
  1. 期望从理论与实践的结合上,对巢湖流域生态保护与建设起到一定的科学指导作用。

    Moreover , it hopes to guide ecological conservation and construction of the Chaohu Basin by integrating theory with practice .

  2. 在理论研究和讨论的基础上,以巢湖流域地区的系统研究为例,建立了一整套农业面源污染的属性和空间数据库。

    In the theoretical study and discussion on the basis of Chaohu Lake Basin area to the system as an example , the establishment of a set of agricultural surface source pollution of the properties and spatial database .

  3. 本研究在收集和整理巢湖水质的历史资料及数据的基础上,分析了巢湖水质和营养状态的变化情况。

    This study analyses of the history and data of the chaohu lake , and has a certain understanding the water quality of chaohu lake conditions .

  4. 在调查研究基础上,建立了巢湖流域生态环境质量评价指标体系,制定了各评价指标及生态环境质量分级标准。

    On the basis of investigation and study , an evaluation index system is established of eco environmental quality of Chaohu Lake Basin , and classified standards are formulated of evaluation indices and eco environmental quality .

  5. 文章对巢湖水环境质量现状进行了简要介绍,并对巢湖农业非点源氮、磷营养物来源作了简要概括,在此基础上,提出了巢湖流域农业非点源污染的控制对策。

    This paper briefly introduces the current situation of water quality and summarizes the source of non-point sources of nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients . On the basis of discussions above-mentioned , the paper puts forth some countermeasures for non-point source pollution control for agriculture in Chaohu Lake Basin .