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  • 网络Qatar;Caran D'Ache
  1. 卡达的王室正在考虑超级市场J塞恩斯伯里的一个完整的收购要约,一项报告说。

    The royal family of Qatar is considering a full takeover offer for supermarket J Sainsbury , a report says .

  2. 日本与伊朗卡达签订天然气协定分散能源

    Japan makes natural gas deals with Iran and Qatar to diversify its energy sources

  3. 本文研究了生物活性复合体(MCC一卡达波尔复合体)的解吸性质。

    The characteristics of desorption of biologically active complex ( MCC-Catapolcomplex ) were studied .

  4. 国际热核实验反应堆(ITER)是建造中的世界上最大的聚变反应堆,目前选址已确定在法国的卡达拉奇。

    ITER will be the largest fusion experimental reactor in the world . This is an international cooperative project .

  5. 又或者,当你花好几个小时一遍遍重复观看“金的童话婚礼”(Kim'sFairytaleWedding)后,才发现要和这位卡达西安女士保持一致就是浪费时间。

    Or when you spent hours watching " Kim 's Fairytale Wedding " over and over again , only to learn that keeping up with this Kardashian was a waste of time .

  6. 昨天早上当地时间七点整卡达的美军指挥中心遭到攻击

    At 1900 local time yesterday , the SOCCENT Forward Operations Base in Qatar was attacked .

  7. 该项目,称之为国际热核聚变实验堆,建在卡达拉奇,就在法国南部的艾克斯省附近。

    The project , known as Iter , is based in Cadarache , near Aix-en-Provence in southern France .

  8. 荟供结束之际,禄顶拉章供养所有僧人现金和卡达。

    Towards the end of the tsog feast , Luding Ladrang offered each monk some cash and a white silk scarf .

  9. 就连当时的批评家和漫画家也嘲笑蒙塔内、卡达法尔克和安东尼·高迪等一些建筑大师的野心。

    Critics and cartoonists mocked the intense ambition of the architects Dom è nech I Montaner , Puig I Cadafalch-and Antoni Gaud í .

  10. 卡达的特种部队小组在作战他们说是基地的生还者,生还者?

    Sir , we 're tracking a Special Ops team under fire in Qatar . They say they 're survivors of the base attack . Survivors ?

  11. 格拉西亚大道的尽头是多蒙尼克和卡达法尔克设计的宫殿,这些宫殿展现的是豪商的万贯家财。

    In the end the great palaces of Dom è nech I Montaner and Puig I Cadafalch are no more moving than any overt display of money .

  12. 不管对方是谁,它们侵入国防网路,它们在卡达试过,而这次成功了

    Whoever did this finally managed to infiltrate our defense network , which is what they tried to do in Qatar , only this time it worked .

  13. 本证书由瑞士卡达、瑞士视觉艺术协会委托香港工艺美术协会及香港教学资源中心在本港成立委员会。

    CARAN d'ACHE and the Switzerland Visual Arts Committee authorized the Hong Kong Arts and Crafts Association and the Hong Kong Teaching Resources Center to establish a committee in Hong Kong .

  14. 对那卡达的征服使蝎子王不仅控制了尼罗河,并且控制了西至红海、东达西部沙漠绿洲的交通要道。

    Conquest of Naqada gave King Scorpion control not only of the Nile , but of crucial roads leading east to the Red Sea and west to the oases of the western desert .

  15. 据说卡达方面为打造出一场精彩绝伦的开幕式而专门投入了2.5亿美元的钜资,但面对当天强风夹杂暴雨的恶劣天气,组委会不得不取消了原定的某些特技表演。

    Qatar is said to have spent some $ 250 million ( 127 million pounds ) on the spectacular opening ceremony alone , but organisers had to cancel some stunts because of high winds and a major downpour .

  16. 吴作栋的新闻发言人说,自世贸组织部长会议去年在卡达首都杜哈作出召开新一轮贸易谈判的决定之后,欧盟便将全球贸易当作首要之务。

    Goh choktong 's press secretary said that since the WTO ministerial meeting made the decision last year in doha , capital of qatar , to hold a new round of trade negotiations , the EU has put the global trade on top of its priority list .

  17. 从1986年6月中国银行珠海分行率先发行了第一张信用卡&中银卡,到2010年第一季度末,全国银行等金融机构累计发行银行卡达21.69亿张。

    From June 1986 Zhuhai branch of Bank of China issued the first credit card first - " the Silver " to the end of the first quarter of 2010 , the National Bank and other financial institutions , Bank of Qatar issued a total of 2.169 billion .