
shuǐ shànɡ jū mín
  • boat dwellers
  1. 澳门水上居民话调查报告

    Survey on the Afloat Residents ' Dialect in Macao

  2. 海有足够大的空间,不仅可供(建立)水上居民点和公园之用,而且可供贮存物资并进行水下旅行。

    Then sea has plenty of space , not only for floating communities and parks , but also for storing supplies and for underwater travel .

  3. 澳门水上居民指生活在澳门沿海岸,以捕鱼为生,长期居住在船上的渔民。

    The Afloat Residents refer to the fishermen that stay permanently on the boats and make their living by fishing along the coast of Macao .