
  1. 太行山南麓栓皮栎群落结构特征分析

    Structural characteristics of the Quercus variabilis forest community in south area of Taihang Mountains

  2. 结果太行山南麓食管癌高发区食管癌、贲门癌和胃癌发病率或死亡率的合计占到全身恶性肿瘤的70%~80%。

    Results Esophageal cancer , cardia cancer , and stomach cancer constitute about 70 ~ 80 percent of all malignant disease combined by incidence or mortality .

  3. 林木的过度砍伐,对太行山北段、燕山南麓山区造成了显著的生态破坏,在明清时期表现得尤为突出。

    Because of the montanic forest was felled excessively , the regional environment of the northern sector of Taihang Mountains and the southern foot of Yanshan Mountains were seriously damaged at ecology , that was especially prominence in the Ming and Qing Dynasties .