
  • 网络Water Efficiency;water use efficiency;water-use efficiency;WUE
  1. 浅谈发展工业节水技术提高用水效率

    Discussions on developing industrial water-saving technologies for enhancing water efficiency

  2. 第三章,长江、黄河流域灌溉用水效率分析。

    Chapter three is the irrigation water efficiency analysis of the Yangtze and the Yellow River basins .

  3. 对经济发展程度不同的地区来说,用水效率的影响因素略有不同,但人均GDP是它们共同的一个影响因素。

    The regions with different level of development are slightly different in the factors influencing the efficiency , per capita GDP , however are the common factor in all regions .

  4. 通过遥感监测的ET,不仅可以对农业用水效率、灌溉系统性能作出更符合实际的评价,还可服务于流域水资源管理和区域水资源利用规划。

    The estimated ET based on the remote sensing is not only useful for evaluating agricultural water ′ s use efficiency and irrigated system performance , but also helpful for managing river water resource and planning regional water resource utilization .

  5. 调整产业结构、控制人口规模、提高用水效率等控制措施对抑制水需求过快增长具有明显作用,到2030年可消减水量5.4亿m3,水环境得到改善。

    The main proposed measures include industry structure regulation , population control , and the improvement of water use efficiency , all of which are quite helpful to constrain the excess increase of water demand .

  6. 结果表明,影响全部城市用水效率差异的主要因素有四个,其中,人均GDP、第三产业比重与用水效率呈正相关,而人均水资源量、人均生活用水量呈负相关。

    The result shows that there are four main factors influencing water use efficiency . Per capita GDP and the proportion of the third industry are directly proportional to the efficiency while per capita water resource and residential use water are inversely proportional .

  7. DSS是一个规划工具,通过对不同策略下田间配水及供水系统的模拟分析及综合决策,寻求最优的策略集合,以达到节约灌溉用水量、提高农业用水效率及维持农业可持续发展的目的。

    Using DSS as a planning tool , through simulation analyses of the field conditions , water allocation and supply system and comprehensive decisions , the optimal strategies set is sought in order to save irrigation water , increase agricultural water use efficiency and maintain agricultural sustainable development .

  8. 世界上许多地区同样也已经大规模提高用水效率,Gleick博士称,如此产生的费用自然比淡化要低廉。

    Many parts of the world also have enormous scope to use water more efficiently , argues Dr Gleick & and that would be cheaper than desalination .

  9. 详细论述了Feddes模型的理论基础及该模型中两个主要参数&潜在干物质增长率和最大用水效率的确定方法。

    In this paper , the rationale of Feddes model and the evaluation mathod of potential growth rate in dry matter and maximum water use efficency are explained in detail .

  10. 结果表明,交替滴灌使灌溉用水效率明显增加,产量水平上的水分利用效率达58.0kg/m3,可节约用水30%以上并增加产量;

    The results showed that alternate-drip irrigation obviously increased the water use efficiency . The irrigated water was saved by 30 % compared with controlled fixed drip irrigation , the WUE computed by yield level was over 58.0kg/m3 and yield was the highest among the three irrigation treatments .

  11. 提高农业用水效率促进农业可持续性发展

    Raise Agriculture Water Rate to Promote Sustainable Development of Agriculture

  12. 紫花苜蓿耗水规律及其用水效率研究

    Summary of researching on the dynamic regulation of water consumption of alfalfa

  13. 我国农业水资源形势更为严峻,而且用水效率低下,水资源浪费与短缺并存。

    The agricultural water shortage in China is especially serious .

  14. 加大水的管理体制改革力度,提高用水效率,是解决水资源短缺和浪费,实现水资源可持续利用和发展的治水新思路。

    To reform management system to enhance the efficiency of water usage .

  15. 区域用水效率与节水潜力的能值分析

    Emergy Analysis for Water Use Efficiency and Water Saving Potential

  16. 农业用水效率较低。

    The using efficiency of Agricultural water is lower .

  17. 灌溉施肥对棉花产量及用水效率影响的研究

    Study on impacts of irrigation and fertilization on cotton yield and water use efficiency

  18. 通过提高用水效率来减少支出,扩大收入。

    Efficiency improvements should be introduced to reduce costs and expand the revenue base .

  19. 说明该区域农田有效灌溉程度低,工业用水效率不高,水资源开发利用程度低,水利建设难以满足社会经济发展的需要;

    Water conservancy construction is not satisfied with the development of society and economy .

  20. 主要成效有:用水效率大幅度提高;

    The main effects are as follows : the water use efficiency has raised obviously ;

  21. 不同灌水条件下烤烟耗水特征和用水效率的研究

    Study on Water Consumption Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Flue-cured Tobacco under Different Irrigation

  22. 井渠结合灌区用水效率指标尺度效应研究框架

    Scale effect research framework of irrigation water use efficiency indices in well-canal combined irrigation area

  23. 如何提高每个工业企业用能和用水效率也变得越来越重要。

    It becomes more important how to improve the energy-consuming and water-consuming efficiency of each industrial enterprise .

  24. 目前我国灌溉用水效率很低,农业节水成为可持续发展的热点话题和难题。

    Thus , water saving agriculture becomes a hot topic for sustainable development and a difficult topic too .

  25. 二是在现有水资源供给条件下,提高用水效率、减少浪费,实现供求自然平衡。

    Efficiency of water use should be raised and waste of water resources reduced to realize a natural balance .

  26. 其对策措施:一是加强需水管理,提高用水效率;

    The seven options are proposed . One is to strengthen water demand management and improve water utilization efficiency .

  27. 且现行的种植业结构及作物种群大多数用水效率低,农民科技素质低;

    Besides , the low efficiency of utilization of water exists in current cropping system and most crop communities ;

  28. 如何设计有效的边界控制方案保证蓄水水位的稳定,成为解决明渠引水系统用水效率问题的关键。

    How to design proper boundary control to guarantee the water depth to be stable has become the key point .

  29. 花铃期缺水对棉花干物质积累和用水效率的影响

    Effects of Water Deficiency on Dry Matter Accumulation and Water Use Efficiency in Cotton During the Flowering and Fruiting Stages

  30. 我国工业用水效率总体水平还较低,节水潜力很大。

    There is a great potential of water saving in industry due to the low water use efficiency in China .