
  • 网络tank model
  1. 水箱模型在花山水库洪水预报中的应用

    Application of Tank model in flood forecast of Huashan reservoir

  2. 水箱模型在三峡入库洪水预报模型研制中的应用

    Application of tank model to development of prediction model for flood inflow of Three-Gorges Reservoir

  3. 边坡降雨模拟中的多水箱模型及其参数估计

    Multi-tank model 's parameter estimation and its application to rainfall infiltration in slope

  4. 马斯京根分段演算与水箱模型组合在区间洪水过程预报中的应用

    Application of Muskingum segmentation flood routing model and Tank models to forecast flood process

  5. 水箱模型在小流域水文水质模拟中的应用研究

    Study on the simulation of hydrological and water quality of model tank in small-basin

  6. 水箱模型在北方寒冷湿润半湿润地区的应用探讨

    Application of Tank Model in the Humid Area and Semi - humid Area of the North

  7. 水箱模型的在线实时校正叙述了洪水实时校正模型和技术。

    On-line real-time forecasting model based on TANK model Besides , the real-time calibrating model is reviewed .

  8. 建立了太阳能吸收式空调系统的理论模型,主要包括U型管式真空管集热器模型、蓄热水箱模型、吸收式制冷机组的理论模型及室内热环境模型。

    Set up theoretical model including U-type vacuum tube , hot storage tank , absorption chiller , cooling load and indoor thermal environment .

  9. 根据实验数据应用水箱模型,确定出了典型场降雨过程中各作用阶段水文过程模型及参数。

    Based on the experimental data and the tank model , the authors design the different hydrological process models and parameters for the typical rainfall events .

  10. 介绍了应用水箱模型建立三峡入库洪水实时连续预报模型的方法。

    An introduction was given to the method for developing the real-time continuous prediction model for the flood inflow of the Three-Gorges Reservoir with the tank model .

  11. 结果表明:各项指标的模拟值与实测值吻合较好,说明水箱模型用于小流域的径流模拟较为准确,可与水质模型耦合使用,综合模拟小流域的水文水质变化。

    The results show that tank model can better simulate the runoff , and integrate simulation it is suitable for hydrology and quality change in a small basin .

  12. 在不断调整参数后,共5个参数的线性水箱模型给出了一个与实际观测水位基本趋势一致的地下水位模拟结果,基本可以刻画断裂带的地下水动态特征。

    After adjusting parameters , linear model with five parameters gives a simulation result of groundwater that changing trend with actual is uniform . This simulation basically describes the dynamic characteristics of groundwater .

  13. 本文选用水箱模型、萨克拉门托模型和自适应修正预报模型,对新疆部分河流的日径流过程进行了模拟,并对其模型的适用条件和特点作了比较分析。

    By using Tank model , Sacramento model and forecasting model of self-adapting amendment , the paper simulates daily runoff processes for some rivers in Xinjiang and compares suitable conditions and characteristics of these models .

  14. 另外,对影响含水结构地震反应的一些参数进行了研究。(6)提出了一种新型减振耗能水箱模型。

    In addition , some parameters influencing seismic responses of structure with water were discussed . ( 6 ) A novel tuned liquid dampers ( TLD ) rectangular tank with two angle-adjustable baffles is presented .

  15. 在计算中,将整车的质量及悬架特性载入水箱模型,分析水箱在各种工况下的运动特性及悬架系统的变形和受力状况;

    In the calculation , the total mass and character of suspension has been loaded on the water tank model , by both of which it can analyze the movement character , distortion and stress status of suspension .

  16. 本文将水箱模型应用到花山水库洪水预报中,根据花山水库所处的地理气候情况,采用了三水箱串联型水箱模型,取得了令人满意的效果。

    The paper applies the Tank model in the flood forecast of Huashan reservoir , adopts three Tanks series connection modes on the basis of geographical and climatic situation in Huashan reservoir zone , its result is satisfied .

  17. 分析研究了高级过程控制系统实验装置的结构、技术参数等,并采用机理法建立了三容水箱的模型。

    An analysis and study of advanced process control system about the technical parameters of the experimental device , and the mathematic model of the mechanism established by the three-tank water system . 2 .

  18. 小孔口水箱供水数学模型的建立与实现

    Setting up and Realizing the Mathematical Model of Water Giving Systems of Small hole Water Tanks

  19. 本文应用一种工业上易于获取的阶跃响应模型,根据其预测控制算法对有约束的三容水箱系统进行模型预测控制。

    The article applies a step response model obtained easily in industry for model prediction control of restricted 3 container water tanks according to its prediction control algorithm .

  20. 建立了双容水箱系统的数学模型,采用串级控制方案对双容水箱液位系统进行控制,控制算法采用数字PID。

    The mathematical model of the double-tank is developed , the cascade control-scheme and digital PID algorithm have been adopted in this system .

  21. 本文首次提出利用设置竖向可移动隔板的矩形水箱作为可控TLD模型。

    A new model of controllable TLD using a rectangular tank with vertical baffles is presented firstly in the paper .

  22. 本文针对这一问题,围绕如何设计更有效的液位控制系统展开研究。论文先采用机理建模的方法对被控对象单容水箱建立了仿真模型,对其设计了常规PID控制系统。

    In order to solve this problem , this thesis researches how to design better control systems . Firstly , a simulation model of single level tanker is set up by mechanism modelling and a classical PID control system is adopted .

  23. 提出利用设置竖向可移动隔板的矩形水箱作为可控TLD模型,介绍了求解该模型内液体晃动问题的VOF方法。

    A model of controllable Tuned Liquid Damper using a rectangular tank with a movable vertical baffle was presented , and Volume of Fluid method was introduced to study the liquid sloshing of the model .

  24. 水箱水质变化数学模型及计算机仿真研究

    Research on mathematical model of water quality change in water tank computer and simulation

  25. 分析了线性和非线性阻力板的流量特性,并通过实验测定了阻力板流量系数。最后给出了三容水箱的线性化模型。

    The flow coefficients of weir flow meters are determined by experiment , and the linearization model of three-tank water is obtained .

  26. 文中,对电机转速控制模型,水箱温度水位控制模型,化工反应模型等结合预测理论进行了控制仿真,并得到了满意的控制结果。

    A motor model , a water tank model and a chemical reactor model are also studied , and pleased simulation results are accessed .

  27. 减少汇水箱的阻力系数可以提高泵站装置效率,文章采用相似原理设计泵站多边形汇水箱水力模型,并对多边形汇水箱的不同流态进行了模型试验。

    Reducing drag coefficient of sink tank can raise efficiency of pumping station . In this paper , the theory of similarity is used to design the hydraulic model of polygonal sink tank , and the different flowing states of the model are tested .

  28. 针对三容水箱是较为典型的非线性、时延对象,具有很强的代表性这一特点,通过机理建模方法建立了三容水箱的一般数学模型。

    To the three-tank water , a typically non-linear and delayed plant , the general mathematic model of three-tank water is established by means of mechanism modeling method , and the characteristics of both linear and non-linear weir flow meters are analyzed .