
  • 网络Ninja girl;Kunoichi;Yuffie;Kunoichi Shinobi
  1. 女忍者们的训练强调使用轻质和便于隐藏的武器。

    Kunoichi training stressed the use of lightweight and easily concealable weapons .

  2. 这些女忍者被称为“kunoichi”,她们每一个都会习惯性地带上指环,朝向掌心方向穿戴并且淬以毒药,因此,她们能迅速地给敌人以致命的一击。

    They were favored by female ninjas , called kunoichi , for whom it was natural to wear rings . Worn inward and tipped with poison , they could use their kakute for quick , fatal attacks .

  3. 女忍者们喜欢一种名为猫爪的金属指甲钉。

    Metal fingernails called neko-te were a favorite among female ninjas .

  4. 必须要注意的是,这种武器专属于女忍者。

    It is important to note that this weapon was used exclusively by female ninjas .

  5. 对于女忍者来说,Kakute是她们拥有的最致命且最有效的武器之一。

    For the female ninja , they proved to be one of her deadliest and most efficient weapons .

  6. 沾上毒药,簪子还成为暗杀工具。簪子尤其是女忍者的理想武器,他们喜欢小巧的装备能够在平常装束中隐藏。

    Dipped in poison , the hairpins became an assassination tool.Kanzashi were ideal weapons for kunoichi ( female ninjas ) , who favored small weapons that could be concealed in plain sight .