
  • 网络The Sun Times
  1. 太阳时报报业集团(Sun-TimesNewspaperGroup)裁掉整个摄影师团队(这些摄影师合计拥有大约500年左右的专业经验)的决定让所有人都在纳闷:究竟有什么能够证明此举的合理性。

    The decision by Sun-Times newspaper group to eliminate its entire photography staff , with its 500 or so collective years of professional experience , has everyone wondering what could possibly justify such a move .

  2. 《芝加哥太阳时报》的评价是《猎鹿人》教我们永远不要忘记战争的惨痛历史。

    Chicago Sun-Times commented that The Deer Hunter tells people never to forget the war .

  3. 太阳时报的报道,周二的版本是德安东尼在下个赛季将执教公牛。

    The Sun-Times reported in Tuesday 's edition that D'Antoni wants to coach the Bulls next season .

  4. 一小群人经常在节目直播时聚集到直播间外面的窗户附近,但是没有人在这次事故中受伤,而这位肇事的司机还没有下车就被逮捕,《芝加哥太阳时报》说。

    Small crowds often form outside the studio 's windows during newscasts but no one was hurt and the driver was arrested inside the van , the Sun-Times reported .

  5. 据《芝加哥太阳时报》报道,现年49岁的威廉?奈特和新娘尼基在14日下午5点的婚礼仪式结束后驱车前往一家旅馆。大约晚上11时45分左右,他们看到一辆车被困在了雪地里。

    The Chicago Sun Times reports 49-year-old William Knight was driving with his bride Nikki to a hotel after their 5:00 p.m. ceremony when he spotted a vehicle in a ditch .

  6. 芝加哥太阳时报的罗杰·艾尔伯特给与了这部影片满分,认为它是一部有血有肉,充满欢笑,并用机智的手法庆祝了这一文化符号。”

    Roger Ebert of the ' Chicago Sun-Times ' gave the film 4 out of 4 stars , describing it as , " a full-blooded , joyous , intelligent celebration of a beloved cultural icon . "

  7. 《芝加哥太阳时报》影评罗杰·艾伯特在给体育记者杰·马里奥帝的一封公开信中这样写道。马里奥帝离开太阳时报成为一名电视台记者,并在接受采访时说,报纸已经死亡了。

    Chicago Sun-Times movie critic Roger Ebert , in an open letter to sportswriter Jay Mariotti , who quit the paper to become a TV reporter and told an interviewer that " newspapers are dead " .