

    Study on the Evaluation of the City Water Affairs ' Modernization

  7. 我国城市水务产业市场化管理模式研究

    Study on Market-Oriented Management Style of Urban Water Industry in China

  8. 第四章是关于城市水务产业发展历程与发展模式的探讨。

    The discussion about the municipal water industry and its development models .

  9. 我国城市水务市场发展趋势浅析

    Evaluation of development trend of urban water industry in China

  10. 第三章是关于城市水务产业内涵与发展基础的研究。

    The internal meanings and development foundation study of municipal water industry .

  11. 第五章对城市水务产业的结构、行为与绩效进行了研究。

    The study on municipal water industry structure , conduct and performance .

  12. 探索城市水务管理开创广西水资源工作新局面

    Probing into city water affairs management , start Guangxi WR work new phase

  13. 加强我国城市水务管理的对策研究

    Study on Enhancing the Management of Urban Water Affairs

  14. 本文对城市水务行业内的其他企业具有参考价值。

    The article is of reference value for other enterprises of same industry .

  15. 第八章是中国城市水务产业发展存在问题与改革探索的研究。

    The study on the problems and reform of Chinese water industrial development .

  16. 中国城市水务产业立法的逻辑分析与基本框架

    The Logical Analysis and Basic Framework of Legislation about Chinese Urban Water Supplies Industry

  17. 我国城市水务业的发展动向

    Development Trend to Urban Water Industry in China

  18. 2002年起,全国各地掀起了新一轮的城市水务市场化改革。

    As from 2002 , the nation raised a new one round urban water supplies marketability reform .

  19. 德国的城市水务

    Urban Water Management in Germany

  20. 第四部分是本文的第六章,它主要进行城市水务系统的效率以及核心竞争力的研究。

    It mainly researches on the efficiency of water management and core competence of a water management system .

  21. 而对于我国的水务产业规制改革,无论是进入规制还是价格规制,短期内对城市水务产业的普遍服务实施是产生负面效应的。

    Regulatory reform has a negative effect to the universal service implementation of the urban water industry in short-term .

  22. 应对水危机、解决水问题,其关键在于做好城市水务工作。

    Coping with water crisis and solving water problems that the key is to do the work of urban water .

  23. 在第二节中,本文从法律、管理机制、产权和投融资四个方面详细分析了目前我国城市水务事业存在的问题。

    Then , the thesis points out the problems in the law , regulation , property rights and investment and finance system .

  24. 国内关于城市水务产业一词使用的频率比较高,但很少有人对其概念进行界定。

    The term of " Municipal water industry " is frequently used in China , but few people have defined its concept .

  25. 作者认为本论文可能有以下几个方面的创新:(1)城市水务产业发展的研究路径。

    The author thinks the innovations of this article include : ( 1 ) The research method of municipal water industry development .

  26. 本研究成果对于促进我国城市水务管理,提高城市居民的饮用水质量具有重要意义。

    This guarantee system will be helpful in promoting the city water management and raising the city drinking water quantity in China .

  27. 与此同时,城市水务行业的运行却存在着运营效率低下、管网落后、供水产销差率大的严重问题。

    At the same time , there exists a low operational efficiency , pipeline network outdated and serious water slips in urban water industry .

  28. 城市水务运营服务的系统服务和单元服务存在着显著的区别,其对应的产权形式也各不相同。

    Notable differences are existed between system service and unit service in urban water affairs operative services and type of property it encounters varies .

  29. 城市水务是关系经济和社会发展的重要基础设施,同人民群众的生产生活息息相关,须臾不能离。

    Water supply is the very important infrastructure which affects the development of economics and society and is closely related to the production and living .

  30. 长期以来,我国城市水务事业一直采取国有国营、地方政府运作的发展模式。

    For a long time , the city water business of our country has been the model of government-owned , state-run and local government control .