
  • 网络graphoid
  1. 用拟断面图做资料处理解释。

    The data is processed with pseudosectionof apparent resistivity .

  2. 拟正则图的最大边边连通度

    The Maximum Edge-Edge Connectivity of Quasi-Regular Graphs

  3. 通过计算机程序设计进行拟合作图,避免了手工作图产生的误差,所得的结果科学、可靠。

    Computer produced drawing makes the result scientific and reliable , and can avoid the inaccuracy produced by a manual operation .

  4. 通过视电阻率拟断面图分析磁铁矿异常体赋存和断层的特征;

    Based on study of apparent resistivity section map , distribution of magnetite anomaly and characteristic of fault could be got .

  5. 我们使用拓扑的方法得到图的较小亏格的拓扑曲面,并且该图的拓扑曲面是拟平面图。

    We employed the topological method to get a relatively smaller genus of graph embedding surface , and it is a quasi-planar .

  6. 定义了图的边边连通度,设计了一类具有最大边边连通度的拟正则图。

    The edge-edge connectivity of a graph is defined , and a class of quasi-regular graphs is proposed with a maximum edge-edge connectivity .

  7. 另外,作者证明了分解分量的拟独立图等于它的导出图这一有用的结论。

    On the other hand , We obtain the statement that the quasi-independence graph of a decomposed component is the same as Itself induced subgraph .

  8. 用对称四极电阻率测深拟断面图和一维反演方法解释很难分辨覆盖层中局部低阻体引起的异常与基岩破碎或溶洞引起的异常。

    Anomaly induced by local low resistance body in overlying stratum and anomaly induced by bedrock failure or karst cave are very difficult to resolute .

  9. 构造了图半群,并证明两个拟简单图同构的充要条件是其相应的图半群同构;

    In this paper , graph-semigroup is defined , and poved that two pseudo-simple graphs are isomorphic if and only if their graph-semigroups are isomorphic .

  10. 通过对几个典型模型的试算,得到异常体倾子响应的拟断面图,充分验证了倾子响应对横向不均匀地质构造灵敏的反映。

    By calculating several typical model , the pseudosection map of abnormality tipper response fully verified that the tipper responses can reflect lateral heterogeneity of geological structure sensitively .

  11. 受到代数拓扑的启发,我们发明了一个算法,可以高效单调的减少图嵌入曲面的亏格,并可寻找到称为拟平面图的拓扑曲面。

    Inspired by the methods in algebraic topology , we invented an algorithm , which can efficiently reduce the genus , and we can find a quasi-planar graph embedding .

  12. 这种修正的偶极拟断面图,可使解释人员直观地了解勘探目标的埋深、产状和规模。

    With such modified pseudosection at hand the interpreter will be able to give a direct estimation of depth , mode of occurrence , and size of the prospecting target .

  13. 三维异常体的存在,对频率域电磁测深法视电阻率曲线形态和拟断面图分布特征的影响,依据异常体与围岩的导电性差异不同有其特殊的规律性。

    The influence of three-dimensional abnormal body upon both the response and the pseudosection of apparent resistivity in frequency-domain electromagnetic sounding depends on conductivity difference between the abnormal body and country rock .

  14. 给出了外平面图的拟对偶图的定义,并利用拟对偶图的性质证明了外平面图的结构定理。

    This paper presents a definition of imitative dual graph of outplane graphs , and proves the structural theorem on outplane graphs by using the nature of imitative dual graph of outplane graphs .

  15. 选择测量电极中心作为记录点,既能使正演计算的视电阻率响应在异常体上方获得最大异常,又能使正演计算的拟断面图的异常分布与异常体之间有很好的对应关系。

    The center of measuring electrode is taken as recording point so as to cause both the apparent resistivity over a three-dimensional abnormal body to be maximum and the pseudosection to correspond with the abnormal body quite well .

  16. 综合应用高密度激电理论和方法,利用反演技术,分析了选用的三个应用实例的成果,通过视电阻率拟断面图,研究矿体的形态、规模及向深部的延伸情况。

    Applying in professional theories and methods of High density and IP method , the results of three selected application examples were analyzed by using inversion techniques , in those inversion graphs , ore body shape , size and condition to the extension of the deep were shown .

  17. 拟无爪图和K(1,2)-扩展图的哈密顿问题

    Hamilton Problem of Strongly Almost Claw-free Graphs and K_ ( 1,2 ) - extended Graphs

  18. 拟θ~图的联结数

    The Binding Number of Quasi - θ~ Graphs

  19. 连通、几乎局部连通拟无爪图是完全圈可扩的

    Every connected , almost locally connected quasi - claw - free graph is fully cycle extendable

  20. 拟把疏狂图一醉,对酒当歌,强乐还无味。

    Figure 1 asked him to be drunk on wine when songs , strong Yue also tasteless .

  21. 基于BP网络的曲线拟合法的线图处理

    Methods of handled of line in drawing bases on BP net

  22. 网络的分解&一次型图和拟一次型图的解法四元数矩阵的极分解及其GL偏序

    DECOMPOSITION OF NETS Polar Decomposition and GL Partial Ordering for Quaternion Rectangular Matrices

  23. 拟正则自补图的存在性

    Existance of Quasi - self - complementary Graph

  24. 拟阵基对图的性质

    Some Properties on Basis Pair Graphs of Matroids

  25. 然后他们对这些音频进行了电脑计算,数据分析,并拟出了声谱图。

    Then they ran those sound bites through various computer algorithms , running statistical analyses and drawing up spectrograms .

  26. 双重解释图版拟合法请解释图上这个缩写(记、号)意义。

    Double plot matching technique Please explain the meaning of this abbreviation ( mark , symbol ) on the drawing .

  27. 本研究拟通过超声心动图检测不同情况下左室和二尖瓣装置的重构及其对反流的影响,探讨缺血性二尖瓣返流的机制,共分四部分。

    The aim of study is to detect the influence of left ventricle and mitral apparatus remodeling on mitral regurgitation in different conditions by echocardiography , and investigate the mechanism of IMR .

  28. 本文拟以《易图明辨》前五卷为例,对易图学思想作一研究,希望能够进一步廓清易图脉络。

    This article aims to " easy to figure discernment ," the first five books , for example , thought of and easy to make a study of graphics in the hope of further clarifying easy to map context .