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  • 网络Natural death
  1. 根据内政部的调查,你哥哥属正常死亡。

    According to the Home Office , your brother died of natural causes

  2. 一名囚犯昨天突然倒下死了,看上去像是正常死亡。

    A prisoner collapsed and died yesterday , apparently from natural causes .

  3. DAPK参与肿瘤发生机制可能是:当DAPK基因发生改变后(遗传或表遗传),细胞不能正常死亡,不断分裂增殖形成肿瘤。

    DAPK cancer pathogenesis may be : when DAPK gene genetic altered ( or table cell genetic ), does not die , constantly forming tumors mitosis .

  4. 多亏了你啊非正常死亡神来之笔

    Thanks to you . Wrongful death ? Stroke of genius .

  5. 这个数据可能已被归为正常死亡的范围了。

    Which might have been calculated into the natural deaths .

  6. 死者家庭提出了非正常死亡索赔的诉讼。

    The families of your father 's victims filed wrongful death suits .

  7. 自杀是律师中第一号非正常死亡的原因。

    Suicide is among the leading causes of premature death among lawyers .

  8. 我还会指责正常死亡,行了吗?

    I 'll denounce death in general , okay ?

  9. 谈中国文人的非正常死亡

    The discussion of Chinese literators ' abnormal death

  10. 他的死属于正常死亡。

    His death was due to natural causes .

  11. 在这个案件中,他们也是不正常死亡的同谋,至少是这样。

    In which case , they 'd be accessories to wrongful death , at least .

  12. 意外跌落、交通事故、自杀为引起非正常死亡的前3位原因。

    The three leading causes of unnatural death were falling , traffic accident and suicide .

  13. 农村人口非正常死亡现象剖析及对策研究

    An analysis of the phenomenon of unnatural deaths in the rural areas and solutions to them

  14. 细胞凋亡是细胞的正常死亡。

    Apoptosis is normal cell death .

  15. 都不是正常死亡最近整个西弗吉尼亚州至少还有另外八具尸体被盗

    There are at least eight other bodies that are recent grave robbings from all across West Virginia .

  16. 通过对郑成功死亡的各个疑点的分析,可以明确地得出郑成功是正常死亡,且是得伤寒病病逝的。

    I analyse every questionable points of his death and find he was death of exogenous febrile disease .

  17. 上海某区非正常死亡统计学分析

    To learn English Retrospective Analysis of Unnatural Death in One District of Shanghai City from the Years 1995 to 2004

  18. 如果他能使病人的死亡显得是正常死亡、人们也许不会注意到真正的死因。

    If he could pass off the death as occurring from natural causes , the true cause might not attract attention .

  19. 他还说在上星期的听证会上,需要有关记录去决定是否寻求非正常死亡的诉讼。

    He said during a hearing last week that he also needs the records to decide whether to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit .

  20. 他后来在民事审判中被认定有罪,必须对妮克。辛普森和雷纳德。戈德曼的非正常死亡负责。

    He was later found guilty , in a civil trial , of the wrongful death of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald goldman .

  21. 生命过程中的自由基反应处于动态平衡之中,过多的自由基引起的氧化损伤将会导致细胞损伤、病变和非正常死亡,是多种疾病的发病根源。

    Radical reaction in body must be in dynamic balance . Oxidative injury induced by excess free radicals is etiology of several diseases .

  22. 1959&1961年是我国历史上的三年经济困难时期,国民经济的发展遭到了严重挫折,尤其是农业遭到了灭顶之灾,突出表现为广大农村因缺粮、断粮造成了大量的非正常死亡现象。

    During China 's 3-year economic difficulties ( 1959 & 1961 ), the development of national economy met severe setbacks , especially in agriculture .

  23. 理想的死,需要具备生前长寿、临终前的必要准备、寿终的正常死亡及成为被子孙祭祀的祖先等必要条件。

    The ideal death needs such conditions as follows : longevity before death , necessary preparations , normal death and becoming ancestors worshiped by descendants .

  24. 突然的非正常死亡和因年老死去不一样,人们很难理解。

    A sudden or abnormal death , anything other than someone dying in bed of old age , is particularly difficult for people to comprehend .

  25. 皇帝或权势人物为体现其特权对先前非正常死亡的亲属进行大肆改葬。

    The emperors and the ones who had power and influence made changes in the funeral custom of their irregular dead relatives to embody their privilege .

  26. 一位新婚的妻子或丈夫可以请假照顾配偶,或对配偶的非正常死亡提出诉讼要求恢复权力。

    A newly married wife or husband can take leave from work to care for a spouse , or sue for a partner 's wrongful death .

  27. 罪犯非正常死亡的,人民检察院应当立即检验,对死亡原因作出鉴定。

    If a prisoner dies an abnormal death , the people 's procuratorate shall immediately conduct examinations and make an appraisal on the cause of the death .

  28. 青少年非正常死亡最多的便是车祸造成,因此青少年驾驶是一种还是有很多值得研究的法律意义上公众健康问题。

    Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers , so teen driving is a legitimate public health issue that deserves a lot of study .

  29. 秀兰邓波儿周一在位于加州伍德萨特的家中逝世,据称她是正常死亡,去世时家人和护理人员陪伴在旁,关于秀兰邓波儿去世的声明中提到。

    She died on Monday at home in Woodside , California , from natural causes . She was surrounded by her family and caregivers , a statement said .

  30. 东巴大祭风作为纳西族祭祀非正常死亡者灵魂的仪式,情与怵交错互动、贯穿于整个祭祀过程中。

    As the ceremony of sacrifice to the souls of those accidental deaths , the interaction between affection and fear is embodied in the whole process of Wind Sacrifice .