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  1. 他没料到这两个女人会嫉妒得发狂。

    He had not bargained on the mad jealousy which both women developed .

  2. 不只是女人会对彼此说些恶毒的话。

    Women are not the only ones who say bitchy things about each other .

  3. 他们只被教过要和其他男人一较高下,所以一个成功的女人会令他们觉得特别失败。

    They 've only been trained to compete with other men , so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser .

  4. 婚姻是这样一所学校:男人会失去学士学位/单身汉的地位,而女人会获得硕士学位/征服者的地位。

    Marriage is an institution in which a man loses his bachelor 's degree and the woman gets her master 's. ( Socrates )

  5. 晚上你回到家里,有一个女人会给你一眼爱情,一手温情,一怀柔情。你知道这意味着什么吗?

    Do you know what it means to come home at night to a woman who 'll give you a little love , a little affection , a little tenderness ?

  6. 现在的女人会给自己开辟出一块庇护所,也就是“妈咪洞穴”,它可能是一个房间,一个角落,甚至是一个壁橱。“妈咪洞穴”是让滋养他人的女人滋养自己的地方。

    These days , women are chiseling1 out their own sanctuary2 , taking over a room , nook or even a closet and making it their “ mom cave . ” A mom cave is the place where the woman who nurtures4 everyone goes to nurture3 herself .

  7. 女人会说,但愿男人都像草原田鼠。但是,要是希望男人都是马匹的话,女人都愿是戈黛娃夫人了(LadyGodiva)。[14]

    If only all men were just like prairie voles , we say , but if wishes were horses we would all be Lady Godiva .

  8. 但“真正的”女人会与她们的男人共进退。沉船当晚,就有这样一位真女人,她就是梅西百货创始人的妻子IdaStraus,她与相濡以沫50年的丈夫一起留在了船上。

    ' Real'women stood by their men , and the heroine of the night was Ida Straus who stayed on board with her husband of fifty years , the owner of Macy 's Department store .

  9. 伦敦大学时装学院的BrendaPolen,也就是本项目的发起者说:裤装是传统的职业装,因为男人就是这么穿的。女人会在周末休闲的时候穿裤装,所以裙装与成功女士的联系更加密切了。

    Brenda Polen , director of programs at London College of Fashion , said : " Trousers are traditionally the uniform of power because men wear it . " Women wear trousers at the weekend and for leisure so the skirt suit has become far more associated with successful women .

  10. 成熟的女人会展现母性的温柔给丈夫一份舒心。

    Mature women will show a maternal tenderness to her husband .

  11. 又聪明的女人会这么没有安全感?

    And as clever as you be so insecure , hmm ?

  12. 没有女人会让男人这样出门的。

    No woman would let a man leave home like that .

  13. 没有人会想到一个女人会是杀人凶手。

    No one expects the killer to be a woman .

  14. 在有些社会里不能生育的女人会被她的部落所抛弃。

    In some societies a barren woman is rejected by her tribesmen .

  15. 我看到过报道有些女人会上钩。

    I 've read that some women respond to it .

  16. 你认为女人会觉得我有魅力吗?

    Do you think a woman will find me attractive ?

  17. 你不知道女人会对她们的腿做什么。

    You have no idea what women would do for those legs .

  18. 为什么女人会拒绝男人的邀请?

    Why does the woman decline the man 's invitation ?

  19. 说真的,很少有女人会有一头完美的卷发。

    And honestly , very few women have perfect curls .

  20. 女人会不会因为你很花,而不喜欢你?

    Didrt women dislike you because you were a playboy ?

  21. 不止女人会八卦。

    Gossip is not only something women are adept at .

  22. 女人会被让她们开心的男人吸引。

    Women are attracted to men who allow them to have fun .

  23. 女人会又来搞这一套心理游戏。

    Women are gonna be pulling these head trips .

  24. 那女人会再跟我说话就算我走运了。

    I 'll be lucky if that woman ever talks to me again .

  25. 我们能相信那个女人会帮助我们么?

    Can we trust this woman to help us ?

  26. 有些女人会离开你就算了。

    Well , some women would just leave you .

  27. 为什么女人会这样?这样想当然

    Why do women do this ? Build up this stuff in their minds

  28. 成熟的女人会自己挣钱或花男人的钱。

    Mature woman will spend their own money or the man 's money .

  29. 有哪一个神智正常的女人会嫁给这样的男人?

    What woman in her right mind would marry a man like that ?

  30. 这女人会照顾你。

    The women will take care of you .