
  • 网络prefectures
  1. 你进去的时候她正和州长通电话。

    She was on the line with the governor when you walked up .

  2. 今晚一场森林大火正席卷缅因州北部的部分地区。

    A forest fire is sweeping across portions of north Maine this evening

  3. 联邦政府正逐步插手州内的事务。

    The federal government is encroaching on a state issue .

  4. 另一场冬季风暴正朝乔治亚州移动。

    Another winter storm is bearing down on Georgia .

  5. 该公司正游说几个州的政界人士使得这款眼镜合法。

    It 's lobbying politicians in several states to keep Google Glass legal .

  6. 但是这些严厉法律的权威正被周边州市以宽松法律所破坏。

    But jurisdictions with tough rules are undermined by neighbours with weak ones .

  7. 这正是科罗拉多州和华盛顿正在做的,

    That 's what Colorado and Washington are doing ,

  8. (欢呼)我现在正和弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿市的韦克菲尔德高中的同学们在一起。

    ( Applause . ) I am here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington , Virginia .

  9. 在总统竞选的最后几周,今天正聚焦于州战场。

    In the final weeks of the race , the presidential campaigns are focusing on battle ground states today .

  10. 那天,午餐时间到了,那正是俄亥俄州中部山区一个美丽的春日。

    That day , when lunch came , it was a beautiful spring day in the hills of central Ohio .

  11. 里约代州长弗朗西斯科•多内莱斯表示,“严重的经济危机”正妨碍里约州兑现对国际奥运会作出的承诺。

    Interim Governor Francisco Dornelles says the " serious economic crisis " threatens to stop the state from honouring commitments for the Games .

  12. 那时,比尔·克林顿正是阿肯色州的州长,而食品和药物管理局已经做出过裁定,说采自监狱的血浆不安全,不宜用于国内生产血液制品。

    FDA had already ruled that prison plasma was too unsafe to be used for the manufacture of blood products inside the United States .

  13. 这两个州的州长正要求本州重获代表资格,所以两州可能计划在6月重新举行初选。

    The governors of those states are now demanding that their citizens be represented , so both states are planning to re-do their contests in June .

  14. 科罗拉多是少数被双方认为具有竞争价值的州之一,而正是这些州将有可能决定11月6日总统选战的胜负。

    Colorado is among a small number of states considered competitive by both campaigns , states that will likely decide the outcome of the November 6 election .

  15. 母亲对我说:“你喜欢的话,可以回家吃午饭呀。”那天,午餐时间到了,那正是俄亥俄州中部山区一个美丽的春日。

    Mom said to me , " If you want , you can come home for lunch . " That day , when lunch came , it was a beautiful spring day in the hills of central Ohio .

  16. 尽管没有人知道其中的确切原因,但纽约联邦储备银行的经济学家怀疑,这种趋势反映出企业正在适应现实,变得更擅长聘用本地员工,美国人正放弃跨州找工作的习惯。

    While no one knows exactly why this occurs , the NY Fed economists suspect the trend reflects the fact that companies are adapting by becoming more adept at hiring local workers , and Americans are losing the habit of travelling for jobs .

  17. 这是一个关于一只名叫拉里的龙虾的富有戏剧性的故事。这个重达15磅的巨大甲壳类动物勉强逃过了被搬上佛罗里达一家餐馆餐桌的命运,现在正送往缅因州,它的救助者们希望它在那里可以生活得更好。

    This is the dramatic tale of Larry the Lobster , a giant 15-pound crustacean who narrowly escaped becoming dinner at a Florida restaurant and who is now headed to Maine , where his " rescuers " hope he will get to " live a better life . "

  18. 无论客户是不是故意的,霍洛维兹都认同你的观点——它给个人生活造成的伤害是“无法接受的”。为此,自由职业者联盟起草了《自由职业者报酬保护法案》(theFreelancerPaymentProtectionAct),目前正努力通过纽约州立法。

    Intentional or not , she agrees with you that the damage to individuals ' livelihoods is " not acceptable . " In response , the Freelancers Union drafted a bill called the Freelancer Payment Protection Act , now wending its way through the New York State legislature ,

  19. 我们正考虑从许多州撤出资金。

    We 're thinking about pulling money out of a lot of places .

  20. 天气报告正从位于佛罗里达州的着陆点肯尼迪航天中心发送过来。

    Weather reports were coming in from the landing site at the Kennedy Space Center , in Florida .

  21. 在今晚晚些,民调点结束前时,奥巴马正计划在明尼苏达州的圣保罗发表重要演说。

    Obama is planning a major address in Saint Paul , Minnesota , shortly before the polls close later tonight .

  22. 奥巴马甚至在佛罗里达领先,布什总统在2000年总统选举中正是在佛罗里达州以微弱的多数击败戈尔的。

    Obama has been leading even in Florida , the state that gave President Bush his narrow victory over Al Gore in2000 .

  23. 这一在中文措辞上的混淆出现之际,该公司正竭力从加利福尼亚州一家初创企业转型为大型国际汽车制造商。

    The mix-up over the Chinese wording comes as the company strives to shift from being a California start-up to a major international car manufacturer .

  24. 在哈佛大学与奥巴马先生第一次相见的戴维斯先生正计划成为阿拉巴马州的第一位黑人州长。

    Mr Davis , who first met Mr Obama at Harvard , plans to be the first black governor of Alabama , of all places .

  25. 两位主要的总统候选人在竞选接近尾声时,选择同一天前往俄亥俄州,这正反映出该州在总统大选中所具的影响力。

    The fact that both major presidential contenders were in Ohio on the same day this late in the campaign reflects the state 's influential status in presidential elections .

  26. 本周,几十名学生正准备前往田纳西州纳什维尔,与国际象棋超级全国赛的另外约5000名年轻人同台竞争。

    And this week , dozens of those students are getting ready to head out to Nashville Tennessee to compete with about 5000 other young people at the Super Nationals of Chess .

  27. 这些布局在全国各地都有。《火星燎原》,《饥饿游戏》的续集的一部分正是在佐治亚州亚特兰大拍摄的。

    AZUZ : Those sets are all over the country , " Catching Fire , " the next " Hunger Games " movie , part of that was filmed right here in Atlanta , Georgia .