
shàng yǎng
  • nose-up pitch
上仰[shàng yǎng]
  1. 针对上仰空地攻击方式设计了完整的机翼非水平(NWL,Non-Wing-Level)自动攻击算法。

    Has designed the complete wing non-level ( NWL , Non-Wing-Level ) automatic attack algorithm in view of the pitch open area forms of defensive action .

  2. 等速上仰翼型分离流动结构的研究

    A study of the flow structure around a constant-rate pitching airfoil

  3. 三角翼匀速上仰跨声速非定常流场数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Transonic Flows Around a Pitching Delta Wing

  4. 翼型等速上仰绕流结构的观测

    Observation on flow structure around a pitching airfoil at constant rate

  5. 快速上仰翼型的非定常前缘分离研究

    An investigation of unsteady leading edge separation of rapidly pitched airfoils

  6. 带振荡上仰翼型分离流研究

    Investigation of Separated Flow for Pitching Airfoil with Oscillating Motion

  7. 裁判官的头从文件上仰起来,对他怒目圆睁。

    The judge looked up from his notes to glare at him .

  8. 关于半无限大弹性地基上仰供的抗震分析

    Earthquake resistant analysis of upset arch on semi-infinite elastic foundation

  9. 快衰减模态主要为单调下俯和向前(或上仰和向后)运动。

    The stable fast subsidence mode consists of monotonic pitching and horizontal motions .

  10. 长颈鹿很善于伸头上仰,而不善于低头下俯。

    Giraffes are well adapted for reaching up , awkwardly built for reaching down .

  11. 我从小艇上仰看大船,它显得异常高大。

    Immensely tall she looked to me from my low station in the coracle .

  12. 上仰水平轴风力机的特性及其应用

    The Feature and Application of the Small Angle Elevated Horizontal Axis Type Wind Generator

  13. 对带振荡的快速上仰翼型的非定常分离流问题进行了计算研究。

    The problem of unsteady separated flow of rapidly pitching airfoil with oscillating motion is computationally studied .

  14. 通过数值方法研究了高速气流中细长三角翼作匀速上仰机动飞行时的背风面分离流与涡破裂特性和气动力特性。

    The transonic separated flows around a pitching delta wing and vortex breakdown and aerodynamics characteristics are studied numerically .

  15. 在尾缘处置氢气泡铂丝,观察了上仰翼型自尾缘流入尾迹的涡层。

    The vortex structure shed from the trailing-dege of a constant-rate pitching airfoil was visualized using hydrogen bubble technique .

  16. 本文阐述上仰水平轴风力发电机一种过载自动保护特性的工作机理及其应用价值。

    This article expounds both the working-mechanism and the application value of the overload auto-protection feature the small angle elevated horizontal axis type wind-generator .

  17. 结论张口上仰位三相骨显像能早期诊断颞颌关节紊乱综合征。

    Conclusion the disturbance syndrome of temporo mandibular joint can be early detected by three phase bone imaging with mouth open and face upward position .

  18. 结果常规前位及张口上仰位三相骨显像对颞颌关节紊乱综合征的阳性检出率分别为70.83%、87.50%。

    Results The diagnostic positive rates in usually anterior position and " mouth open and face upward " were 70.83 % and 87.50 % respectively .

  19. 无论上仰或下俯,模型展宽比(翼展/洞宽)增大,三角翼模型吸力面涡破碎位置离前缘较远。

    The larger the wing model , the farther the vortex breakdown location from leading edge leaves , whether in pitch up or in pitch down .

  20. 结果表明:机翼快速上仰时,随上仰速率增大最大升力系数增高,即动态升力效应更明显;

    The experimental results show that the maximum lift coefficient C y max and stall incidence are increased with increased pitch up rate , when the wing is rapidly pitching up .

  21. 对前缘后掠60°的三角翼在迎角0°~90°范围内快速上仰时的升力进行了测量。

    The unsteady lift characteristics of a delta wing with leading edge sweep angle 60 ° are investigated , when the wing is rapidly pitching up at incidence from 0 ° until 90 ° .

  22. 给出了非定常流场结构,涡破裂特性和非定常升力、阻力特性,研究了上仰运动对动态失速的影响。

    The unsteady flowfield structures , the features of vortex-breakdown and the characteristics of unsteady lift / drag are presented . The effect of pitching movement of the wing on dynamic stall is also studied .

  23. 上仰机械装置保证了风机在高风速下也能运转,并且会在不损坏电子或机械部件的情况下产生两倍于额定功率的电量。

    The upward furling mechanism ensures the Lakota will not " Hide " from high winds but continue to put out up to two times its rated power without damage to its electrical or mechanical components .

  24. 对于女性而言,找一种自己走起来感觉舒服的步伐,这样有助于你走起路来散发出自信的魅力,走路时下巴微微上仰、挺胸收腹。

    For women , finding a pace at which you are comfortable is a great way to help project confidence as you walk . Get into the practice of lifting your chin and pulling in your shoulders whenever you walk .

  25. 皮肤护理专家凯耶·斯科特对《每日邮报》澳洲版说,尽管我们很多人都会认为,脸冲着水流向上仰会令人神清气爽,是洁净肌肤的关键,而事实上水流的热量和压力会造成损害。

    While many of us would assume that tilting our face upwards beneath refreshing running water is the key to getting squeaky clean skin , the heat and pressure of the water is in fact causing damage , skincare expert Kaye Scott told Daily Mail Australia .

  26. 请不要坐在椅子上往后仰,你会把椅子弄坏的。

    Please don 't lean your chair back , you 'll break it .

  27. 她懒懒地往椅子上一仰说,这很好。

    She lied back lazily in her chair and said , That 's great .

  28. 拉比坐在椅子上往后仰,抚摸着他的胡须叹息了一声。

    He leaned back in his office chair and sighed as he stroked his beard .

  29. 我笨拙地松开把他箍得死死的四肢,滑落到地上,仰躺在那里。

    I stiffly unlocked my stranglehold on his body and slipped to the ground , landing on my backside .

  30. 晚三迭世开始,印度板块在特提斯洋壳上向北仰冲,并导致特提斯在始新世的关闭。

    Since the beginning of the upper Triassic epoch , the Indian plate upthrusted to the north over the Tethys oceanic crust and led to the closure of the Tethys in Eocene epoch .