
  • 网络conagra;ConAgra Foods
  1. 例如——我担任麦当劳、百事可乐、康尼格拉、Safeway超市的顾问委员会主席,稍后还将担任德尔蒙特的,他们也正在发现这是项好生意。

    like -- I chair the advisory boards to McDonald 's , and PepsiCo , and ConAgra , and Safeway , and soon Del Monte , and they 're finding that it 's good business .

  2. 问题21.康尼格拉集团的商业成功得益于什么?

    Question 21 . What is said to contribute to ConAgra 's business success ?

  3. 康尼格拉公司于2003年出售了其子公司联合农业产品公司。

    The omaha-based company sold United agri products in2003 .

  4. 纳塔利:我原本在旧金山获聘了一份工作,当时他得到了一份康尼格拉食品公司工作。

    Natalie : I had a job waiting for me in San Francisco when he got an offer from ConAgra .

  5. 康尼格拉集团总裁查尔斯·哈珀表示,冷冻餐的健康选择是从他的心脏病开始着手的。

    According to Charles Harper , Chairman of ConAgra , the Healthy Choice line of frozen dinners began with his own heart attack .

  6. 这一结果支持康尼格拉集团对该产品定位的决定,即用该产品去和其他高质量冷冻餐竞争,而不是和减肥食品或健康食品竞争。

    This finding supported ConAgra 's decision to position the product against other high-quality frozen dinners rather than as a diet or health food .

  7. 因为康尼格拉集团认为这个产品会是一种冲动消费,所以让其在冷冻餐里脱颖而出非常重要。

    Because ConAgra felt the product would be an impulse purchase , it was important to make the item stand out in the freezer case .

  8. 传言将围绕该康尼格拉食品,主要生产零食包,是试图让贾斯汀比伯认可慈善他们的产品。

    Rumours are going around that ConAgra Foods , which produces Snack Pack , is trying to get Justin Bieber to endorse their product for charity .

  9. 康尼格拉集团的研发员工在“不论成本多高,不要牺牲掉味道”这一准则下进行了一年的开发。首个市场测试结果令康尼格拉团队都感到惊讶。

    ConAgra 's research and development staff spent a year working under the instruction " Whatever the cost , don 't sacrifice taste . " The first test market results surprised even the ConAgra team .