
  1. 岷江上游干旱河谷海拔梯度上四川黄栌叶片特征及其与环境因子的关系

    Leaf characteristics and Their Relationship of Cotinus coggygria in Arid River Valley Located in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River with Environmental Factors Depending on Its Altitude Gradients

  2. 本研究的目的是从基因水平上检测四川省地方山羊品种乳上皮黏蛋白MUC1的遗传多态性。

    The objective of the study was to examine the genetic polymorphisms of milk MUC1 gene of goat breeds in Sichuan province .

  3. 盐道上的四川南方

    Southern Sichuan on the salt road

  4. 在对相关行业的影响上,四川省水电投资对机械工业的带动作用最大,投资弹性为1.9%;

    The hydro-electricity investment has the most important pushing role on the machinery industry with the investment elasticity of 19 % .

  5. 中国官员说,将迁移并全面重建一个在上星期四川大地震中受损严重的城镇之一。

    Chinese officials say they will move and completely rebuild one of the towns worst hit by last week 's powerful earthquake in Sichuan province .

  6. 传统意义上的四川凉面制作过程中需要使用苏打粉,防止面条断裂,保持入口的嚼劲儿和韧劲儿。

    Traditional Sichuan cold noodles calls for noodles made with baking soda , which helps to prevent the noodles from breaking apart and makes them chewier as well .

  7. 其总体目标为:稳定发展,在规模上坐稳四川家具业的第一军团,经过3-5年的奋斗,力争盈利能力达到前两名。

    That is , to form an alliance with some similar company by reorganization , and to reach the goal of growing to be the leading group of furniture industry in Sichuan , and trying to reach the first or second place in the group in 3 or 5 years .

  8. 在专业化道路上奋进的四川石油管理局测井公司

    Logging Company of Sichuan Petroleum Administration Advancing Bravely in Specialization

  9. 不过,这在很大程度上是因为四川省在追赶其它地区。

    But that was in large part an attempt to catch up with other parts of the country .

  10. 从整体上讲,四川玉米抗病育种水平在不断提高。

    In general , the level of disease-resistant maize breeding in Sichuan Province is improving continuously . 3 .

  11. 在此基础上,以四川省20个少数民族扶贫重点县的数据为基础,分别就2005年到2009年民族地区反贫困所取得的成就进行了测度。

    On this basis , 20 minorities ' anti-poverty achievement in sichuan province are measured from 20005 to 2009 .

  12. 在与国外前陆盆地对比的基础上,得出四川盆地是一个受多方向挤压应力综合作用的前陆盆地。

    From the correlation with foreland basins abroad it is concluded that Sichuan basin resulted from Polydirectional compression stress .

  13. 在此基础上,对四川地区的现代远程教育学习支持服务的现状进行了调查和分析。

    On the basis of this , the author investigates and analyzes the situation of Learning Support Service System in Sichuan district .

  14. 一个四川人在一个网络公告牌上写道,四川腾中重工的员工每月工资是人民币3000元左右(约合450美元)。

    One Sichuan local wrote in a that Tengzhong pays its employees about 3000 yuan a month , or about $ 450 .

  15. 本文通过较详细的数据,对国家宏观政治、经济环境,对四川旅行车制造厂所处的行业环境进行了客观分析,在此分析的基础上指出了四川旅行车制造厂所在行业的发展趋势。

    The paper has made a reasonable analysis of the state macro-politics , the economy and industry environment the factory confronts through detailed data .

  16. 本文通过对企业综合竞争力研究的基础上,对四川电信业市场进行了综合分析,特别是两大主要的运营商&四川电信和四川移动。

    The theory analysis the main telecom enterprises , specially for Telecom and Mobile of Sichuan province on the studying of enterprise ' competitiveness .

  17. 据报道,上个月四川强震过后,大熊猫的主要口粮——竹子需求量大增。

    Bamboo , the staple diet of pandas , is reportedly in high demand following last month 's powerful earthquake in China 's Sichuan Province .

  18. 男女性家庭陪护人在8个维度的评分上均低于四川省40~59岁农村人口,差别有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    The scores of caregivers in 8 domains were lower than those of rural population aged 40 to 59 yrs in Sichuan province ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 中国绵阳,一名护卫员在沙袋旁边抽烟,由于担心上个月四川地震导致的堰塞湖形成后,可能爆裂和冲毁下面山谷。

    A security guard smokes beside sandbags in Mianyang , China , amid fears that lakes formed after last month 's Sichuan earthquake could burst and flood valleys below .

  20. 最近几周,已有二十五万多名下游人民群众撤离,加剧了上个月四川省大地震造成的混乱程度。

    More than 250 , 000 people downstream have been evacuated in recent weeks , adding to the turmoil created by last month 's massive earthquake in Sichuan Province .

  21. 实证分析结果表明,从总体上看,四川上市公司的并购重组活动取得了一定的绩效,但并不显著,且不具有持续性。

    Empirical analysis shows that , generally , M & A ( Restructuring ) of Sichuan listed companies has made some achievement , but not significant , and do not have continuity .

  22. 成都市位于祖国西南的成都平原上,是四川省的省会城市,是全省的政治、经济、文化、交通中心。

    Chengdu city is located in the southwest of the chengdu plain , is the capital city of Sichuan province , and also is the political , economic , cultural and transportation center .

  23. 这些都表明三星堆是历史上蜀国(四川旧称)政治、经济、文化中心的遗址。

    They prove that Sanxingdui contains the ruins of an ancient city that was once the political , economic and cultural centre of the ancient Shu Kingdom & the old name for Sichuan .

  24. 在阐明碳酸盐岩裂缝性储层损害评价新方法的基础上,对四川在用的11种钻井完井液体系作了评价,并对损害机理进行分析。

    On the basis the new damage evaluation methods for carbonate rock fractured reservoir , 11 drilling / completion fluids systems used in Sichuan are evaluated and damage mechanism to fractured reservoir is analysed .

  25. 总体上看,四川省实施省管县财政体制改革,明显加快了试点县(市)经济发展速度,使县域经济发展呈现出发展速度加快、需求驱动增强、运行质量更高的良好局面。

    Generally speaking , the reform in Sichuan Province obviously quickens the economic development in pilot counties ( cities ) which show good signs of fast economic growth , boosted demand-driven increase and higher operational quality .

  26. 本文在文献研究成果的基础上,以四川上市公司为样本,利用专业统计方法对独立董事薪酬影响因素做进一步的研究。

    Based on the past research , the author of this thesis applied professional method to make a further research on the determinants of independent directors compensation by the evidence from the listed companies of Sichuan .

  27. 根据1987~1997年的四川省投入产出表提供的数据,在数量上分析了四川省各部门十年来对国民经济的带动作用和推动作用的变化。

    According to the data of input-output of the Sichuan province from the year 1987 to 1997 , the variation of the drive effect and propel effect of each department on Sichuan national economy for ten years are analyzed quantitatively .

  28. 本文在对四川竹林资源及竹产业发展现状进行全面分析基础上,提出四川竹林必须按区域自然生态条件和竹林生物学特性,并结合区域竹产品加工企业的分布和规划布局,分类实行竹林定向培育。

    In this paper the directive cultural targets were proposed on the basis of analyzing the present situation of bamboo resources and bamboo industry and combining natural conditions and biological characteristics of bamboo species with distribution and planning of bamboo industry .

  29. 在对四川省中、高等旅游院校进行详细调查的基础上,对四川省旅游教育现状进行分析和总结,以期对未来四川省旅游教育的发展提供有益的建议。

    Based on a detailed investigation on some professional & higher tourism schools in Sichuan , this paper has analysed the current situation of tourism education of Sichuan province to offer some valuable suggestions for the development of tourism education in Sichuan .

  30. 其次,在此基础上,结合四川地区样本企业数据,通过描述性统计、多元统计以及结构方程模型等方法,实证研究了专利能力与企业绩效的相关性及其影响因素。

    At the same time , based on the sample of enterprise data integration in Sichuan , this article used descriptive statistics , multivariate statistical methods and structural equation model to get the empirical studies on correlation and influential factors between patent capability and enterprise performance .