
  • 网络danseuse
  1. 芭蕾舞首席女舞者斯维特拉娜•扎哈洛娃(SvetlanaZakharova)翩翩起舞,世界闻名的俄罗斯女高音安娜•奈瑞贝科(AnnaNetrebko)演唱冬奥会会歌。

    Svetlana Zakharova , the nation 's prima ballerina , danced , while Anna Netbrenko , Russia 's world-famous soprano , sang the Olympic anthem .

  2. 我得知隔壁房间也有一位女舞者在接受治疗。

    In the next room , I learned a woman dancer was also getting a treatment .

  3. 当罗马还是大帝国的中心时,位于卡地斯省的安达鲁西亚便以美丽的女舞者而闻名。

    When Rome was the center of a vast empire , the Andalusian city of Cadiz was known as a city with pretty dancing girls .

  4. 在这支mv中,女歌手顶着七十年代的发型、穿着色彩鲜艳的礼服,用手中的仙女魔法棒变出了一群身着拉斯维加斯式的歌舞女郎服装的女舞者。

    In the video , the singer dressed in a colourful ball gown with a 70s hairdo , uses a fairy wand to make a group of female dancers , dressed in Vegas-style showgirl costumes appear .