
  • 网络user interface design;ui design
  1. 我们很容易将Web应用程序和网站搞混,就像搞混用户界面设计与网页设计一样。

    Confusing Web applications and websites is easy , as is confusing user interface design and website design .

  2. IBMRationalRapidDeveloper支持一个非常丰富的用户界面设计的环境。

    IBM Rational Rapid Developer supports a very rich user interface design environment .

  3. EAST装配仿真的三维交互和用户界面设计

    The Design of 3D Interaction and User Interface for EAST Assembly Simulation

  4. 模型驱动的Web用户界面设计模式

    Model-driven Web User Interfaces Design Patterns

  5. NET相似的设计界面,因此对于可视化的用户界面设计你有相似的感觉。

    NET , so you get a very similar look-and-feel to visual user-interface design .

  6. LOOP代数的结构应用程序用户界面设计

    The Construction of the LOOP Algebras The Design of Users ' Intersection

  7. 《数字信号处理》实验的MATLAB用户界面设计

    The Design and Application of MATLAB User Interfaces for Digital Signal Processing Experiment

  8. 拖拉机排气消声器CAD的用户界面设计

    Users Interface of Tractor Exhaust Muffler CAD

  9. 导弹天线罩CNC修磨机床用户界面设计与应用

    Design of the User Interface for a Radome CNC Grinding Machine Tool

  10. 基于网络系统的CAI用户界面设计

    The Design Based on the Network System of CAI User Interface

  11. 介绍了基于μC/GUI的嵌入式图形用户界面设计。

    Embedded graphic user interface design based on μ C / GUI is introduced in this paper .

  12. 微机CAD软件中用户界面设计技术&菜单管理系统设计

    The Study on Design Technique of User Interface in Microcomputer CAD Software & The Design of Menu Management System

  13. 介绍了在VISUALFOXPRO8.0中,创建基于顶层表单初始化用户界面设计的方法。

    This paper introduces the method with that the initial user interface is designed based on the top-level form in Visual FoxPro 8.0 .

  14. 对于高级用户界面设计来说,作为可选的开放源代码平台,Linux已经把握住了先机。

    Linux is leading the pack as the open source platform of choice for advanced user interface design .

  15. MIS用户界面设计与实现

    Design and Implement of User Interface MIS

  16. 今年29岁的她创建了一家小工作室youknowwho,专注于网页和移动应用的用户界面设计也叫“前端”体验。

    The 29-year-old founded you know who , a small studio specialising in user interface design also known as the " front-end " experience for web and mobile applications .

  17. 开销(overhead)任务,如数据库设置和用户界面设计,需要不少的技巧集。

    Overhead tasks such as database setup and user interface design require no small set of skills .

  18. 分析了GIS空间数据库管理以及图形用户界面设计等较为关键的应用技术;

    Analysis the key application technique of GIS spatial database management and graphical user interface in the process of building the system ;

  19. 基于Qt的国际化图形用户界面设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Internationalized Graphical User Interface Based on Qt

  20. 研究了STAGE软件的图形界面设计技术,提出了导演台图形用户界面设计开发的方法和实现途径。

    The thesis provides the design methods and the attainable way of the director 's graphical user interface through the research of the GUI designing techniques of STAGE .

  21. 介绍AutoCAD应用程序的用户界面设计技术(用户菜单设计、工具条设计及使用ARX开发工具制作应用程序封面等)。

    The technique of designing user interface for AutoCAD was introduced .

  22. 系统使用J2EE技术实现用户界面设计,体现了Java语言的平台无关性和良好的安全性。

    The system uses the J2EE technology to design the user interface , which reflects the Java language platform-independent characteristics and good safety .

  23. 用户界面设计和开发近年来有了一些改变,有人可能会说Java平台并不能保持。

    User interface design and development have changed a lot in recent years , and some would say the Java platform hasn 't really kept up .

  24. 实践证明,本GUI系统能够较好满足图形用户界面设计的要求。

    In practice , this GUI system can meet the demand of graphics user interface programming on the whole .

  25. PowerBuilder用户界面设计的研究与实践

    Study on the designing of user interface of PowerBuilder

  26. 根据这个框架,ARM端的软件需要涉及到三个层次,即驱动开发、应用程序编程以及图形用户界面设计。

    Based on the software frame , there are three levels of the software , including the drive development , application programming and GUI design .

  27. 利用MATLAB的图形用户界面设计功能(GUI),在MATLAB6.5下编写了图形化的一般遗传算法软件。

    A general . graphical user interface genetic algorithm software in MATLAB 6.5 with GUI function of MATLAB , is designed in this paper .

  28. 为了验证接收图像的正确性,开发了基于Qt的图像用户界面设计。

    In order to verify the correctness of received images , the user interface was designed based on Qt .

  29. 随着信息技术进入后PC时代,手机用户界面设计逐渐成为人们评判手机设计优劣的关键因素。

    Along with the info-tech coming into the post-pc time , user interface design of mobile phone has gradually become the key factor of design evaluation for mobile phone .

  30. 同时在B/S端程序开发过程中,应用了MVC(模型视图控制器)模式,使得用户界面设计架构具有良好的可扩展性。

    At same time , applied the MVC ( Model-View-ControlIer ) mode in the B / S program , it makes the user-interfaces architecture have the favorable extensibility .