
shàng xié
  • Put on shoes;sole a shoe;stitch the sole to the upper
上鞋 [shàng xié]
  • [sole a shoe;stitch the sole to the upper] 把制成的鞋帮和鞋底缝合起来,使其成鞋

上鞋[shàng xié]
  1. 布赖恩的脚趾还是肿得很厉害,穿不上鞋。

    Brian 's toe is still badly swollen and he cannot put on his shoe

  2. 我回到船舱,穿上鞋,找到一瓶葡萄酒回到甲板上。

    I went back to the cabin , put my shoes on again , and picked up a bottle of wine.Then I went back up on deck .

  3. 他穿上鞋了说他准备好了。

    He stepped into his shoes and said he was ready .

  4. 到了秋天却是最后一个穿上鞋;

    And the last to resume leather in the fall ;

  5. 乐乐穿上鞋鞋,双手拍掌道:我自己做的!

    Connor put his shoes on and claped : I did it !

  6. 快穿上鞋,我们走吧。

    Pop your shoes on and let 's go .

  7. 妈妈:乐乐,自己试着穿上鞋鞋吧。

    Mama : Connor , try them on yourself .

  8. 我进语音室前必须穿上鞋套吗?

    Must I put on my overshoes before coming into the language lab ?

  9. 喂你穿上鞋我们开车出去一下

    Hey , put your shoes on . We 're going for a ride

  10. 徒十二8天使对他说,束上带子,穿上鞋。

    Acts 12:8 And the angel said to him , Gird yourself and tie on your sandals .

  11. 我将立刻准备好离歼,我只要穿上鞋就行了。

    I 'll be ready to leave momentarily , I just have to put my shoes on .

  12. 在进门前请挽起袖子和裤腿,穿上鞋套!

    Be sure to roll up your sleeves and trousers and put on the overshoes before you step in !

  13. 春天他总是第一个光着脚,到了秋天却是最后一个穿上鞋;

    He was always the first boy that went barefoot in the spring and the last to resume leather in the fall ;

  14. 不我开玩笑啦这样环着你的鞋底现在穿上鞋

    No , just kidding.And it also is gonna cushion your shoe and now you are gonna put your foot in there ,

  15. 六小时的飞行结束时,我穿不上鞋了,因为脚肿得很厉害。

    At the end of the six-hour flight , I couldn 't get my feet into my shoes as they had swollen so much .

  16. 宝丰车站调车场尾部应用停车顶代替人工上鞋和拧手闸使车辆停车防溜,文章详细介绍了停车顶布顶数的确定、布顶位置和布顶方式及安装停车顶以后的使用效果。

    This paper introduces the determination of amount of retarder layout of stop retarder , position and method of retarder layout and effect in application after stop retarders are installed .

  17. 这部电影的时候,他花了好莱坞以外的工作模式,以使他的第一部故事片,萨尔瓦多墨西哥街头乐队,罗德里格斯泄露他是怎样的字符串预算电影上鞋。

    Chronicling the time he spent working outside the Hollywood model to make his first feature film , El Mariachi , Rodriguez divulges how he made a movie on a shoe-string budget .

  18. 我的规则就是穿上鞋马上跑出去,我不管到时能跑多久,以及多么困难,开始吧!

    My rule is just to get my running shoes on and get out the door . I don 't worry about how long I have to go or how hard it will be .

  19. 天使对他说,束上带子。穿上鞋。他就那样作。天使又说,披上外衣跟着我来。

    Then the angel said to him ," put on your clothes and sandals . " and Peter did so . " wrap your cloak around you and follow me ," the angel told him .

  20. 她还没解开鞋带,别人己走到前面老远了。等她掏出石头,重新穿上鞋,她已经听不见他们的动静。

    Before she had undone the knot the others were a fair distance ahead . By the time she had got the stone out and was putting the shoe on again she could no longer hear them .

  21. 我整理好书包,穿上鞋,刷完牙,甚至在一确定查理走出视线范围的时候我就冲出了门,但爱德华更快。

    I had my bag ready , shoes on , teeth brushed , but even though I rushed to the door as soon as I was sure Charlie would be out of sight , Edward was faster .

  22. 鞋子的关键在鞋底,在鞋后跟下安置两个圆形掌子,人们穿上鞋后走路就会产生轻微的不平衡,这样人们就要努力调节肌肉使其尽快适应,就像行走在不平的沙滩上。

    The key lies in the soles - two rounded balance pods underneath the heel that create a slight instability with each step that forces your muscles to work harder to adapt . It 's a bit like walking on uneven sand .