
  1. 要知道,西里亚诺是前真人秀明星,是从电视节目《天桥骄子》(ProjectRunway)(他在该节目的第四季中胜出)真正走出来的唯一设计师,并在纽约时装周(NewYorkFashionWeek)上谋得了一席之地。

    See , Mr. Siriano is a former reality TV star - the only designer to really have emerged from the television show " Project Runway " ( he won the fourth season competition ) and carved out a place on the New York Fashion Week scene .

  2. 随后,她在全世界许多地方出任领事,并成为智利最著名的大使,为她所热爱的祖国在世界舞台上谋得一席之地进行了艰苦奋斗。

    Later , as a consul in myriad posts around the globe , she became the most famous ambassador for Chile and fought hard to secure a place on the world stage for her beloved birthplace .

  3. 我认为所有的人格类型都会给整体带来一些特殊的才能,从而组成一支更好的团队,而团队在主体上由谋一种“最适合敏捷”的人格类型组成。

    I think all personality types bring something to the table that can compose a better team vs a majority of one'best suited for agile'personality style .

  4. 确实,一个站在刑台上的罪人能够从这样一些旁观看身上谋得的同情是少而又少、冷而又冷的。

    Meagre , indeed , and cold , was the sympathy that a transgressor might look for , from such bystanders , at the scaffold .