
  • 网络FCBA
  1. 突袭行动中损失了一架F18舰载战斗机。

    One plane , a marine F18 , was lost in the raid .

  2. 从经济可承受性、进度、海上作战需求和航母适配性等方面,论述F-22未能成为舰载战斗机的原因。

    The reasons why F-22 hasn ′ t converted into a carrier-based aircraft are presented , which include affordability , progress , maritime operation requirements and adaptation and so on .

  3. 我承认我没有很多的舰载战斗机,但是无论如何我也没有船员来驾驶它们。

    I admit I don 't have many fighters , but I don 't have the crew to fly them , anyway .

  4. 歼-15是中国第一代舰载战斗机,不久前在渤海水域,歼-15顺利在辽宁舰上进行了起降飞行训练。

    J-15 , China 's first generation carrier-borne fighter jet , earlier made its debut during flight-landing tests on the Liaoning in northeastern Bohai Sea waters .

  5. 中国海军副司令张永义在歼-15舰载战斗机成功着舰飞行后发表评论。

    Zhang Yongyi , a deputy commander of the Chinese PLA Navy , made the comments after a successful flight landing of J-15 fighters conducted on the carrier .

  6. 偷袭珍珠港当天,她正与一个学生进行飞行训练,她控制飞机躲过一架日本零式舰载战斗机,并在枪林弹雨中将自己的飞机驾驶到安全的着陆地带。

    On the day of the Pearl Harbor attack , while on a training flight with a student , she took the controls to avoid a Japanese Zero and brought her plane to a safe landing in the midst of machine-gun fire .