
  • 网络Fit curve;fitting curve;SPLINE
  1. 目前灰色系统理论在建立GM(1,1)模型时通常采用假定拟合曲线通过建模数据第一点来确定积分常数,从而得到预测公式的方法。

    When grey systematic theory at present set up GM ( 1 , 1 ), it assumes that fit curve passes the first point of modeling data to confirm the integral constant , thus obtained to forecast formula .

  2. 利用1MeV脉冲电子加速器的电子束对铝合金试件进行轰击,得到了熔化材料的喷射冲量与电子束轰击能量间的拟合曲线。

    Aluminum samples are bombarded by an electron beam produced by an 1 MeV pulse electron accelerator and the experimental fit curve between electron beam energy density and the blow-off impulse of aluminum target is obtained .

  3. 在剔除非法数据之后,我们使用BP网络来进行曲线模拟,以得到离散点的拟合曲线。

    After getting rid of the unlawful data , BP-network is used to get the line of .

  4. 用EXCEL及其规划求解功能拟合曲线方程

    The application of EXCEL and " Plan to ask and solve " function in fitting curve equation

  5. 并在此基础上对识别后的拟合曲线进行3D数据的计算讨论,解决了取样及数值计算的算法问题。

    According to these , the 3D data calculation is discussed for recognized fitted curve , and the problem of sampling and numerical calculation method is solved .

  6. 采用拟合曲线定量分析方法获取心腔声学造影TIC参数,并分析参数在不同的心功能水平的差异。

    The parameters of TIC were obtained by curve fitting . The differents of parameters was analyzed in different cardiac function .

  7. 通过对比Lorentz函数与叠加函数对实验谱线的拟合曲线,给出了Doppler效应展宽谱线的直观图像,估算了Doppler效应导致谱线的增宽量。

    By contrasting Lorentz with Integrated fitting curve for experiment data , a visual picture of the characteristic lines broadened by Doppler effect was exhibited .

  8. 本文利用求泛函的极小在抛物型边界条件的假设下,给出了寻找三次spline拟合曲线的方法。

    The author gives a simple algorithm of the cubic spline fitting curve under the parabolic boundary condition by way of finding the functional minimal function .

  9. 基于物理模型的B样条曲线变形在力学上类似于一根曲杆在外力作用下产生整体变形,其数学模型上就好像在原有曲线的基础上,加上了一条光滑的误差拟合曲线。

    The deformation is just like a crooked stick to produce a deformation under the external forces in mechanics , or like a smooth error curve fitted by given conditions adding up to original curve in mathematics .

  10. 在此基础上获得了各自的爆炸波峰值超压随传播距离的拟合曲线和TNT当量比。

    Using the technique , the peak overpressure vs scaled distance fitting curves of blast wave and TNT equivalent have been obtained .

  11. 所以把试验数据中荷载和挠度代入本文计算公式,采用MATLAB语言计算机程序,反算剪切刚度,并通过数值计算方法拟合曲线求出最优解。

    So the test data into the load and deflection formula for calculating this article , a computer program using MATLAB language , anti-shear rigidity balance and , through the numerical method to derive the optimal solution curve .

  12. 提出了一种基于AutoCAD的水利工程数据的插值方法。采用VBA开发技术,直接利用了AutoCAD绘制拟合曲线时采用的数学插值算法对离散数据进行插值计算,而不需要构建繁琐的插值函数。

    Through VBA programming , the interpolating algorithm is applied to create fit curve in AutoCAD from scattered data and interpolate its value at certain point without constructing complex interpolation equation .

  13. 基于拟合曲线可以对PTFE膜材在使用若干年后的力学性能进行预测,为膜结构的耐久性设计提供了依据。

    Based on these curves , the mechanical properties of PTFE coated fabric after a number of years are predicted , providing the basis for durability design of membrane structure .

  14. 采用VB语言编制调节系统测试诊断程序,通过调用测试数据,拟合曲线、公式,对调节系统的主要功能测试结果进行诊断评价。

    Compiles governing system test diagnosis program by using VB language , it can diagnose and evaluate the main function and test results by calling the test data , the fitting curves and formulas .

  15. 而污水排放量同人均污水排放量的增长则呈现截然相反的趋势,EKC拟合曲线也呈现出不一样的关系。

    While the wastewater with sewage emissions per capita growth presents the opposite tendency , EKC curve fitting also presents different relations .

  16. 以B样条数学模型为基础,本文提出了带能量项的最小二乘法拟合曲线和曲面的方法,并利用带能量项的最小二乘拟合曲线方法,提出了对扫描数据的蒙皮法逼近曲面的方法。

    Based on the mathematics modeling of B-spline curves and surface , the algorithm of least-squares fitting to curves and surfaces with energy items is proposed , and the algorithm of skinning approximation to scanning data by lays is presented using the algorithm of least-squares fitting to curves .

  17. 从垂直喷射高度H与轧制方向射流宽度L的试验拟合曲线可知,射流边界近似为抛物线。

    The fitting line from the data of the vertical spray 's height and the jet flow width of rolling direction from experiments showed that the jet boundary line was approximately a parabola .

  18. 为了测量纳米材料的热扩散率,采用激光光热位移技术测量了不同频率下热位移的相位,由相位的拟合曲线得到材料热扩散率的方法,得到了不同退火温度下纳米TiO2热扩散率。

    A method for measuring diffusivity of nanometer material by means of laser photothermal displacement technique is presented , which measures the phase of thermal displacement in different frequencies and gives the diffusivity of material by fitted curves of phase .

  19. 应用分数布朗运动场模型对切削工件的表面图像进行纹理分析,提取纹理特征后,根据分形维数D和图像上对数功率谱的拟合曲线的平均斜率k来判断刀具的磨损状态。

    The image texture of turning workpieces was analyzed using fractional Brown movement model . After abstracting the texture character , the cutting tool 's abrasion state can be determined according to fractal dimension D and average slope of the fitting curve of the logarithm power spectrum .

  20. 并进一步给出利用二次Bezier曲线及Coons曲线绘制计算毛坯图(截面图及直径图)的拟合曲线公式。

    Using Bezier and coons curves , fitting curves for smoothing the billet chart ( cress-section and diametral chart ) are calculated and drawn by computers to get more precise results .

  21. 计算细胞克隆存活分数,多靶单击模型拟合曲线并计算Dq、D0、SF2值和放射增敏比(SER)。

    The cell survival fraction was computed by clone for - mation . Cell survival curve was fitted by multitarget one-hit model , and D_q , D_0 , SF_2 , sensitizing enhancing ratio ( SER ) was calculated .

  22. 并以光谱和光电测量资料为例,通过分析PDM技术中拟合曲线的计算,说明了它的性质与应用。

    With the examples in reduction of spectral observations and in analysis of photoelectrical measurements , and also with the dissection of how to get a fitting curve in PDM technique , the characters and applications of the Time-Window smoothing are illustrated .

  23. 拟合曲线的决定系数(R2)为0.21±0.09(P<0.01)。

    The coefficients of determination ( R ~ 2 ) of fitting curve were 0.21 ± 0.09 ( P < 0.01 ), so the BMD reference database of Qingdao women were established by cubic regression equation .

  24. 先根据统计直方图的特点选取Hermite插值曲线在插值点处的导数值和可调整的插值点,然后根据面积约束确定调整值,从而得到拟合曲线。

    First selects the Hermite interpolation curve according to the statistical histogram characteristic the interpolation spot which and may adjust in the interpolation place derivative value , then basis area restraint determination adjustment value , thus obtains the fitted curve .

  25. 当轴向加载速率从0.25N/s增加到1.0N/s后,材料的压力-电阻拟合曲线的线性度有了一定程度的改善。

    The linearity of the pressure-resistivity regressive curve was improved when loading velocity has been increased from 0.25 to 1.0N/s .

  26. 按均匀设计法U5(53),配置5组标准混合溶液,测定后给出混合溶液的拟合曲线方程;

    Five - mixture standard solutions were prepared as uniform design , the fitting cure equation was given after determining those mixture standard solutions .

  27. 铝铜阻抗匹配实验取得了成功,得到的铜的高压冲击压缩数据与Nellis等人1988年发表的实验结果(包含地下核爆实验结果)拟合曲线非常接近。

    The Al-Cu impedance matching test was fully success . These results are close to the experimental fitting curves ( including the data of underground nuclear explosions ) published by Nellis in 1988 .

  28. 本文以WS-005型试验用单斗挖掘机为基型,通过对矿石挖掘过程参数的测试和数据处理,求出了正铲挖掘轨迹的拟合曲线,进一步导出了最佳切削角;

    With model WS-005 test excavator as basic model , through measuremnt and data processing of parameters during ore excavating process , curve fit of face excavation profile was performed and optimum cutting angle was further determined .

  29. 应用拟合曲线方程计算PBMD(A方法)可获得符合骨骼部位特异性的真正的PBMD,不同方法计算PBMD将对PBMD和诊断骨质疏松产生严重影响。

    Curve-fitting equations can be utilized to calculate actual peak BMDs specific to individual sites , and the use of different methods for calculating peak BMD may have a significant impact on both peak BMD and the diagnosis of osteoporosis .

  30. 目的探讨多项式拟合曲线在临床中的应用。

    Objective To discuss the clinical application of polynomial curves fitting .