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  • orthodoxy
  1. 以色列拉比拒绝承认卢克斯坦以及其他具有类似地位的拉比签发的皈依证书,因此有可能疏远国外的那些按照犹太律法执行现代正统派教规的犹太人。

    In rejecting Lookstein 's conversion and those of others in similar positions , the rabbinical authorities now risk alienating Jews abroad who practice modern Orthodoxy according to Halakha , or Jewish law .

  2. 如今,基督教正统派坚持:王国藉着世界上教会的出现而部分实现,而最后审判之后将会完全实现。

    Christian orthodoxy now holds that the kingdom has been partially realized by the presence of the church in the world , and that it will be fully realized after the Last Judgment .

  3. 特罗洛普的小说的主角与非正统派主角把过分的善与过分的恶都人格化了,这按照他的哲学威胁着英国的中庸之道。

    Trollope 's hero and anti-hero personify the excess of virtue and the excess of vice which in his philosophy threatens the British golden mean .

  4. 去年,一名极端正统派以色列人在耶路撒冷的年度“同志骄傲大游行”(GayPrideParade)中刺伤了6名游行者。

    Last year an ultraorthodox Israeli stabbed six marchers in Jerusalem 's annual Gay Pride Parade .

  5. 研发人员甚至还开发了专用于小众群体——如遵循“家庭纯洁”宗教准则的正统派犹太教妇女——的app,并声称这些产品得到了“拉比的批准”。

    Specialized apps have even been developed for niche groups like Orthodox Jewish women who adhere to religious family purity laws . The apps say they are " rabbinically approved . "

  6. 伦纳德·西蒙·尼莫伊(LeonardSimonNimoy)1931年3月26日出生于波士顿,是家中的第二个儿子。父母是马克斯和多拉·尼莫伊(MaxandDoraNimoy),他们是乌克兰移民,是正统派犹太教徒。

    Born in Boston on March 26 , 1931 , Leonard Simon Nimoy was the second son of Max and Dora Nimoy , Ukrainian immigrants and Orthodox Jews .

  7. ISIS要在势力范围内进行大规模的种族净化活动,特别是所有非阿拉伯和非正统派的教区,包括亚述人,什叶派,雅兹迪人,曼德恩人等等。

    ISIS is responsible for ethnic cleansing on a huge scale in its regions of control targeting , in particular , all non-Arab and non-Sunni communities , including Assyrians , Shia , Yazidis , Mandeans and many others .

  8. 他拍摄的黑白裸体或半裸女人照片被一些正统派犹太领袖斥为离经叛道,但是尼莫伊声称,自己的作品符合喀巴拉教(kabbalah)的教义。

    His black-and-white photographs of nude and seminude women struck some Orthodox Jewish leaders as heretical , but Nimoy asserted that his work was consistent with the teaching of the kabbalah .

  9. Itim每年处理多达150起类似案件——美国现代正统派犹太教皈依者在以色列争取婚姻权或经历其他与宗教权威相关的难题。

    Itim handles up to 150 cases a year of modern-Orthodox converts from the United States who are struggling to get married in Israel or are experiencing other issues with the religious establishment .

  10. 84岁的卢克斯坦目前是KehilathJeshurun犹太会堂的荣退拉比,他被认为是美国最权威、最主流的正统派拉比之一。该会堂的会众包括1100个家庭。

    Lookstein , 84 , is now in an emeritus position at Kehilath Jeshurun , which has a membership of 1100 families , and is considered one of the most established and mainstream Orthodox rabbis in America .

  11. 哈斯克尔·卢克斯坦(HaskelLookstein)是纽约最受尊敬的正统派拉比之一,继承父亲的神职之后,领导曼哈顿的KehilathJeshurun犹太会堂长达58年之久。

    The rabbi , Haskel Lookstein , is one of the most respected Orthodox rabbis in New York , where he has for 58 years led Manhattan 's Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun , after taking over the pulpit from his father .

  12. 你称自己是犹太教正统派,-是的。

    And you would call yourself an Orthodox Jew . - Yes .

  13. 此外所谓的“现代正统派”另占了10%。

    The " modern-Orthodox " account for another 10 % .

  14. 正统派的面包是小麦磨成的粉加水,和少量盐及发酵粉制成的。

    True bread is flour and water with a pinch of salt and yeast .

  15. 今年1月,一家极端正统派报纸将德国总理默克尔从一张照片中删除。

    In January , an ultra-Orthodox newspaper removed German chancellor Angela Merkel from a photo .

  16. 一部分法国正统派和青年英国,都演过这出戏。

    One section of the French Legitimists and " Young England " exhibited this spectacle .

  17. 唯识学的物质观与量子力学的正统派&哥本哈根学派的思想有某种程度的共通性。

    There are some similarities between material-determinism and the orthodox school of quantum mechanics ── Copenhagen School .

  18. 同时,一些犹太教正统派议员表示,他们将会提出议案,要求禁止同性婚姻。

    Meanwhile , some Orthodox Jewish legislators say they may introduce a bill to ban same-sex marriages .

  19. 正统派基督教的支持者。

    A supporter of fundamentalism .

  20. 新正统派犹太教,通常也称为现代正统派犹太教,其创始人是萨姆森·拉斐尔·希尔施。

    Samson Raphael Hirsch was the founder of Neo-Orthodox Judaism , which is also called Modern Orthodoxy .

  21. 涵义:派,自由派,新正统派,新福音派等不是正统基督教信仰。

    Christian doctrine stressing belief in the Trinity . Implication : liberalism , neo-orthodoxy and neo-evangelicalism are NOT orthodox .

  22. 作为梁朝文论三派的正统派,萧统鄙视这样的作品;

    As the traditional orthodox in the three groups of Liang literary theory , Xiao Tong despised these works .

  23. 作为正统派的犹太人,我自问比其他同龄的年青人更热心。

    And as an orthodox Jew , I was ahead of even other young men of my own age group .

  24. “内观”是一种极端正统派、直探内心、集中密集的佛教禅修法,基本上就是“静坐”。

    Vipassana is an ultraorthodox , stripped-down and very intensive Buddhist meditation technique . Basically , it 's just sitting .

  25. 他反对堕胎的立场也使他赢得了很多罗马天主教、东正教、正统派犹太教教徒的拥护。

    His opposition to abortion has also won him the favor of many Roman Catholics , Eastern Orthodox and Orthodox Jews .

  26. 利夫尼组阁道路上的最大障碍是超正统派沙斯党。沙斯党是目前联合政府中的主要夥伴。

    The biggest obstacle in Livni 's path is the ultra-Orthodox Shas party , a key partner in the current coalition .

  27. 耶路撒冷一年一度的同性恋游行一直遭到极端正统派犹太人的强烈反对,每年都是在严密安保措施下举行。

    The annual gay pride march in Jerusalem has raised strong objections from ultra-Orthodox Jews and is held under heavy security .

  28. 现代正统派坚持犹太教传统,但认为根据现代社会的变化发展适当调整自身也是必要的。

    Modern Orthodox Judaism adheres to Jewish traditions while admits that adjusting itself according to the development of modern society is necessary .

  29. 信服正统派基督教的教徒们喜欢将圣经作为他们“启示”的唯一来源,并会就圣经书上的内容展开数小时的辩论。

    Fundamentalist Christians like to use the Bible as their sole source of " revelation " and will argue for hours from its pages .

  30. 超级正统派抗议者对他们所说的这种对这个神圣城市的亵渎行为予以谴责,他们把这场游行称为“令人憎恨的游行”。

    Ultra-Orthodox protesters have denounced what they call the defiling of the holy city , dubbing the march " the parade of abomination . "